The Endless Shuttle

Chapter 882

"Hold on."

The voice came from the room, and Rope was not in a hurry, waiting quietly.

After a while, a thin figure opened the door.

The hair like a chicken coop, the appearance of Pisri in the middle age, or after being occupied, is withered, and the dark circles of the eyes are printed under the eyes. The whole person is like an overdose, and it does not look like the old man in the future. vitality.

From the crack of the door, it seems that this villa is going to be buried by books, and even the corridors are stacked with various books everywhere.

"Excuse me, who are you? I... I'm Wingate Peasley."

The middle-aged man said stiffly, did he still run out some old English words that have long been forgotten and in history?

Rope did not answer, but just smiled playfully.

Slowly, the eyes of the middle-aged man focused, and in the air, if there were no mental power tentacles, it was like collecting some information.

He suddenly opened his eyes.

" are!?"

"Lopei, the great occultist, greets you, the great seed that conquered time."

The black-haired young man lowered his head slightly, and made a weird gesture with restraint and pride.

Compared to Rope's randomness, that Yisi had to be more cautious.

He was manipulating the unaccustomed human body, folded his hands flat, and bends down deeply.

"Ice pays you the deepest tribute...the one who shook the starry sky, the gatekeeper who stepped into the indescribable ladder, the great Damigod..."

"Damigod" is a specific name for a demigod.

If Rope was still a great occultist, Ess would definitely not be so respectful, and the two could be equal to each other.

But if it is a demigod, then it is different.

Without enjoying the blessings of their fathers and surpassing the mortal by their own strength, even the Isths dare not make a mistake.

——The crush on the personality.

"The great Damien Gould... I... did not observe your existence in the "future" of online time... Is it the necrosis of time or the chain collapse? I... don't understand why you are here. "

Yisi said hesitantly, looking at the sky with flustered eyes.

If there is necrosis and collapse, it will be an extremely fatal disaster even for the conquering of the Seed of Time.

In the past, countless Iss suffered necrosis and collapse in the process of traveling through time, and then they were trapped in the body of that time and space.

"No exception... Could it be that you have also crossed time with my unique ability?"

"By human standards, Ess, what you have to do now is to invite me in first instead of stopping the guests at the door." Rope reminded with a smile.

Iss, dressed in Pisri's shell, quickly got out of the way.

"Forgive me for being rude... Great Damien. Human knowledge, I am still learning... It is very new and huge. It takes a little time to digest... "Related topics...make you laugh..."

"You don't need to say these, I am not interested in knowing."

Walking into Pisri's house, the smell of moldy books came over.

Rope just snapped his fingers, and Divine Art began to transform reality, turning this room into a shade of greenery, and sitting down at the stone table in the center.

Iss exclaimed.

"Transform reality...God...Even Damien Gould's power is still so full of charm..." He shook his head regretfully.

"Unfortunately, we can't exchange spirits with an existence like you... Shallow people like us are too close to the source... and will be swallowed up..."

The ISs like to communicate very much, very much.

Therefore, most of the views of outsiders on the Iss are... talkative.

Rope wasn't interested in spending time with Iss on this topic, he asked straightforwardly.

"I need the status quo of Azakaron the "Lord of the Dead" and the conspiracies laid out by its priests in this world. According to the rules of the great race of Isth, what do I need to pay for the details of the exchange of these information? "

Iss was stunned, and then he started to discourage him painfully.

"Great Damigo, peeking into the future and twisting the past are the same kind of disaster... You shouldn't be addicted to this way, everything should go with the flow..."

In front of the demigods, they still adhere to the creed, and the Iss are worthy of its "conservative" name.

It's no wonder that such a powerful race was once forced to exterminate by the Flying Hydra, which is simply a typical example of having an accident by itself.

"I'm asking you the price of exchanging these, not for you to preach, Ish."

Rope's smile gradually became dangerous.

"Don't pretend to be more of me. No matter what happens in this world, it won't affect you outside, right? Give me the information, I will pay you, and then we will have nothing to do with you anymore. It's as simple as that... or Say you plan to stay here forever?"

Even the spirit parasite that travels through time, the demigod can actually kill this Isth.

Once it shot, it didn't even have a chance to escape, and tragically died out in the consciousness space of this human body after suffering the corrupting energy.

Iss choked.

It closed its eyes for a long time, as if communicating with its kin across time and space.

For a full hour, Yisi opened his eyes again.

"Well... Power..." Eth sighed.

"Great Damien Gould... The knowledge I have now is precious, and I have to take it back... I don't want to die... So, I can agree to your transaction request on behalf of Isth... But you must promise to sell one. The "future" of a true god...His Majesty Azakaron will not be annoyed by Iss. "

"What you worry about is nothing more than the catastrophic consequences of future changes."

Rope sneered and raised his hand.

"I swear in the name of "All Things One" Yug Sotos, there will be no change in the future except Azakaron! "

"Your Majesty, the one who unites everything..."

This time, Yisi's expression was horrified.

If time is a spacious road, then the Iss is a race that carefully explores the way forward with the help of the position on the edge of this road.

What about the "one of all things" and "ruler of time and space" Yogg Sotos?