The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 52: Whispers of the devil

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The cold hands and feet have lost their intuition due to blood loss, and even the pain that penetrates through the hands and feet is almost invisible, and the images in front of them gradually become blurred, and the brain begins to grow dizzy.


Unconsciously panting in his mouth, there are no extra thoughts in his mind, no pain, no other thoughts, even the initial cold and tiredness can hardly be felt, but there is a vague sense of peace.

The entanglement that has always plagued my heart seems to have become clear...

He tried to laugh inexplicably, but it seemed that the place where he should be his lips was about to lose his feeling. There was only a cold feeling on his face, and he didn't even know whether he had already laughed.

But at this moment, there seemed to be a deep voice in his ears.

"Huh? Is it finally decided in my heart."

There was no ups and downs in that low voice, and there was no emotion, it was cold.

Once, he thought that voice was here to stop him, but in the end, this whisper was actually helping him and helping him grow the church even stronger.

Along with that voice, a clear image appeared in the originally blurred vision...

In the dark mist that gradually filled the line of sight, everything in front of him disappeared, only faintly in the depths of the darkness, as if an invisible twisted creature was constantly changing its shape.

That distorted body, for some reason, made Joshua feel a trembling and terrifying beauty.

What kind of beauty is that...

Not a man, not a woman; not a child, not an old man; not a good person, not a wicked person; not an ignorant beast, nor a knowledgeable wise man...

It's all beings, not all beings...

Just as night fell, the deep darkness that hid the stars and the moon was so magnificent.

At this moment, that overly beautiful invisible creature seems to be looking at him in the dark. All his five senses can only feel the coldness and oppression that penetrates the bones of his bones. It seems to be looking at the bottomless abyss, and will be affected at any time. It's swallowed.

However, looking at the figure that made people feel terrified and trembling, Joshua felt an inexplicable sense of peace. At some point, his unconscious throat seemed to be able to speak again.

"I already understand... I have made my choice."

When he opened his mouth, his voice was no longer stagnant, and he didn't mean any dying person at all, but Joshua at this moment did not realize this.

"Between the God I believe in and the merciful..."

Joshua raised his head, and there was darkness all around, in a daze. He seemed to be back in that dream again...In that dream, there was darkness everywhere beside him, with only a six-pointed star accompanying him.

He used to be accompanied only by God, but now... he is no longer alone.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, a relaxed smile that he hadn't seen in a long time.

"If God's will is that only Jews can be saved, but all mankind cannot be saved, then I would rather not have this god. If the price of believing in God is abandoning man, then I would rather abandon God."

In the relaxed words, with deep relief.

He didn't die for God, but for the church he built.

"Interesting mortal."

There was a deep laughter in the darkness, and the laughter was full of inexplicable and trembling magical charm, but Joshua did not realize that there was also a little sarcasm in the laughter.

"Human, you love the church you founded, don't you."

The whispers of the devil rang in Joshua's ears.

"Naturally, the church was created by me. It exists to allow all human beings in the world to belong to the same faith, and from then on to be like brothers, without disputes."

Joshua has a smile on his face, as if talking about his most cherished child. There is no doubt that this doctor, once named Han Na, is a pure idealist. He integrates his ideal world into the church and looks forward to the day when his ideal will be realized.

However, the only response to him was the devil's wanton laughter.

" brothers? No more disputes?"

"Poor human beings, but you don't know that in this world, all those who try to build heaven on earth will turn it into hell."

There is no **** in this world, because the earth is the **** in the mouth of angels.

The world is hell.

As he said, a hand stretched out from the darkness and clicked on Joshua's forehead-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Dragon Swallowing the World!

Immediately afterwards, countless pictures flashed in front of Joshua...

After his death, his disciples and believers preached in his name in the Middle East. In the end, the "stone" Peter realized that preaching in the fierce conflict in the Middle East was not a good choice.

Therefore, many disciples went north to Anatolia, crossed the peninsula, entered Greece, climbed the mountains, entered Rome, spread to various places within the Roman Empire, and spread his teachings throughout the Roman Empire.

This Christianity, which is regarded as a branch of Judaism, has many differences from Judaism from the beginning. Many religions despise women and even prohibit women from worshiping. But Christianity, which advocates love and forgiveness, has welcomed female believers from the very beginning. The wives and young ladies of many wealthy families do not admire the gods of war or kings, but rather have a good impression of patience and forgiving Christianity, so they have chosen to believe in Christianity and become the strongest pillar of Christianity.

But another feature of Christianity is even more advantageous. In that era when missions were often concentrated in cities, Christianity, because of Joshua’s first missionary experience in the countryside, often had missionaries to the countryside, and eventually the entire village was developed into The result of the believers.

A large number of villages embraced Christianity, and fire... just spread from the countryside slowly.

When the Roman emperor realized this, it was already too late. Many villages, many citizens, and even the army widely believed in this Christ, which threatened the imperial rule.

No matter how many Roman emperors strictly banned them, or even killed them when they saw Christians, they could not stop the spread of their religion. The Roman emperor could kill a hundred, a thousand, and ten thousand people, but could he kill all the villagers in the entire empire?

In the end, even the Roman emperor finally bowed his head, believed in Christ, and canonized Christianity as the state religion...

Everything looks so beautiful.

When he saw this scene, Joshua's eyes were almost full of tears and excited, but he didn't realize...In the dark, the evil smile at the corner of the devil's mouth.

Immediately, many future pictures appeared in front of Joshua, and finally stopped on a certain picture...

Holding the flag of the cross aloft, numerous knights wearing chain and leather armor, numerous spear-wielding sergeants, rigorous and icy fronts pierced the sky, and the priests accompanying the army fanatically proclaimed the glory of the Holy Land.

"East! East! Brothers from the whole Christian world, take back our holy land!"

The pope, wearing a triple crown, gave his speech impassioned.

Numerous peasants, fallen aristocrats, mercenaries, pilgrims... Countless fanatical believers, brandishing their weapons, headed towards the holy land that is “full of milk and honey” in the classics.

The Crusaders, an expedition that brought together the power of the entire Christian world, went from west to east, all the way to the heads of the heathens, and the blood flowing in the holy place of Jerusalem, but they all cheered the same name in their mouths.

"In the name of Joshua (Jesus)!"

"No... it shouldn't be like this..."

But watching this scene, the young doctor felt the sky dim, his lips trembled, and he could barely speak, but the only sound of the devil's deep laughter was in his ears.

"Joshua, Messiah! Listen! Look! They are killing, looting, committing adultery, and fighting in your name!"

Witch hunt trials, tithes, atonement rolls...

There are believers of Christ everywhere, and the name of Joshua is chanted everywhere, but the world that Joshua expected is not seen everywhere.

The king believes in Christ, but uses his public opinion to suppress the common people, claiming that Joshua has granted him the power; the pope believes in Christ, but only uses his followers to make money, and he is full of illegitimate children of his mistress, but he keeps saying that he keeps pure for God.

When killing people, they said "In the name of Joshua!"

When taxing, they said, "In Joshua's name!"

When the war started they said "In the name of Joshua!"


"I never let you do this..."

Among Joshua's pupils, his pupils gradually diminished, and the ideal world in his heart had been destroyed, and some had only deep regret and self-blame.

But beside his ears, there was only the deep laughter of the devil.

"Mortals, your doctrine can't save them. What you have done has formed a larger power group and increased my followers."


In front of Ronukis, the unusually unique thin man finally looked at the sky in front of him, his face only blank and helpless.

In a daze, Ronukis vaguely felt the invisible power that had always been in his body, the tenacious power that could be defeated but could not be defeated...

Already broken.