The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 50: Whispering dreams

   The human world, deep in the high mountains next to a small remote village.

Everyone in this small village knows that there is a mysterious witch who lives deep in the mountains. She never shows up, and no one has seen her appear. No one knows what she looks like, only when someone tries to tell her. When she asks for prophetic help such as marriage, hunting, and driving away beasts, she will give some enlightenment to others by voice in the thatched house where she lives.

   When the help seeker gets the revelation, he will leave a sheep, or a cow, or some other precious goods as a reward for the witch.

   This kind of life has been going on for decades, and it has never changed.

   And on this day, another confused seeker came here to seek enlightenment.

   "Mysterious witch, please tell me what the future of this child will be..."

   an elderly farmer dressed in simple clothes, holding a goat in one hand, and a young boy in the other, asked in awe.

The farmer’s awe of witches began when he was young. At that time, he didn’t even remember much. He heard so many rumors about witches from his parents and elders. Deeply in awe.

  I came here to be able to ask the witch about the future of her beloved little son, whether there is any danger, and whether he can avoid it.

   In front of him, in the simple thatched hut, a long time later came a low and old female voice.

"He will become a brave warrior. In the future, his name is destined to resound everywhere. However, when he becomes an adult, that unspeakable bad luck will come to him, causing him great pain. ."

   Hearing the first half, the elderly farmer's face first showed joy, but when he heard the second half, he became panicked.

   "Then... Then what should I do..."

The bewildered farmer suddenly panicked, while the little boy on the side looked at his father in confusion. He still couldn't understand all of this, he still didn't understand what he said in the thatched hut and what his father was saying. .

   "...Remember, he must not kill a doe that is pregnant, so he can escape from this future."

   The people in the thatched cottage groaned for a long time before they said aloud.

  After many thanks, and after leaving the sheep respectfully, the delighted farmer left this place with his little son.

   For a while, outside the thatched house returned to calm, only the sound of Salsa's wind.

   After a long time, the simple wooden door was pushed open, revealing the slender and white arm behind the door, and the owner of the arm-a woman with a black cloak.

   The silent woman in the black cloak couldn't see her face clearly. She just walked out the door, then led the goat into the thatched house, and then closed the wood door.

   Inside the simple thatched house, it was pitch black, with only a little light from the narrow window.

And everything inside is even more pitiful, a few essential daily necessities and a bed made of dry straw mats, even the pottery has only one clay pot for holding water, nothing more, there is no doubt that this kind of Life is definitely hard, but the witch does not mind, she has long been accustomed to such a hard life.

   A glass of water, a few pieces of black bread, this is all the witch's diet for a day.

   released the sheep-holding rope in his hand, and then took off the cloak covering his head with his hand, and the witch showed a young and beautiful face.

Bright and calm pupils, slender crimson hair, smoothly draped over her shoulders, and her symmetrical body shape make this witch look more like a peaceful and quiet young girl without the smell of fireworks. He is not a mysterious prophet who answers puzzles and reveals prophecies for the world.

   The young red-haired witch faced the pure gold statue on a small altar in front of her, slowly knelt down, then clenched her hands on her chest, muttering prayers.

In front of her, the pure gold statue on the mysterious altar almost did not match the whole simple thatched house. The statue looked like a snake entrenched. The snake's posture and aura revealed a sense of indifference and coldness. , Exquisite and lifelike.

In order to make this statue, this statue that can match her master's identity, for hundreds of years, this dumb woman who had seen the earthly python Yemengard with her own eyes had exhausted all her efforts to get enough. Funding to make such a pure gold statue, for this reason, had to fend off food and clothing, so that it became a habit.

   And all this is just to be able to offer her reverence and faith to her master.

   And when the simple prayer was over, she took off a sharp dagger from the altar.


   Aside, the sheep cried blankly.


   It didn't take too much effort, and her skillful technique allowed her to easily dismember the sheep into pieces of fur and meat.

   She knew that her master would like these flesh and blood.

