The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 202: New human age

"The Dragon Who Eats the World(


"He woke up..."

"Can you be sure that it is the real body, not the spatiotemporal information body..."

"From the point of view of continuity, it is true..."

"From the plot point marked 98+29, to the plot point 98+202, we did it..."


Head, a little dizzy.

Opened his eyes in a daze, what appeared in front of the boy was a strange world, and he seemed to be in a strange cylinder.

And outside the cylinder, a group of tall and slender humanoids are looking at themselves, saying something from time to time. They are dressed in strange robe-like clothing, with their hands raised between their feet, looking noble and calm.

The body is soaked in transparent liquid, and the liquid is breathed unconsciously in the mouth and nose, but there is no suffocation at all, just as natural as breathing.

"Here...Where is it?"

The boy was immersed in the liquid, stretched out his hand in surprise, and touched the cylinder in front of him.

It's a bit cold, I can't tell what it feels like, I only know it's smooth.

In his memory, he used to lie exhausted at home after catching the sheep for a day. After waking up, he suddenly appeared here.

Outside the cylinder, those tall and thin "people" muttered to each other, and then one person stretched out his fingers and tapped a few times in the air.

Just like witchcraft, the smooth and perfect cylinder suddenly opened a "door", but the liquid did not flow out, but was incredibly suspended, still maintaining a cylindrical shape.

The boy was a little timid, but the "person" opposite nodded and motioned for the boy to come out. This kind attitude made the teenager who was alert because he suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar environment a little settled.

After hesitating, the boy walked out of this cylinder.

But what made the young man embarrassed was that he didn't have anything to cover him, so he could only cover it with his hands in embarrassment.

One of the "persons" seemed to see the boy's embarrassment. With a wave of his hand, a set of hemp clothes appeared on the boy's body, just like the one he wore before going to bed.

Then, the "person" in front of him spoke.

"A young man from the past plot point, welcome you in the future plot point."

The familiar accent is the same as the accent of the boy’s hometown.

"Who are you? Where are you? What are you doing?"

The boy was a little at a loss. He didn't know why he suddenly appeared here, and he didn't know who these people were.

There are a lot of questions in his mind.

The "person" who opened his mouth showed a strange expression. Although it was a little different from human beings, the boy could see that it was smiling.

"These questions are not easy to explain, please come with me, and I will explain to you slowly."

The man stepped forward, and until then, the boy could clearly realize how tall it was.

Although he is not an adult, there are adults with high shoulders, but in front of this tall and slender "person", he only reaches his waist.

Then, the "person" took the young man's hand, just like an adult holding a baby, and the two bodies suddenly floated towards the sky.

The boy almost wanted to call out, but the smooth "roof" above his head didn't hinder the two of them in the slightest, and he didn't even feel at all, so he penetrated directly.

Passing through the roof, what appeared in front of the boy was a world under the blue sky. The sun in the distance had just risen, still with afterglow.

In the distance, you can vaguely see the ridges and mountains, and under the majestic mountains is the long grassland, and some animals can be vaguely seen.

The leap did not stop, and the two were still heading towards the sky.

The ground under his feet is getting farther and farther away from him, and it is getting rounder and rounder, gradually becoming a sphere.

Soon, the clouds drifted past the boy, and then the entire sky was under the boy's feet.

The boy's body was trembling with fright, his eyes closed tightly, and he dared not look again. Only dare not let go of that hand and snuggle tightly next to the "person" beside him.

The young man who had never seen this scene was terrified, but at this moment, the young man with his eyes closed heard a laugh beside him.

"Boys from the past, don't be afraid, look up. Take a look, the whole starry sky is shining before your eyes."

The laughter was very gentle, as if it were treating an ignorant child.

The frightened young man opened his eyes slightly, and everything that fell into his eyes stunned him, his eyes slowly widened, and he looked at everything in front of him in surprise.


Endless stars.

In the dark void, countless stars are shining.

In the extreme distance, some indescribable machinery can be seen faintly carrying the planets and relocating those huge celestial bodies.

Some of the same tall and thin people are floating in the dark void in the distance, constantly discussing something, and pointing at the celestial bodies in transit from time to time.

Like the **** who created the world, the entire universe has become a huge work of art.

Under the boy's feet, is the huge blue celestial body, and in front of the boy's eyes, is a group of gods planning the world.

"this is……"

The young man who was shocked by the magnificence in front of him, said in a dream.

"This is the world after that decisive battle. We are rebuilding this world."

The "person" beside him said.

"After that decisive battle, we won, but the universe also needs to be reorganized. Whether it is the causal chain or the timeline, or the basic physical constants and mathematical laws, these must be rebuilt."

"Many laws have been disrupted, and the basic logic has been repeatedly broken, and it is no longer so strong. Even for a while, people from all time and space may randomly appear on the battlefield. Although these stars and celestial bodies are dazzling, they are all present now. Keep staying away until the big tear occurs..."

As he said, the voice sighed.

"This universe has suffered from a serious illness and is almost dying. Now we must take care of it. All the celestial bodies in the universe must be rearranged one by one to form a precise matrix; every piece of history must be sorted out to prevent any more Power travels through the past and the future at will, and traveling through time and space will become forbidden; there are many, many, many...These things are too many to be measured by time, and we will spend a lot of time to do all of this."

