The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 98: A warning from the rulers of the world

Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is also one of the famous tourist attractions.

According to the information obtained by Roberts, a young man named Uberto Bruni was originally born in Italy, but later came to the Netherlands with his mother’s remarriage due to the early death of his father. Later, his mother passed away and he was the only one. People live.

In the eyes of many people who know him, this is a dull and lonely honest child, with average academic performance, no friends, and can't see what he likes, but no one would have thought that he would become a "terrorist."

"He is really a very kind child, and he often comes to see me, an unreasonable old lady, but with a lonely personality. I was a little worried in the past, but I still didn't expect... Alas, someone on the Internet must be a bad teacher. He, he is still young, so he went astray..."

In a wooden house next to Bruni's former residence, in front of Roberts, an old woman sitting by the fireplace sighed while wiping her tears.

In the official calibre, Bruni is a terrorist lurking in the Netherlands, and Roberts is also an insider as a tabloid reporter this time.

And looking at the grandmother in front of her, Wendy also expressed deep regret in time, while trying to get more information, her teary eyes and red eye circles, people who don’t know will think she is emotionally overflowing. , But only Roberts knew that it was just her disguise.

Working as a partner between the two, Wendy has always dealt with issues such as interpersonal relations and intelligence, while Roberts dealt with combat issues. While Wendy tried to assemble more intelligence, Roberts worked on Through the window, I looked at the original site of Bruni’s house not far away...

A dilapidated wooden house that has been reduced to ruins and burnt everywhere. It is said that this was caused by a violent explosion in the basement. A large number of electronic parts were found in the basement the size of a football field. It seems to be in the basement. There used to be a huge server warehouse.

A few months ago until now, the place has been tightly sealed by the police, and there are even soldiers with real guns and live ammunition on guard there. In the eyes of Roberts and some caring people, this level of force has far exceeded the “terrorist response”. The extent of the attack is more like trying to hide some deep-seated secret...

"This is not a simple task."

In Roberts' mind, such an idea suddenly emerged. From the weird orders of the monastery, to the tensions at the national level, and even the unusual atmosphere revealed in various details, they are always warning Roberts of this matter. unusual.

He began to wonder whether he had accidentally participated in an important vortex...


After searching in Amsterdam for a few days, the two still found nothing, but vaguely realized that the hacker named Bruni had finally gone to America across the ocean. It just so happened that food was not enough at this time, Wendy decided to go to the supermarket with Roberts to buy some food.

"If Bruni goes to America, where do you think he will hide?"

Wendy pushed the shopping cart, while throwing the goods on the shelf into the shopping cart, and then asked Roberts Road behind him.

Roberts looked at the canned beef in front of him, pondered for a moment, put it back on the shelf, and said.

"If I were Bruni, I would choose a remote place to hide, it would be better if the traffic is blocked, the information is poor, and there is no internet."

Both Wendy and Roberts clearly understand how easy it is to steal information in this world. In the past, they used information such as the Internet and shopping lists many times to successfully find the target they were hunted down.

TV, internet, telephone... all these can reveal your information.

The high degree of informatization not only facilitates people’s lives, but also makes the tentacles peeping into every corner. Even if you don’t use these, people need to eat and drink water, and as long as you try to go shopping, then Information about your shopping will be captured.

In this modern society, the only way not to be searched is to go to an extremely closed, backward place, a place where travel relies on walking, and dialogue relies on shouting. Only in such a place can you avoid being discovered to the greatest extent.

"It's true that as a top hacker, Bruni could not fail to understand this, but... what if he didn't do it?"

Wendy said, turning her head inexplicably to look at Roberts behind her.

Roberts stood there, pondering this possibility. As a top hacker, Bruni should of course be aware of the possibility of information leakage, but what does it mean if it does not do so?

The fear of information leakage is because of the fear of the unknown. If he is not worried about the unknown...

"Ah, I'm going to buy some things, you can just stroll around here by yourself."

As if suddenly thinking of something, Wendy said to Roberts.

"What to buy? Can I go with you?"

Roberts said casually.

However, Wendy was stunned for a moment, then grinned inexplicably, then approached her partner and whispered in a charming voice to his ear.

"Some...women's own items, why, are you accompany a lady?"

Accompanied by the dark fragrance when the body is approaching, the warm exhalation slightly blows on Roberts's sideburns, making it inexplicably itchy.

Roberts turned his head subconsciously, but saw Wendy who was beside him gently fluffed his somewhat stray long hair with his hand, and was covering his mouth and looking at him with a grin. The narrow smile seemed to be a successful prank.

Frowning, Roberts said as he looked at Wendy in front of him.

"Then go by yourself, go and come back quickly."

Wendy looked at Roberts in front of him carefully, as if he had noticed something, the corners of his mouth curled up, becoming a little proud, and then stepped on happy steps to leave.

While looking at Wendy who was going away, Roberts murmured.

"This little girl... where did you learn this."

