The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 81: Mr. Isaac

In 1648, the Thirty Years War triggered by the dispute between Protestantism and Catholicism finally came to an end.

Prior to this, no one had expected that the scale of this war originated from small frictions, but eventually evolved into an all-out European war. The participating countries include the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, France, Scotland, England, Sweden, Denmark, and Poland. Himia, the Netherlands, Saxony, Austria, Bavaria... the total mobilized force of all countries exceeds millions of people, and the number of casualties can reach 700,000.

The Thirty Years' War was the total outbreak of various contradictions between religion and diplomacy in Europe for hundreds of years. As the Swedish King Gustav himself said in a letter to his prime minister: "All small wars here are all integrated into a full-scale European war."

After this war, the Habsburg dynasty was defeated, and the German states lost more than 60% of their population. The heavy losses were beyond words. But it was precisely through this battle that the consciousness of the German nation gradually formed, and the Germans felt the existence of the nation so deeply for the first time.

At the same time, the huge casualties also caused the European countries to be unable to start wars and lick their wounds. The rare era of peace has arrived, and European society has begun to recover...


April 12, 1689, London, England.


In a hall, sparse applause sounded. Amidst the gaze and whispers of many priests, scholars, bureaucrats, nobles, and even noble ladies, a middle-aged scholar with a hawk nose stepped onto the front desk and then bent over to everyone. Salute, and the president of the society, Earl Pembroke, looked at him with a smile and applauded.

"Congressman Isaac, I am very happy that you can join the Royal Society of London. Your "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" has been well-known in Europe. With your ingenuity, you will surely be able to add more to the gentlemen and ladies present here. Learning."

"Ha ha……"

In the audience, everyone heard the words and made a lot of kind laughter.

At this moment, the Royal Society of London is essentially just a popular science society serving the upper-class aristocrats and gentlemen. Members only need to be nominated for membership. The number of members of the entire society is less than one hundred and fifty, and among these one hundred and fifty. Less than one-fifth are scholars, and most of them are nobles, bureaucrats, and ladies who are curious about scientific knowledge.

For example, the Earl of Pembroke is a typical old nobleman, but he is extremely curious about science, and his high popularity has made him elected as the president of the Royal Society. Such a Royal Society is not so much a scientific society as it is a place of communication among numerous aristocratic bureaucrats. Scholars strive to find a place where they can rely on the sponsor. After all, research costs money.

While glancing at the many noble bureaucrats below, the middle-aged scholar's eyes showed some undetectable dissatisfaction, but then disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

Before long, several luthiers appeared in the hall and played orchestral music. The welcome to new members turned into a dance party for the society, and the middle-aged scholar would socialize from time to time.

And just as the scholar declined the invitation of a group of nobles to play, a voice suddenly rang in his ear.

"Mr. Isaac."

The middle-aged scholar was taken aback, turned his head to look, and saw that the chairman, Earl Pembroke, was looking at him with a smile behind him. The middle-aged scholar did not dare to neglect this nobleman who had great kindness towards him for some reason. , Had no choice but to say goodbye.

"Earl Pembroke."

But the Earl of Pembroke just waved his hand indifferently, and said.

"Just call me the president."

For some reason, the earl's sense of intimacy grew stronger, and while smiling, he carefully looked at the middle-aged scholar in front of him. What he saw made the middle-aged scholar feel a little uneasy and couldn't help but ask.

"I wonder what's the matter with the president?"

The earl just chuckled, then said in a low voice.

"There are some big people who want to see you, please follow me..."

Big shot?

The middle-aged scholar was puzzled. Although he believed that he had some fame, he was only a famous scholar and parliamentarian for the whole of Europe, and it was nothing. But what kind of person is even the earl called a great person...

What the middle-aged scholar at this moment does not know is that this sentence will completely change his destiny.


"Sion Mountain Priory?"

In a secret room, various religious symbols are painted all around. Three old monks wearing black monk robes sit in front of the middle-aged scholars. Unlike common monks, they do not wear crosses on their necks or bodies. It is wearing a symbol that resembles a triangle.

At this moment, the middle-aged scholar's mind was still in confusion. When the earl took him into a carriage, he took him to this remote house, and an old monk had already been waiting here for a long time. After getting off the carriage, the earl and the carriage left directly, leaving him alone in this secret room by the old monk.

But even if it was expected, what the old monk said was jaw-dropping and completely subverted the cognition of middle-aged scholars. Jesus, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Joan of Arc, the Priory of Sion, sculpture? The flood of information caught this smart and astute scholar somewhat by surprise.

"As I said, we keep ancient secrets and swear to fight against the evil hidden in the dark. One thousand six hundred years since the Prophet Ham, we have appeared in various images. And now, Ai Mr. Sack Newton, we have searched for many years and finally believe that you are the smartest person in the world. Now is the moment when the monastery needs your help."

In front of Newton, the headed old monk said calmly, his face was old, his long white eyebrows were hanging down, and he couldn't tell how many years he had lived.

However, Newton did not choose to believe his words immediately, but stroked his beard, with a slight doubt in his eyes, then looked at the old monk in front of him and said.

"Since you can hide for a thousand years, then I have a question, why are you willing to tell all these things out, you never think that as long as you say, I will accept it."

However, in front of Newton, the old monks did not speak, but made a low laugh inexplicably.

Listening to the low laughter, Newton already understood the consciousness of the old and did not ask any more, just nodded.

"Well, I agree with your invitation."


On the streets of London, on a carriage.

Count Pembroke was closing his eyes, pressing his forehead lightly with his thumb, looking a little frowning. In his mind, he couldn't remember what happened just now. He only remembered that he seemed to be attending the banquet of the society before. Why was he suddenly in the carriage?

"Why am I... on the carriage?"

Before he knew it, he muttered to himself, while outside the carriage, the groom who heard the earl mutter to himself responded in surprise.

"Earl Pembroke, isn't it the one you said you wanted to come out and relax?"

Come out... relax?

The Earl of Pembroke with a dilapidated headache thought for a while, but couldn't think of the reason, and finally had to give up.