The Endless Shuttle

Chapter 839

Luo Pei said lightly, even if he heard the nuclear bomb, the most powerful weapon in human society, there was no fluctuation.

"I have already appeared in the SCP Foundation. Even if you stop the nuclear explosion, my troubles will not be reduced. It is better to play with him. I know humans well, and humans will not continue to do stupid things unless they understand the pain. The world saved by me does not need these idiots filled with ancient thinking and human supremacy."

Wingate said the doomsday, but the SCP Foundation did not believe him. He also said the final warning in front of the cowboys, which was also considered a provocation by human arrogance.

So what happens to him when things become like this?

Put on the collar and kneel and lick the SCP Foundation? Then looking forward to the Foundation's charity to give him a chance to complete the trial?


He is here to save the world, not to destroy the world. Even the clay figurines have three points of anger after being treated like this, not to mention the violent Great Secret Magician.

A nuclear explosion is the signal of war. After the war, the demon king will not mind turning into a natural disaster again.

This time is different from the spread in the world of "God Killer", but an absolute disaster that truly targets humans and the SCP Foundation.

"Go, find Kevin, I will protect you two after a nuclear bomb explodes."


Wingate followed the black-haired young man dumbly, looking at his dry hands silently.

After all, when did the error start?

Chapter 70 The counterattack of the "Father of Demons", the disaster is not over yet

This day is destined to be remembered by mankind.

After Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War, another nuclear bomb was detonated in a city with a large number of civilians, just like the great flood of God in Noah’s time. The heat and air waves of the explosion took away Constantine instantly. Observing the lives of urban residents destroyed all the prosperity of human society.

It is foreseeable that in the next ten, twenty, and fifty years, more people will die tragically in this area under the threat of radiation. So far as the scars are worn out.

Constanta in Romania is over, and Romania is also over.

All thanks to the "correct judgment" of the "O5 Council".

Two days later, panic spread across the world.

A neutral country, a hostile country, and all human beings with the "nation" as the unit are working hard, like a frightened hedgehog, watching the surroundings and within themselves vigilantly, lest Romania's disaster will be staged in their own country.

The SCP Foundation, the perpetrator of the incident, could not stay aside, and held a meeting of all members of the "O5 Council" that had not been seen in 50 years.

In an unknown place, in a large dark room, the display screens light up.

There are no fewer than twenty. Everyone has processed their faces with mosaics, and their voices are as blurred as possible. But there is no doubt that they are currently the masters who dominate the world and human society.

"What's the matter? Why did the "cowboy" detonate Constanta's nuclear bomb? ! "

"Romania's own economy is declining rapidly with the naked eye. If you don't want to take a countermeasure, this country will return to the situation of the Cold War. It took us so long to arrange it, not to make Romania rewind!"

"Idiots, I have already said that it is not reliable for a field agent to be promoted to the "O5 Council". It is absolutely a disaster for the temperament from the tip of the knife to become a leader... He doesn't care about the death of the fish! "

"Please be careful, "Cowboy" was sacrificed for the Foundation. The report said that the invasion of inhumans with powerful power and high human social awareness, he saved the information leakage of the Foundation, and dealt with the huge crisis. I am afraid that this credit is higher than everyone here. ? "

"You mean he detonated a nuclear bomb, do we have to reward his family members as additional rewards?"

"Everyone, the nuclear bomb has exploded, and the inhumane must have died. Why don't we deal with the imminent problem first? The tide of the living dead in North America has reached the point where it cannot be concealed. A large number of civilians have died without warning. The president is putting pressure on us to say that the money paid is not for us to use to watch the show."

"Has "SCP-214" not fallen yet..."The panacea" mass production hasn't made any progress..."

Noisy, behind the screen in the middle of the hall, the "founder" said nothing, quietly watching his colleagues howling like domestic pigs in a pigsty.

—Too gaffe.

This is also worthy of being called a human sentinel, the highest person in charge of the SCP Foundation "O5 Council"?

Finally, he couldn't help but scolded.



Perennial Jiwei silenced everyone.

"Founder" sighed long.

"Step by step, noisy can't solve any problems. Let's talk about the Romanian problem first. "Entrepreneur", can you temporarily stabilize the domestic political situation and people's sentiments? Not much, it only takes three months. The foundation needs time to solve the "plague" problem first. "

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Said members of the council known as "entrepreneurs."

"If all the existing liquid funds of the Foundation are invested, it should be able to control it for about five months, but that is impossible. The "Plague" requires a lot of financial resources and humans, plus the budget for guarding the SCP project, we can't spare Out excess funds. "

"What is the limit?"

"One and a half months." "Entrepreneur" said: "This is still the time to include the aid of other countries. When the economy collapses, Romania will definitely have riots."

"Go ahead, let the Foundation free up."

"Founder" asked another O5 council member.

""Black Bird", "Red Right Hand" is dispatched? It must be determined that the death of the "cowboy" is valuable, and that the inhumane in the report who ignores the modern army and is highly hostile to humans cannot be allowed to survive. "

"There is nothing there, only a ruin of high temperature and high radiation."

The "founder" nodded: "Continue to investigate, and you can't let a trace of it go."

"very sorry for interrupting you."

This time, without waiting for the "founder" to speak, a female voice sounded even if it was blurred.

"As for the stolen "SCP-914", "SCP-173", and "SCP-214", you'd better arrange them as soon as possible. If those things are obtained by a deliberate organization, it will cause a disaster no less than the nuclear explosion of Constanta. "

"Since it was lost in Asia, let Pisri..." "Founder" paused, then smiled bitterly. "Sorry, I forgot that they were released by Pisri... That old **** really disappointed my trust in him, and I hope the nuclear explosion will not kill him. "Blackbird", if Wingate is found nearby . Pisri, don't interrogate privately, **** him back immediately. "


"Hasn't the newly appointed regional director of the Asian branch take over there?"

"This is exactly what I intend to report to you."

A slightly ironic voice sounded.

"Not good news, I hope you can bear it enough. The Asian branch of the SCP Foundation broke out at three o'clock in the morning last night. The perpetrators of the incident were "SCP-682" and "SCP-049". The reason is that the new regional director seems to want to change SCP-682's home, but he was attacked by SCP-682, who was already safe, and then..."

In the picture, the person shrugged helplessly.