But there is also an inexplicable feeling that this little girl who used to run around by her side and called "Brother Roberts" with a milky voice... It seems that she has really grown up, with her own careful thoughts, even It is also difficult for herself to understand the unknown secrets in her heart.

Shaking his head and leaving it alone, Roberts wandered around at random, unknowingly walking to an area selling televisions.

And looking at those ultra-thin TVs with large screens and TV entertainment programs, Roberts took a closer look. There was no such clear and big TV in his childhood, which made him feel a little bit emotional.

"Technology is developing really fast."

As he spoke, he tried to leave, but a voice suddenly rang in his ear.

"Yes, science and technology are advancing so fast."

It was a crisp female voice, very calm.

The inexplicable danger signal was high in his body, and he suddenly turned his head and looked around, no one was there. There is no one in the area where the TV is sold, and no one will come here at all when the supermarket is approaching the end of get off work.

Except for the televisions in front of him, and the women shown on the televisions, there was nothing in the entire area.


Suddenly looking at a dozen TV sets in front of him, all of them are the same picture. A blonde woman is combing her hair in good time. Roberts, who is not familiar with TV programs, can also vaguely perceive it. , That seemed to be the famous entertainment host just now, and her gaze... is undoubtedly looking at herself.

"What's the matter? Mr. Roberts, haven't you been trying to chase my figure."

In the TV, the blonde woman spread her hands casually, and said with a chuckle.

But Roberts did not show an unexpected look, but was unexpectedly calm. He frowned. No one knew what he was thinking in his heart. Then he took out a small scanner from his body and began to scan himself.

"No, you think too much. You don't have a positioning device installed on your body... and there is no eavesdropping device... There is nothing you want to find on this TV... Give it up, there is nowhere."

It was not until Roberts started to try to check the TV that the blonde woman in the TV shook her head and said, discouraging Roberts from acting...


The hand that touched the TV set suddenly felt a sensation of electric current, and the hand loosened instinctively. As the electric current appeared, the video on the TV also shook, and the blonde woman in the video shrugged helplessly.

"It wouldn't be the case if you could follow the advice well."

After confirming that he could not find any bugs, Roberts asked calmly at the video on the TV.

"who are you?"

"You've guessed it, haven't you? I'm the Uberto Bruni you were looking for."

"But the information says you are a man."

"It's just a modeling, what a simple thing."

Facing Roberts' question, the blonde woman couldn't help laughing.

As he said, the woman in the TV held a cigarette in his mouth and lit it, and then she vomited a string of smoke deeply, showing a pleasant expression. Then the faint pupils glanced at Roberts in front of him and sighed.

"Poor Roberts, you still haven't realized what kind of giant vortex you are involved in."

"I am a mercenary, I just need to complete the task."

Roberts said quietly.

Although he was calm on the surface, in fact he was already prepared to deal with all emergencies. He didn't think that the target he wanted to pursue suddenly came to him just to talk about it.

Is he begging for mercy with the monastery? Still have something else...

In Roberts' mind, there are repeated trade-offs, and it is estimated that dialogue should be the most beneficial to the situation at the moment.

"You don't understand anything at all. You are like the soldier in chess driven forward by the master to lure the opponent's knight to attack, a trivial cannon fodder, and you don't realize that you are just a bait."

On the TV, the blonde woman sneered and put out the cigarette **** in the ashtray.

"But soldiers can also become queens, can't they?"

Roberts calmly responded that in the international game of Go, the soldier cannot turn his head and can only move forward, but the soldier who reaches the bottom can be upgraded to become the most powerful chess piece on the chessboard-the queen.

At the same time, his hand in his trouser pocket was quietly trying to press something in a place that the woman on the TV couldn't see.

"I said, if you could listen to the advice, it wouldn't be the case."

Looking at Roberts in front of him, the blonde woman on the TV sneered.

Suddenly, Roberts felt a sharp pain in his hand in the pocket of his trousers, and had to withdraw his hand. By the way, he brought out a small thing...a metal object whose shell was covered with black smoke under the stimulation of a strong electric current.

"After the discharge limit is lifted, even if it is just a small pager, the instantaneous discharge current is still unexpectedly large, right, Roberts."

Looking at Roberts in front of her, the blonde woman said.

Roberts looked at his hand, some small arc-like wounds, although not serious, made the hand numb for a while, unable to exert any more effort.

"Can a soldier be promoted to a queen? That's right, that's why I am looking for you."

Looking at the woman on the TV in front of him, Roberts seemed to be able to feel the calmness and solemnity of the female face.

"What is your purpose for looking for me?"

Not caring about his numb right hand at the moment, Roberts asked calmly.

In Roberts's opinion, Bruni in front of him indeed possesses abilities beyond comprehension. Although he does not know if it is a supernatural power, he is obviously not as harmless as the information says.

"Please don't get me wrong, I don't actually mean to you, in fact, in my opinion, we should be companions."

With that, the blonde woman on the TV looked at the man in front of her and continued.

