The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 287: Greet the Elf Army

"I also hope this is a joke..." Mrs. Caro smiled melancholy: "But the army of elves is indeed waiting for us to save.

If Yanxing Knight really can't come, we will set off now. "

Aranda didn't waste time, she took Mrs. Carol in Shang Yanxing's exclusive carriage.

After the team arrived, the team started to leave Bloodcrown Mountain City and continued north along the Thunder Marsh Avenue.

Mrs. Carol sat in the carriage, carefully watching everything she saw.

The civilization of Bloodcrown Mountain City is very extreme.

At first glance, most werewolves and lizardmen looked like uncivilized barbarians, rude, unclothed, and using bone and stone tools.

A small number of werewolves and lizardmen wore clothes or armor with eternal collar characteristics. Their demeanor is extremely high, walking on the road like a hero, you can see their proud mentality.

And Mrs. Kahlo also noticed that all the currency used for transactions here were food stamps from the Eternal Grain Bank.

When you leave Blood Crown Mountain City, you can see large tracts of cultivated paddy fields and pools.

Snake-skin bison and marsh lizards were driven by the trainers to work inside. From time to time, golden carp with big wheels jumped out from under the pool.

This carp is a species introduced by Yanxing from the real world. It was first cultivated in the water pool around the Bloodcrown Mountain City to observe the changes in the magical world of the real world carp.

Same as chickens and horses.

The carp from the real world soon appeared a lot of demonization. The enchanted carp grows in size, and it also releases water magic.

Fortunately, in a small water pool, these enchanted carps can't stand up to the big wind and waves.

After the second generation of carp is bred, the chance of demonization will drop drastically. At that time, this freshwater fish, which has undergone modern improvements and grows fast, can be widely cultivated in the swamp.

With the carp experience, Yanxing also plans to gradually introduce fish and shrimps from different water layers to make full use of the water space.

The embryonic form of a land of fish and rice has already been formed around Blood Crown Mountain City.

Mrs. Carol also seemed to see abundance here in the future.

Now Yanxing is already so powerful, after he dug out all the production potential of Thunder Swamp, he didn't know what kind of monster he was facing at that time.

"Miss Aranda, are the latter alchemy transporters the ‘truck’ you built in cooperation with the Goblin Alchemy Factory?"

Mrs. Carol has a keen interest in trucks.

This type of vehicle, which has a large load capacity and can be used without animal power, is of strategic significance.

If the Silvermane Principality has a large number of such trucks, it can transport a large number of troops to Storm City as quickly as possible.

Perhaps it can change the situation in Storm City at this time.

If the truck is owned by the Marquis Anderson. His materials and personnel can move quickly through the built road network and have more initiative.

If the truck is owned by the orcs, the northern frontier of mankind will never be peaceful.


What kind of monster eternally led out!

Aranda does not have the long-term strategic vision of Mrs. Caro. In her opinion, the truck is a high-speed, cheap, and high-capacity transportation tool.

Because Yanxing intends to promote trucks, Aranda tells Carol something about trucks.

She first introduced the process of Yanxing and the goblin Gaga cooperating to establish a truck transformation research institute.

It also explained some truck parameters in detail.

The more Mrs. Caro listened, the more shocked she became.

She originally thought that this kind of alchemy vehicle must be a kind of high energy alchemy equipment like the heavy alchemy puppet. But who would think that this kind of truck powered by rare alchemical resources would consume unimaginably low energy.

If it is long-distance transportation, the transportation cost of using trucks is lower than that of using animal power.

"This... how is this done?"

Mrs. Caro couldn't figure it out.

Because according to the alchemy experience, the larger the volume of the mechanical movement alchemy equipment, the loss in the drive will inevitably increase in a stepwise proportion.

The main reason why heavy alchemy puppets are not used on a large scale is that they consume too much energy.

Aranda didn't know how to answer Mrs. Carol's question.

"I don't know how Master Yanxing did it. The alchemy of the eternal collar has been subverting my understanding of alchemy.

Perhaps only the alchemists of the high towers in the clouds can understand such superb alchemy. "

Mrs. Caro also sighed: "Yes, the alchemy mastered by the eternal collar is comparable to the tower in the cloud.

Just don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing? "


Faced with Aranda's question, Mrs. Kahlo just smiled and did not answer.

The Thunder Swamp Avenue has just been completed and the road is very smooth. The swamp tribes encountered along the road consciously retreated to both sides after seeing the convoy of Master Eternal Leader Yanxing.

The chariots and horses marched very fast, coming out of the northern end of the thundering swamp in the evening.

On the northern edge of Thunder Swamp, a horizontal road is under construction.

This is the northern section of the Thunder Marsh Outer Ring Road planned by Yanxing.

In addition, the eastern and western routes are also under construction.

There is also an avenue that runs from the east to the west of the swamp, forming the main road frame of the thundering swamp together.

The road being built in the eyes of the convoy travels westward, and the road is full of werewolf laborers who have been called in. They gathered in temporary construction camps on the side of the road, lighting a bonfire and cooking.

Sing traditional ballads with a howl with rhythm.

It can be heard that the werewolves are very satisfied with their current lives.

Soon after reaching the end of the road, the team entered the grassland, and the speed of their marching slowed down significantly.

However, after the night was completely dark, I met the elf forward who was marching.

The elf warriors were all very depressed.

The back road is cut off and the future is bleak.

Having to accept the asylum of the swamp clan, it is difficult for the arrogant elves to accept it.

Facing the unknown army that suddenly encountered in the evening, the elf forward immediately assumed a combat stance.

A team of elven heroes riding unicorns topped the front, spreading out a continuous defensive wall together.

Behind the unicorn, the elf hunters lined up in three rows to pull the bows full, with the arrow pointing diagonally upward.

Then the elven sword dancer spread out to the two wings.

The druids chanted spells, releasing defensive magic and buffing magic for the entire army.

The Pegasus knights lifted into the air, forming a circular defensive formation while circling, providing air cover for their own troops.

At the end, the tree spirit more than ten meters high slowly moved The branches of the tree spirit were full of exquisite flower fairies.

Elf power:

First-order flower fairy, second-order flower fairy.

Third-order sword dancer, fourth-order war dancer

Tier 5 Elf Hunter, Tier 6 Secret Archer

Seventh-order druid, eighth-order advanced druid

Seventh-order Pegasus knight, eighth-order Silver Pegasus knight

Tier 9 unicorn, Tier 10 silver unicorn

Eleventh-order Dryad, Twelfth-Order Ancient Dryad

Encountered an excellent army at night, making the elf a little flustered.

There was another gale in the wilderness, and the howling sounded like enemies pressing up on all sides.
