The Endless Shuttle

Chapter 607

The demigod who soaked in the water of the Styx could not die. The legendary origin of the demigod who participated in the Trojan War has been spread, even in the England of Altria's time. Such a guy, it's natural that she should come to deal with the enemy. Isn't it possible that the Master, who is a human body, is seeking his own death?

"Is it possible, Luope, you want to call the power of the evil **** again...?"

"Hey, over there."

Altria's words were interrupted by Achilles, and the green-haired man looked serious, and seemed to contain some underestimated anger.

"Are you coming to face me personally?" Achilles raised his brows.

"Saber's Master, although you called my name and I was in a rather disadvantaged situation, the tyrant of Rome...huh, but I advise you to take back the arrogant words that followed, let Saber play and cut it off. The first level of a weak person will not add any glory to me, it will bring only annoyance and shame!"

"...The weak?"

Hearing the rare description, Rope stopped a hand in front of Saber.

"Ha, I have changed some attention. Altria, I'm afraid there is no option for you to choose from tonight's battle. It doesn't feel good to be despised."


Achilles became impatient.

Even in the Trojan War, he would not rely on his own strength to slaughter soldiers indiscriminately. Instead, he would look for a fellow with him as a general, fight, and then win until he was shot in the heel by Paris's secret arrow and died.

As a warrior, he rejected the battle with Rope from the bottom of his heart-the battle between the Servant and the Master, winning is also dishonorable.

"never mind."

Achilles gave up linguistic dissuasion.

He kicked his left foot, drew the short spear that was stuck on the ground from the ground, held it in his hand, and the whole person began to emit an emerald-like magical brilliance.

"Your brain is abnormal and it has nothing to do with me. Hey, Saber, be optimistic about your master."

Achilles lowered his body and raised the corners of his mouth, excited by the hearty smell of battle.

"If you are affected by my attack and you lose the Master and leave the game early, it won't be very good."

Saber's expression tightened, and he held the invisible holy sword in both hands and opened his posture.

No matter how abnormal Rope is, he is her master in this war, and he must be protected.

The girl glanced at the black-haired youth next to her and found that her master was not panicked, nor did she have the weird and disgusting atmosphere of evil spirits in the last war.

"You are fighting with me, don't be distracted!"

Such a momentary opportunity was accurately captured by Achilles.


The loud noise that is enough to tear the eardrum is the sound of objects tearing apart the air and blocking it.

Under the surging of magic power, the earth was lifted up by Achilles' speed, but before the stone fell to the ground, the green-haired Servant came to Saber, brandishing the short spear in his hand, and stabbing towards the girl’s fatal point. .

Permanent treasure-DromeusCometes (DromeusCometes).

Grade: A+.

From the legend of "the fastest of all heroes of all ages". Through the wide battlefield in one breath, the speed will not be reduced even if there are obstacles, the most extreme speed. And in direct proportion to that terrifying speed, if this blow is applied to the enemy's body under acceleration, even the follower will be fatally injured.

"Intuition" was activated, and Saber subconsciously placed the holy sword on the path of the gun.

In an instant, the entire coastal street was filled with sharp, sour metal clashes.

The air burst into radioactivity, like a missile being blocked by an invisible wall, and the storm made Saber step back two steps.

However, the reason for the girl's retreat was not Achilles' strength.

In fact, after raising the holy sword, the unusual-looking short spear did not touch her.

All attacks were blocked by a gold samurai sword.

Dazzling, brilliant, full of the glory of the gods.

Power "Oriental Army God"-"Warrior".

Luo Pei held the blank sword of words and spirits in his hand, holding the sword sideways with one hand to block Achilles' fierce advance. Behind him, the wheel of the ten incarnation blooms like a dark day, faint but not to be ignored, and the pointer points directly to the "bull" pattern.

Achilles gradually stopped exerting force, and the spear and sword froze like that.

Calm around was restored.

"You! could it be possible."

Achilles' eyes widened, and the shocked expression was written on the face of the hero.

He knew exactly how powerful this blow was. Even if it is a follower, if the muscle strength is below B, there is a possibility that the wrist may be injured.

But what happened to this human being, this Master?

Just... a hand?

"What? Have you forgotten the humiliation of your words? Achilles."

Luo Pei smiled, and the blade pressed forward, using the great power of Qingtian to press Achilles back.

"Um..." Achilles' knees bend.

"The great hero of Troy, the beloved son of the sea goddess. Tonight, your opponent can only be me, and it will only be me. The scene of the heroic fighting normally will no longer appear. Now, you need to face a demon! Hunting gods, ravaging heroes, and will never insult the strongest godslayer who does not have your identity!"

Belonging to Rope, powerful magic burst out suddenly.

The yellow gold, hot like the sun, and the one that Achilles burst out just now are not in the same dimension.

"Banteng" launched with full force, Rope brandished his blade and smashed Achilles out like a cannonball, accompanied by a round of blooming blood and the grunt of the hero.

——Achilles is injured.

"Judging that I have divinity? Cut, it's boring..."

Rope curled his mouth unhappily, a little dissatisfied with his own characteristics.


Like Achilles, Saber was also surprised.

If the previous speed was barely within the acceptable range, then the power that Rope showed now has surpassed the girl's cognition.

-It is not the power that human beings should have.