The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 253: Blessed applause

Ren Baqian and the emperor walked on the Charles Bridge. The emperor opened a halo of her own, and the icy coldness radiated from her location. Everyone subconsciously left her half a meter away. This is the subconscious instinct of people around. Most people are unaware of this.

Although the bridge looks like a sea of ​​people, it is not enough to rub your shoulders, so no one noticed this gap.

Before they traveled far, the two saw the music and drums that had just been heard. A man sat by the bridge, clapping the tambourine with one hand, and blowing a pipe about 1.5 meters long. A very hollow tune, the sound of the tambourine makes this tune full of primitive flavor.

The two looked a little and passed by.

There are 30 saint statues on the Charles Bridge on either side of the bridge, each statue representing a story.

Ren Baqian walked and told the story of the statue to the emperor. He was watching the phone. He was not very qualified as a tour guide, not to mention his due diligence. He only showed interest in telling the story of a statue. Carry it into your pocket.

The empress did not understand these history and allusions, she did not feel the profound cultural heritage at all, and did not care at all.

Of course, Ren Baqian couldn't feel it.

However, the view of the coast from the bridge is very beautiful, especially the other end of the bridge is the old town, red and white houses everywhere, towering Gothic towers, these exotic buildings are more beautiful than statues.

Take out the old phone and turn it on, and Ren Baqian posted it next to the empress: "Zixiao, laugh one!"

One of them has a bright smile on the screen, and the other is exquisite and beautiful, looking away.

The background of the two is the crowd of people and the statue of the saint on the Charles Bridge.

"Good weather, there are too many people!" Ren Baqian sent his circle of friends and shut down.

Father: ...

Ren mother: ...

Ren Wannian: ...

Chen Qing: ...

A department: ...

The crowd was speechless, and it was rare to run to him.

The father and mother looked at the photos on the mobile phone at home and were relatively speechless. The guy jumped alive, his face was cheerful, and he could not see that he was being wanted.

Neither of them knew if it was time to relax or worry.

At least Ren Yaqian seems pretty good now. But he continued to jump like this for fear that he would not be far away from the jail. The two were still in awe of the country.

"Who is this? This woman is so beautiful, even more beautiful than a star." Ren Wannian was sitting in the bedroom with a wonderful expression on his face, like constipation. The roommate turned his head to see his expression, immediately glanced at the photo on the phone, and was shocked.

"My brother, and his girlfriend." Ren Wannian guessed, it should be. At least Ren Qianqian has the shadow of this woman in these circles of friends.

"It's terrific. If you have a chance, you must let me see your sister-in-law. I want to see what's the difference between the real person and the picture!" The roommate patted his shoulder immediately.

"..." Ren Wannian couldn't help crying and laughing, he didn't know what to say.

Is it to say that my brother is in the middle of a wanted road? Where can you see his bright smile on his face? And there is still a circle of friends? I was really worried for him.


A handsome man in the middle of the bridge was leaning against the bridge, looking around the crowd, occasionally exchanging a look with the passing women, nodding a smile, and then being asked for a phone number, and then politely rejected.

This set has happened five or six times just now.

"What a pretty woman!" His gaze suddenly stopped in the crowd on a face under the straw hat, and he couldn't help exclaiming.

In his eyes for so many years, this woman is also the top one. Especially the indifference on her face will make people more desire to conquer.

Then he noticed that the face was familiar, and then his eyes flashed: "It's her, they're here!"

At this point his phone rang, and he hesitated quickly after hesitating.

"Shendu, they are on the Charles Bridge!"

"I've seen it!" Shen Du quickly said, and hung up the phone. To the other two at the same time: "The target has appeared, in my place."

First, he moved forward in parallel with Ren Baqian Empress, and then inserted in front of them. "Two, can you talk a little? I'm not malicious!"

Shen Du said with open hands.

Before, he always wanted to meet two people in a more remote place, and it was more convenient to talk. But he suddenly felt that such a crowded place is better. At least in a crowded place, the other party should not kill himself without saying a word, right? And it's not easy for the opponent to run.

"No interest!" Ren Baqian hated when he saw the other person. A man grew up like this, and I hated Xiaobailian the most in my life.

"Shouldn't delay you too much time, and it's good for you, don't you want to return to China?" Shen Du said with a smile. The voice was full of magnetism, very peaceful, without any hostility, and would not let People feel dangerous.

It's a good idea to change to another person.

No one will hate such a person.

However, Ren Baqian was even more annoying.

"I'm not a representative! I'm not talking to you, but the country is talking to you!" Shen Du said with a smile on the empress.

I have to say that Shen Du is very good at communicating with people. First, he shows that he is not hostile. Second, he shows that he knows the identity of the other party, but he does n’t break it, so that the other party wo n’t suddenly explode. Finally, he will sacrifice the nation ’s big killer His step-by-step words can make people imaginative and want to hear him continue.

Especially for two people who are being hunted for.

Ren Baqian made two quick turns in his brain, guessing what the other party meant.

Is the other country representative? The country wants to talk to two of them? What to talk about? What does the country know?

"You look like someone I hate!" The Empress suddenly said.

The smile she had been holding suddenly suddenly stiffened.

"These don't matter. I'm not that person. What's important is to talk to the country. It's good for you and not harmful."

"What a coincidence, I hate him too!" Ren Baqian turned to the emperor and his brows were twisted together. He really hates this person.

If there is a reason, it is too handsome.

To his surprise, the emperor had expressed a nasty attitude before him.

Shen Du's smile was really stiff at this time, he had no idea how he offended the two.

The next second, Shen Du draws an arc and falls down the river under the bridge.

"Boss!" Another man saw this scene as soon as he squeezed out of the crowd ~ ~ and suddenly shouted.

Then he also draws an arc.

The surrounding people were completely scared by this scene.

Only a few people saw that the woman with the straw hat threw them down, and most of them hadn't figured out what happened.

"I'm your brother. I won't watch you two get married. It's a shame for the two men to get married. Calm down!" Ren Baqian yelled on the stone railing and shouted below.

Some of the people around me understood it, and then all rushed to the bridge.

There is also a good English Chinese who translates what Ren Baqin just shouted to others.

People nearby were worried first, and after seeing them bothering in the water, they gave blessings to the two under the bridge, and there was a blessing of applause.

Shen Du just emerged from the water. When he heard this, and then heard the applause from the distant blessing from above, an old blood spurted out.