   After respectfully offering these flesh and blood as sacrifices and offering them on the altar, the girl again began to pray for a long time.

   "\'AI_C_GNAIIH, Y_GOF\'NN, Y_HRII_ULN! (My creator, your descendants, your servants are calling you here!)..."

   The girl prayed devoutly. Even if the person she prayed for never responded to her, the flesh and blood she sacrificed has never been used by the product, and she still insisted on praying.

For hundreds of years, despite the prosperity and destruction of the human kingdom, the birth and disappearance of villages, and the birth and death of generations of people, she has never given up prayer and sacrifice, because she has always believed that her master and her creator must listen. Here comes her prayer.

   And the evidence is the fine snake scales behind her ears, the snake scales growing in the inconspicuous corners of her body, and the pair of erect snake pupils.

   Whenever she prayed, those snake scales would tremble slightly, just like the muttering dream of some kind of giant beast, responding to her in this way.

These snake scales have proved that she is no longer the human dumb woman she used to be, or that when she witnessed the magnificent scene that shook the world, the human dumb woman was already dead, and she was replaced by the dumb woman. Female flesh, inhuman life mixed with the human soul and the power of the giant snake.

   The youthful appearance, the immortal life span... are just appendages of this product.

   Just like her prayers, the Orochi Yemengad is her creator, her father, and her master, and she is the descendant of Orochi, and the servant of Orochi.

   It was impossible for her to go back long ago, because all her body and mind already belonged to her master-Yemengarde.

   After the long prayers ended, she drank a little water and ate a small piece of black bread, and she was ready to sleep.

   Lying on the bed made of straw, the girl murmured a short prayer again in her mouth, and fell into a deep dream.

   On the altar beside her, the pure gold snake statue looked down at her coldly like a living thing.



   In my ears, it was as if someone was singing, and it seemed that someone was muttering.

The sound is indistinct, which only makes people feel melodious and shocking, as if it is the sound of the sky from the sky, and the sound of the sky is accompanied by the breathing of a certain beast when it is sleeping. The low breathing makes People felt a tremor from the bottom of their hearts.


   was in a blur, as if shrouded in white mist, her drowsy consciousness made the girl unable to clearly feel all this beside her.

   The heavy breathing of the giant beast sounded in his ears, accompanied by inexplicable murmurs and dreamlike babbles, the girl wandered blankly in the white mist, as if in a cloud, and as if in a dream.

   The sound of breathing that made ordinary people feel trembling, but the girl felt a sense of peace and obsession inexplicably.

   After wandering for a long time, the girl suddenly remembered something that she had subconsciously ignored.

"where is this place……"

And the moment this idea was born, everything that was originally peaceful suddenly broke apart, replaced by a hideous, terrifying, and violent, like a giant sleeping in the white mist. The beast was awakened.

An inexplicable sense of great fear and trembling instantly enveloped the girl’s heart. The calmness and wisdom accumulated over the past hundred years are not worth mentioning in this deep sense of fear derived from the most instinct of life, and it was instantly torn into pieces. Smashed.

   fell limp to the ground.

   Teeth were trembling constantly, and the body was trembling, but what was born with the sense of fear was a kind of deep fanatical worship. The girl realized that she finally saw it again...


   The roar that shook the world tore open the white mist that enveloped everything, revealing the truth that is shrouded in the white mist...

In the vast sky, the terrifying and hideous pupils coldly overlook everything underneath, and the body covered with countless scales is quietly unfolding, covering almost everything in the field of vision, with a long tail. Swinging randomly in the air, the whole world is setting off a storm for it.

   As far as the eye can see, from directly above the head to the farthest horizon, the entire sky is covered by this incredible beast.

   In other words, it is the sky.

   While looking at the giant sky beast overhead, the face of the girl who was limp on the ground showed deep excitement and enthusiasm.

   As the girl had seen before, the scene that she will never forget...

   The master of her faith, finally felt her call.

   (The prayer language in the text is not any language on the earth, but the Laleiya language in the Cthulhu mythology, which was written by the author himself, purely to increase the atmosphere.)