"And when all this work is completed, the entire, everything will usher in a new life..."

The voice spoke softly, but the meaning of it has completely surpassed the boy's understanding and imagination.

"Are you... Gods?"

A small, formal voice sounded.

"Ren" lowered his head and looked at the awed teenager around him, and there was a little more awe on his face.

This kind of picking up the sun, moon and stars, moving celestial bodies, and reshaping the order of the universe is completely unimaginable for a young man. In his eyes, only God can do all this.

The tall and slender man laughed again.

"We are not gods."

"You just asked, who are we. Then I tell you, we are new humans, brand-new humans, and your children...that is not true, or your fathers. You created us at the source, We in turn shaped you at the end to ensure that in the future, we will be born."

"From a perspective beyond time and space, everything is so wonderful."

Then, looking at the young and immature boy in front of him, the new human said softly.

"And you are a human being drawn from a plot point in the past."

"It is not a body of information drawn from the past time, but a truly unique entity from the plot of the past. This kind of thing is very incredible even for us. But I did not expect that all of this is actually true. It can be done...Perhaps, all this is the choice of fate..."

As he said, the new human was caught in strange thinking, muttering something in his mouth.

The young man did not understand what the new humans said, but he only understood one thing, and that was that these noble creatures, like gods, were also humans.

And here, it seems to be the future.

"Can humans do this too?"

Looking at those new humans who planned the universe and were as noble as gods, the young man's heart was full of shock.

The new human next to him looked at him and said.

"Well, now let me, as a new human, come here to introduce you to this era for the old human boy."


In the following days, the young man named Yingge, led by a new human named Yuchang, has seen many things.

Those who can create everything, dreams come true, those who can sculpt the wonders of the microcosm in particles, and those cultures that gather the wonders of all ages, all make young people linger.

However, the day of leaving is still coming. The special identity of the young boy prevents him from staying in this era for a long time, and he is about to be sent back.

"Are you ready? It looks like it's goodbye now."

In front of something similar to a magic circle, the new human looked at the young man in front of him and sighed.


The boy just nodded calmly.

Compared to the timid boy at the beginning, he is now calm and calm, with light in his eyes.

Although the experience of the past few days is short, his spirit has undergone earth-shaking changes and a complete transformation.

He has seen many cultures and communicated with many people. The fish that climbed onto the land will no longer be fish.

"Jew, do you think we can do all of yours too?"

Before stepping into the circle, the boy asked suddenly.

There was an unexpected silence.

He knows that the past time and space may change, but the past plot is impossible to change, because the "plot" has already happened.

At the 98+29 plot point where the teenager is, everything has been written, and there is no room for change.

He can lie, but he cannot lie to the teenager.

Seeing the young man's expectant gaze, Yu Chang finally shook his head.

But the boy did not show disappointment, but showed it.

"That's right."

"Aren't you... disappointed?"

He hesitated for a long time and asked.

The boy shook his head. He looked at the direction of the sky, as if he could always see the distant stars through the sky.

He stared blankly, just like seeing the starry sky he saw that day, countless stars shining in front of his eyes.

He made a sound like a dream.

"Yes, it took a long, long, long time for the new humans you belonged to... a long time, countless efforts, many failures, and finally came to where I am now. If I can do whatever I want. If you reach your level, wouldn’t that be too light of, is it our effort?"

As the boy spoke, he hesitated suddenly, then shook his head to deny, then smiled and said to Jude.

The boy's smile is very bright.

Then, the boy walked towards the circle.

The teleportation device activated based on a certain singular principle began to glow, and the boy was about to leave the world.

You Chang looked at the boy with complicated eyes.

The transmission device glowed, and the figure of the boy gradually became blurred.

But at this moment, the boy suddenly raised his head and shouted excitedly at Juchang.

"It's long! Although I can't be like you, I will definitely create a utopia of our own in my! I will definitely..."

The voice hasn't finished speaking, and the person has completely disappeared into the light.

Utopia is something that Judah once told the boy.

In this ancient social concept, there are the best things in the eyes of a teenager. Although he knows that it is impossible to be like a new man, the teenager still yearns for some changes in his own time.


When I opened my eyes, there was a low thatched roof in front of me, and everything seemed to be just a dream.

After blinking, the boy sat up.

There was no light in the dark room. He stood up and opened the door. What appeared in front of the boy was a wild world.

There are no magnificent planet cities, no ingenious buildings, no brilliant culture and technology, and there are only Gobi deserts and withered autumn grasses.

It's desperate to be wild.

However, the young man blinked and looked at all of this, but he had already made a decision in his heart.

"Um...I can do it."

In this age of mythology, a legend of a thousand-year-old king began.


In the planetary library, a new human was silently flipping through books.

Even with technology beyond imagination, in some respects, new humans still have their own hobbies, such as reading books.

While flipping through the books, the new man saw a piece of material that was not conspicuous in it, but he suddenly stopped and finally smiled inexplicably.

"This guy……"

[... In the twenty-ninth chapter of the plot, there is an emperor who has been immortal for thousands of years. His real name is Yingge, who claims to be Juchang, and built a huge and powerful empire throughout his life... Destroyed by the flood. 】

-"We are trapped in words, but the story is infinitely vast-to those who have existed"