The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 257: On the eve of the rebellion

Count Theodore knew that he had asked Yanxing too much.

And what Yanxing said is right...

The top priority is to preserve the military power of the Marquis of Anderson, not to destroy Mrs. Carol to buy the elves.

But the entire Gale Highland Legion had reached its limit. Facing the power seizure of the Principality, the Marquis of Anderson really had no good countermeasures.

Earl Theodore didn't know what to do, and it was impossible to leave Newta City at this time to make suggestions for the Marquis.

Probably the only thing we can do now is to remind the Marquis Anderson to take precautions.

Then save Newta City, after the worst results appear, you can preserve the foundation of the family.

Earl Theodore thought about it and said to Yanxing: "If there is a rebellion in the city of Newta, my people can control the unruly noble private soldiers.

On the mercenary side, can you solve it? "

Yanxing replied: "With my strength in Newta City, I can only protect my property in the city.

If you want to control the mercenaries, you must let the Eternal Merchant's Guild mercenaries enter the city.

If you have to deal with other unknown emergencies, you must let the army of the eternal leader enter the city. "

Yanxing's answer made Count Theodore fall into deep thinking.

Although the mercenaries of the Eternal Leadership Merchant's Guild have the background of the Eternal Leadership, they are the guards of the Merchant's Guild of the Principality of Silvermane. Letting them enter the city in the name of protecting traders is also a legitimate reason.

But letting the eternal leader's army enter the city has a very different meaning.

In the end, Earl Theodore said to Yanxing: "The merchant's guild mercenaries can enter the city at any time, but the eternal army...

You can let your army assemble at the border.

If the situation is urgent, I will issue an order for help from my allies. "

What Yanxing wanted was the words of Earl Theodore. As long as the armies of the Eternal Nation can assemble on the border, the time to enter the city of Newta will be greatly shortened.

You must know that at the critical moment, the situation may be reversed if you can enter the city a few minutes in advance.

"Yes, mentor. I promise that my army will never disturb the people after entering Newta City, and will withdraw from Newta City when the situation subsides.

Occupying this city has never been my goal, I just need a space for the stable development of the eternal collar. "

The meeting between Yanxing and Earl Theodore made up some of the gaps that had just appeared. External pressure and common interests make them close together.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, with the permission of the old earl, Yan Xing's actions in Newta City became bolder.

As soon as he returned to his special envoy house, he ordered the Eternal Leader to send a batch of weapons to Newta City.

The eternal leader's armed forces in Newta City have to deal with mercenaries.

The proportion of hero units among mercenaries is a bit large. Although most of them are not powerful heroes, all heroes can put some magic on them.

The eternal collar now has fewer high-level units, and fewer hero units. Therefore, to deal with magic, you need to use some special weapons.

The guards of Yanxing's special embassy are equipped with flintlock pistols, pre-loaded with a bullet in the barrel, and can shoot when encountering an enemy.

As long as the fight is accurate, ordinary heroes will be killed if they can't even accomplish the magic structure.

However, the power of the flintlock pistol is not strong enough for heroes who release multiple defensive magic, so a more powerful weapon is needed.

At this time, the technology of the eternal collar could not produce too high-end weapons.

Relying on the griffon breeding program to build your own weapons laboratory is far from being able to quench your thirst.

The solution that Chuanbo gave was...make the flintlock big.

Build a recoilless rifle.

To put it bluntly, it is to use seamless steel tubes to make a rocket launcher, and then put the large second kicker into it.

Urban warfare doesn't need to have a long range, just one hundred meters in level. It is mainly mercenaries to deal with, and naturally it does not require much power. The warhead is equipped with steel **** to ensure full deterrence.

Such a set of rocket launchers is equivalent to a shot of magical lightning, which can be released by any soldier.

The rocket launcher can deal with the gathering of mercenaries and suppress the enemy heroes.

And to attack some solid fortifications, more powerful artillery is needed.

The steel tube is a qualified smoothbore barrel, equipped with a reel and artillery, and a cannon that fires a solid shell is completed.

The first-generation artillery of the Eternal Collar uses a breech loading, a caliber of 88 mm, and a standard paper shell shell.

There was an impact on the **** of the cannonball to trigger the primer, and the projectile was an iron ball.

However, because the trajectory of artillery shells is a parabola, professional artillery is needed to accurately shoot the target.

These expertise can't be taught to the natives here in a short while, so Blow has developed a robotic artillery as needed.

Now, after receiving Yanxing’s order, a batch of rocket launchers, artillery, artillery, and shells that have just been produced are packed into boxes, and then loaded into the newly transformed trucks and sent to Newta City.

At the same time, Eternal Intelligence Exchange increased the information bounty to attract more people to enter information into the intelligence database.

In addition, Yanxing also sent news to the shareholders of the grain bank overnight to make them more vigilant and protect their industry. And prepare a certain amount of troops to accept the dispatch of the Eternal Food Company at any time.

One order after another was issued from the special embassy.

Naturally, the actions of the special embassy of Yanxing can't hide those who have been staring here.

In fact, the strengths of all parties in Newta City are actively expanding their strengths. In the beginning, they were concealed, and gradually they prepared brazenly one by one.

Gal of the Newta City branch of the Golden Oak Chamber of Commerce publicly announced his resignation from the post of branch president, and then converted to the temple and became a priest of the temple.

In order to express his piety, Gal also donated 80,000 gold coins and a large number of supplies to the temple.

The temple then donated the money and materials to the believers, and held large gatherings again and again.

The Falshion Mercenary Corps was very active in these gatherings, and they chanted slogans to drive the atmosphere. He also preached that Count Theodore had a major problem with his body, he became very confused, and he trusted a human from the thundering swamp.

Selling out the interests of Newta City to the swamp The rich and material Falion Mercenary Corps recruited on a large scale, and the heart of the rebellion was clearly revealed.

Although the Jufeng Mercenary Group, which is opposed to the Falshion Mercenary Group, has also recruited mercenaries to expand its strength, its financial resources are obviously not as good as the Falshion Mercenary Group that has the support of the temple.

The Falshion Mercenary Group suffered a lot in the confrontation with the Jufeng Mercenary Group, but the more they hit, the more people they hit.

It is conceivable that when the two sides are no longer an elite duel, but a full-scale conflict erupts, the situation will definitely be very detrimental to the Jufeng Mercenary Group.

And at this moment, there was a message that came out of unknown channels.

The orcs set up a vault in Newta City. There are a large number of gold coins in the vault, which are used to instigate rebellion and buy out human traitors to serve the orcs.

The news of the treasury has been made public!

Yanxing immediately made an appointment with Ligeia, the blood falcon, through the squirrel.

