The Endless Shuttle

Chapter 435

"Grandpa doctor, I have something to go home recently. You must get a doctor's certificate to get the medicine, and I just came to take the medicine recently, so I beg you. Thank you very much."

"So it's like this..." The doctor nodded.

He noticed the black-haired youth standing at the door and asked with a smile.

"Sir, please wait a moment, I still have patients here."

"No, I am not seeing a doctor."

Luo Pei shook his head, his eyes never leaving the middle school girl in the seat.

The girl seemed to realize something too, turned her head and looked at Luo Pei with ruby ​​eyes, nodded politely at him, and then stood up.

"Then, thank you for your help, I will leave first."

"Oh, go slowly."

Passing by the girl, Luo Pei raised his eyebrows, ignoring the good doctor's gaze that slowly became alert, and frankly followed the girl and continued to walk downstairs.

This place in Guanbuzi City is really small...

Chapter 10 It doesn’t matter if you don’t know each other, let’s see a parent first

One of the two main tragedies of Sora no Realm, Asakami Fujino.

If Wu Tiao Wu-e is a tragedy whose wish is hard to come by, then her life is a complete tragedy.

When her father went bankrupt and died when she was young, her mother was forced to remarry and split the family "superficially," because her ability was revealed to be sealed by her father's intention to use drugs, which caused her to lose her sense of being a human being.

Even so, her tragedy did not end. After she entered high school, she was forcibly taken and violated by thugs on a rainy night. During the torture, she "twisted the magic eye" awakened, killed herself in self-defense, and felt guilty of murder. In the decisive battle with the two ceremonies, he was blind because of excessive use of magic eyes.

——Although it was a bit early, since they met by coincidence, Rope had no reason to leave it alone like this.

The long purple hair swayed behind the girl, and Rope followed her less than ten meters after she came out of the hospital.

People who know what he is doing, 100% will think he is a "stalker", right?

The young middle school girl, the trailing male, then started in a dark alley. Lifan's script is roughly written like this.

However, fortunately, his face is deceptive enough. Apart from being a little eye-catching and a higher rate of turning heads for women, no one doubts that he walks on the crowded streets.

Following, Rope walked through the bustling streets.

It seemed that the girl's home was about to be reached, and the crowd of people coming and going because of get off work began to decrease. At the end, only he and the girl who was walking in front were left.

Rope didn't suppress his footsteps, and the girl should feel it no matter how sluggish it was.

She paused, and was driven by curiosity to look back, and saw Rope, who also stopped and kept her distance.

"I remember, you are..."

The girl's lovely face was a little confused, and it didn't take long for Luo Pei's face to be remembered.

"The... sir from the hospital?"

"As far as Pingshui meets, Miss, you can remember me, I'm very happy."

"...Are you following me?"

The girl squeezed the bag of medicine in a panic.

This is the only way back home. There are only a handful of people who live here except for the superficial home. Among them, there is no appearance of Rope, and they are complete strangers.

Meeting in the hospital, strangers, women, stalking-a few pieces of information flashed through the girl's mind, and then they became a rather bad guess.

Her red jade eyes began to sway from side to side, looking for other passers-by to ensure a sense of security as she gradually went away.

After all, the situation disappointed the girl.

There are only her and the black-haired young man here.

"The sky hasn't reached the night yet. If you want to talk about stalking, if you want to disadvantage you, I should do it right after I left the crowd."

Rope ridiculed calmly, not caring about the girl's vigilance, and continued.

"Ms. Asakami Fujino, if you don't waste time, I would like to briefly talk about something with you. By the way, I will introduce myself. My name is Rope."

Hearing the other party chanting his name and speaking very formally, Fujino also relieved a little.

It should be someone who is related to Qianshangjia—her stepfather to be precise, right? She thought to herself.

But this is not a reason to be alone with a stranger in the evening.

Fujino Asakami hesitated for a moment, his hair moved slightly, but he saluted seriously but estranged, and refused.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Rope, there is an entrance guard at home. If you have something to do, instead of looking for me, it is better to notify my father first..."

"Indeed, being invited by an unidentified person like me must have some concerns."

He seemed to have known Asakami Fujino's answer a long time ago, and said immediately after expressing his understanding.

"It's not night yet, can Miss Qianghang lead the way? I will visit my uncle who has been missing for a long time now, and then I will tell you more when I am allowed."

If you want to be alone with a middle school girl in the evening, it is almost impossible to get the consent of the other party.

If Fujino Asakami's brain is not broken, it is impossible to agree. Therefore, Luo Pei had already planned to go directly to the "Shallow Shangjia".

"... Visit Father Father? Do you know Father Father?"

"My father has something to do with Mr. Kang Zang, it's the kind of acquaintance." Luo Pei lied without changing his face.


Until now, Asakami Fujino's doubts finally disappeared.

If the other party can say this, it can basically be regarded as someone who is acquainted with the "shallow family." The girl's good education can't help but feel embarrassed for the rudeness just now.

"Although I don't know if my father is off work, if you don't mind, please follow me."

Fujino Asakami bowed and walked forward.

Luo Pei followed, and did not hang behind her again this time, but was in the same position as Fujino Asakami.

The girl was a little uncomfortable with being so close to the male, so she hid to the side.

There was nothing on the way, and after a few minutes, the two came to the wooden door of a house.

The house next to the house is written in three large characters, "Shallow Shangjia" with a Chinese brush. It is different from the "Shallow God" of the fallen clan family. In this small area of ​​Guanbuzi City, it is not as good as the big landlord "Liangyijia". , But the super family still belongs to the social rank of the rich family.