"Roberts was born in London, England, on April 13, 1961. At the age of 6, his parents died as a result of a vampire attack, and he was adopted by the "Brother John", an institution affiliated with the Priory, and became the "Brother John" with his excellent training results. A member of, he is extremely averse to vampires, has accomplished many tasks well, and is called the "iron heart"."

"In June 1986, when I was 25 years old, I met British American Betty, then fell in love and gave birth to a daughter Joan in 1988, but in the same year, Betty died at the hands of a vampire, and since then he was devastated and almost quit.' Brother John', it has gradually recovered its past fame in the past ten years..."

Listening to those words, Roberts’s face remained the same. Only when the name "Betty" was mentioned, did his eyebrows show imperceptible fluctuations, and all this was seen by the blonde woman on the TV. .

"Mr. Roberts, I know you have deep feelings for the monastery, but with all due respect...Do you really think the present, present, and monastic monastery is trustworthy?"

When it came to the monastery, the blonde woman inexplicably emphasized the word "now", which seemed to have a certain deep meaning.

Roberts frowned. He was guessing what Bruni meant.

"What do you mean?"

"Mr. Roberts, I understand that it is extremely unrealistic for you to believe in a person who has just been searched for by you now, but please believe in my sincerity. I have no malice against you. I always hold you. With great kindness, I always believe that we should be partners with the same interests. Although you may not understand it now, you will eventually understand what I mean."

On the TV, the blonde woman said earnestly.

Roberts was noncommittal. He was still trying to find out where there might be loopholes, and seeing Roberts in front of him indifferent, the blonde woman sighed and said.

"Even if you don't think about you or me, you should think about your daughter Joan."

Roberts's face gradually became gloomy.

"What do you mean? Are you threatening me?"

"No, Mr. Roberts, I didn't mean to threaten you, I just suggested...for your daughter's sake, you should probably go to Boston to see your daughter now. careful Wendy, don't believe her."

The blonde woman looked at Roberts with a gloomy expression and suddenly said with a solemn expression.

Watch out Wendy?

Before Roberts could react from his astonishment, a voice suddenly rang in his ear.

"Roberts... why don't you pick these stockings for me."

Not far away, Wendy beckoned to Roberts and said, her voice deliberately pretended to be some kind of fascinating charm, attracting a few people not far away to look sideways.

And when Wendy approached, she naturally embraced Roberts's arm, as if she hadn't noticed that her plump chest was squeezing Roberts's hand.

"Did you just find anything you want to sell?"

Looking at Wendy who was smiling beside him, Roberts wanted to tell Wendy what had just happened, but his words changed inexplicably.

"No, nothing was found."

Then he glanced at the TV next to him. On the TV, the famous entertainment host was doing all kinds of exaggerated performances, trying his best to make the audience laugh. What just happened was like a dream. .

Except for the arc-shaped wound on his hand, and the black smoked caller on the ground...This is also indispensable to explain some excuses such as "the caller is broken" and ask Wendy to put a bandage on Roberts.


Somewhere in New York, USA.

Watching the actions of Wendy and Roberts on the screen in front of him, Bruni subconsciously gnawed his fingers. This habit represented the tension in his heart.

Before escaping from Amsterdam, he had to blow up the oversized computer in his basement and only take away the spare body. Therefore, due to the limitation of computing power, Tiramisu could no longer fully monitor the whole as it did in the past. Every place in the world, but also enough to monitor most important areas.

In these important areas, Tiramisu can use all networks to monitor all suspicious people, so Bruni can be assured of his situation, because he knows how to search for his "agents" and "mercenaries". What are they doing, no one can avoid the countless surveillance and come to Bruni's vicinity without knowing it.

Before escaping from Amsterdam, Bruni had delineated an emergency place where he should stay. Mrs. Melissa here was one of the objects prepared by Bruni. Her personality and habits had already been calculated by Bruni. Bruni Understand that with Mrs. Melissa's character and habits, it is difficult for her to reveal her traces.

But Bruni still maintains a high degree of vigilance in his heart, because the monastery is definitely not that easy to deal with...

If it is just that, I am afraid he will be discovered sooner or later.

In the Internet, he is an unknown world ruler who can secretly manipulate the entire world; but in reality, any well-trained soldier can let him get caught.

And now, he can only rely on Roberts.

"Can a soldier be a queen..."

Looking at the screen in front of him, Bruni murmured.

As Bruni said, he had no ill will towards Roberts. He once dominated the whole world and knew countless secrets in the world. He was convinced that Roberts and himself were in fact partners of the same interest. It's just that he concealed a lot of things from Roberts, just as why he chose Roberts as his companion...

The Priory...

The tentacles of this ancient organization that lasted for nearly two thousand years are intricately intertwined, but Bruni is definitely not without the means to fight them, just like why he was desperately hunted by the monastery, because he knew what he shouldn’t know...

He held the code left by Leonardo in his hand, the way to unlock the world key.