The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 31: Submarine volcano

"damn it……"

After realizing that he seemed to be lost, the dissatisfaction on Thor's face became more serious, and at this moment, the huge octopus wandering beside him stretched out long and thick tentacles after testing. , As if treating Thor as food, preparing to eat Thor.

   However, Thor, who is in the midst of an upset, doesn't have a good temper. In other words, Thor, who has a violent personality, rarely has a good temper.


Glancing at the stupid octopus who knew nothing about life or death, he gave a cold snort and didn't even move. I saw Thor's body erupted with astonishing violent lightning instantly. On the dark seabed, the dazzling thunder and lightning suddenly burst out as if It was like a small sun, illuminating the nearby seabed for several kilometers, and the remaining dazzling light could not dissipate for a long time. The stupid octopus was directly electrocuted into a ball of coke before it could move.

   However, there was a complaining voice beside Thor.

   "Don't be so impulsive, you can let me ask something."

   said, a hand stretched out, and the little octopus soul that emerged from the charcoal octopus wreck was easily held in the palm of the hand.

Taking a look at Thor next to him, Loki turned to face the little octopus soul in his palm, and muttered something. In front of him, the little octopus, which seemed to be less than the palm of his hand, was mostly used. I just waved my tentacles casually. Only occasionally, the tentacles would wave regularly, as if in response to Loki's words.

   After a long time, Loki's palms closed, and the soul of the little octopus turned into fragments of light, and fell toward the kingdom of death at the bottom of the world tree.

   "This little guy is so stupid, I don't know if I ask three questions, but the only thing I can be sure of is that I don't even want to find Yemengard within a range of about ten kilometers around here."

   Loki scratched his head in distress.

   "What should I do?"

   Thor looked at Loki and asked.

   Rocky thought for a while and asked tentatively.

   "Or, let's ask the sea **** Egil again..."

   "Absolutely not!"

   However, Thor furiously shouted fiercely as if he had been stung by a scorpion.

After that, no matter how Loki persuaded him, Thor resolutely refused to call the old sea **** to let him show him the way again. The reason is very simple, if people know that Thor, the strongest **** in the heavens, is actually lost. , Don’t you want to be laughed at by others?

   The extremely face-saving Thor obviously cannot accept this situation, and naturally he firmly opposes it.

   However, Loki didn't care about it at all. He was used to slutty, and he hadn't done anything.

However, Loki didn’t care, but Thor was very concerned. In desperation, Loki had to continue wandering around the bottom of the sea with Thor, catching a few sea creatures from time to time, asking about it, trying his luck, and seeing if he could find it. clue.

  According to Loki, it is.

   "Our location should not be far from the destination. Look for more, it shouldn't be difficult to find."

In this way, the two have searched the bottom of the sea for more than ten days, but they have not found any clues. Along the way, except for the occasional huge submarine canyon, even some hills are invisible, except for the monotonous or monotonous, which is really discouraging. .

   However, it is not entirely unfounded.


   "Rumble rumbling rumbling!!!"

On the dark seabed, there was a blaze burning in front of Rocky and Thor, and accompanied by the fire, there was a low and trembling roar like a subwoofer from there. The huge roar made the seawater shock. In the tremor.

"what is that?"

   Seeing the light, Thor murmured with some confusion, and beside him, Loki also showed a confused expression.

   "Look closer."

   Rocky suggested.

   The two continued to walk forward, and they walked for a short while before they approached the place where the fire was...

   A huge, active submarine volcano.

Under their gaze, a low mountain peak sits on the bottom of the sea. The center of the mountain seems to be cut off. It is jetting out countless gases and hot lava from the top. These gases rub against the sea water violently. Together, the generated heat and lava form a little flame, and the little hot lava blooms in the air column with brilliant brilliance.

Because of the large amount of jetted air column, even if the Rocky and Thor stations are still far away, you can clearly feel the heavy pressure of the sea being pushed away. The trembling gas and the sea water together form this depression. The roar of the seabed.

   "It's amazing."

   Thor, who had never seen this scene, looked at the wonder in front of him, and was surprised.

   However, Loki looked at this submarine volcano, but his face was a little bit confused. He looked around for a while, looking in the other direction, his eyes gradually became sharper.

   In that direction, although it is faint, there is still a flaring light that can be seen vaguely.

   " there also an undersea volcano?"

   He murmured, his eyes more suspicious.

   "Let's go over and take a look."

   At Loki's proposal, the two walked towards the other flame together.

   It was another half day. When the two walked to the place of fire, they saw a submarine volcano almost exactly the same. The similarity seemed to be a duplicate.

   "Do all the volcanoes on the sea floor look like this?"

   Thor looked at Loki, strangely.

   Rocky shook his head and said.

   "I don't know, I haven't seen it before."

   However, the confusion in Loki's heart became more and more serious, but he couldn't tell what it was, only felt something was wrong.

   "Two identical submarine volcanoes..."

   Rocky was meditating, but at this moment, in front of Rocky and Thor, the volcano gradually stopped ejecting, and the column of gas expelled was slowly weakening.

   The flames gradually dissipated, and the dark seabed briefly illuminated by the burning lava gushing out of the submarine volcano, gradually plunged into darkness again.

   At the same time, under Loki's gaze, the ignition light in the distance gradually dimmed and went out.

   Loki was vaguely aware of something wrong, as if thinking of something, but not clear.

   Then, a large amount of sea water began to be sucked in by the "volcano", and the huge suction caused the nearby sea water to form a crazy vortex, making the two gods a little unstable.

   This kind of huge suction is like a huge hole suddenly appeared on the seabed.

   "Wait, could it be said..."

   Loki suddenly seemed to have thought of something, his face was full of surprise, and then he flew up suddenly.


  Tor hurriedly spoke, but Loki didn't care about his reaction at all. In his line of sight, he flew straight up, and he couldn't hear what he said at all. Thor could only follow and follow.

  After flying for a long time, Loki stopped.

   "Rocky, what's wrong with you..."

   Thor, who had caught up with Loki, looked at him, and was about to speak, but saw Loki's gaze on the bottom of the sea below him, the surprise on his face became full of surprise, and he couldn't help but follow his gaze...

  A staggering scene Under Thor's gaze, the head of a vague behemoth appeared on the bottom of the sea...

  No, it should be said that it has always been there, but Thor and Loki have been walking on top of it, but they didn't even notice it.

   Those "submarine canyons" that they often encounter on their way, where are the canyons... that are clearly the faults that appear when the scales of the huge monster are stacked on top of each other.

And the two "submarine volcanoes" that were mistaken for submarine volcanoes by the two of them were not submarine volcanoes at all... but the nostrils of the behemoth when it was sleeping. Every breath it took when it was sleeping, it sucked in a lot of sea water, and Spit out a column of air as strong as a tornado.

   In front of this behemoth, the two gods seemed so small that they could not even count as dust.

   "It... has become even bigger."

   The dumbfounded Thor muttered to himself.

He had seen this behemoth before. Although in the impression, this behemoth was too big to imagine, but now it seems... as if it has become even larger, as far as he can see, even with Thor's vision as a god. It is difficult to see the whole picture of the behemoth, at best it can only see the outline of a faint snake head.

   "No wonder the sea **** Egil only told us which sea area to go to, but didn't say where it was...because the entire seabed was its head at all."

   "We spent more than ten days, but we haven't actually been able to get out of the top of its head... It's just... more than a dozen scales that straddle its head..."

   Gazing into the distance of his vision, the closed snake eyes hidden in the dark deep sea water, vague, indistinguishable, and as large as a mountain on the bottom of the sea, Loki murmured in amazement.