The Endless Shuttle

Chapter 907

The evil demigod's greed for power--

Pick out the useful ones and filter out the ones with restrictions.

During the devouring, Rope learned the nature of these conceptual forces called "marrow".

"Disaster", "Fear", "Dreamland"——

Although these powers are far from being able to compare with the eternal and immortal divinity of "king power", "chaos" and "time" in Rope's body, they seem to be the top powers in this world, even faintly deep. There are signs of divinity everywhere.


In an incalculable amount of time, after he had consumed his power, the sense of rejection of the light blue "river" suddenly increased countless times.

By being aware of the transformation of matter.

In the next instant, as dizzy as the world turned upside down, Rope returned to the normal material world.

Spiritual vision is normal, divinity is normal, and power is normal——

Familiar air, familiar gravity, familiar earth——

The reddish sky was obscured by dark clouds, and countless thunders ran across it, and the anger of the sky showed the authority of the birth of another great man.

Thirty meters, the dark blue twisted demon **** stood on the unnamed and deserted plain.

Its pale white face without facial features "looked" at the sky.

Regardless of the information contained in the swallowed "marrow," or the memory that emerged after returning to the material world, he already knew the land under his feet, no, it was the reality of the world under his feet.

"Disbold, the world of "Game of Life"..."

Rope muttered to himself in the language of the soul.

"No, this world shouldn't have a name yet..."

According to the original path, "Disbod" is the name given to the only **** in this world.

Because Disbode means "the world on the chessboard."

What about now?

Ropey's six-legged tentacles stepped on the space, causing the huge body to start to move.

"Lingshi" looked into the distance.

The earth is like a garbage dump after a nuclear explosion, and it is full of mess. There is only less than a little bit of green nibbled away, and the air is full of the smell of elves death.

The world seems to have been ravaged arbitrarily, and the end of the world is close at hand.

-An absurd and disorderly world.

It's not a peaceful Disbode.

This is the time when the gods and their created races wield violence to fight for the power to rule the heavens and the earth!

"If the river that resembles the "root" is the "Elves Corridor," then the identity of me who has eaten the "marrow" is now... the Old Deus? "

This is really funny enough... the devil shook his head helplessly.

Perhaps, from now on, his already numerous titles will be added by another...

In this world.

——The Old Deus of disasters, fears and dreams!


The new roll is opened.

So, please give me a reward, la la la la~~~

Chapter 2 The Era of Violence Raging the Earth

Wonderful, dumbfounding identity.

But there is nothing to be concerned about, anyway, since the initial trial, a long time has passed, and various identities Rope has long been used to.

Whether it’s the deity killer, the demigod of the Cthulhu family, or the inexplicable "spiritual seed" that this new world recognizes and gives to the spirit, these are all powers that are lodged in their own name, and there is nothing else. .

-Power is the most real.

The problem is this trial...

On the deserted plains, the 30-meter-high dark blue demon god, while passing the time, seemed to wave his hand to flatten the mountain peaks that hindered the advancement, while using one of its slender four arms to call out the long-lost system pop-up window.

"The trial is getting simpler..."

‘Because with Ape’s power, Zeng Qian, the meaning of turning around is not big anymore, the system still has basic logic. "Acelia said.

"The traditional trapezoidal climbing iron rule, it is impossible to throw a trial like "find all the rock types in the world, and then build a castle" for the current Ape? That was just a joke. ’

"You are right, but how do I feel that the simpler it is, the more troublesome it is... Just like the last world threw me to the "save the world" trial, but I had to take great effort to crown a demigod and cross over Time to wrestle with the leader of the sect of the deceased..."

Rope flicked the details of the trial on the enlarged version of the bullet frame, and sighed for a long while.

""Get full control of this world"... It seems simple and straightforward. In this world where there is a "Star Cup" full power concept installation, the goal is also very clear... But how can I smell some traps behind the "simple"... …Has the system started to play the trick of obfuscation with me? "

‘I didn’t release the task! ’Acelia called injustice immediately.

No wonder Rope feels this way.

The fundamental reason is that "Game of Life" transcends a part of conventional cognition.

Before this world became a Disbode where "everything is determined by the game", which is now the era where Rope is living, the earth is full of chaos visible to the naked eye.

Not only is it reflected in the environment, the strong and the weak go hand in hand, but the weak gather to kill the strong who are several times their own in the form of ants.

These are common sights that can be seen everywhere.

High above, the gods who occupy the top position of individual power. A fantasy species independent of the elven corridor system. Skywing species with the same excellent individual strength and quantity. Developed a "spiritual outfit", a goblin species that is at the forefront of mechanical civilization. A highly enchanted forest species. The number is sparse, but all of them possess extremely powerful dragon essence species. Theoretically, it can be infinitely transformed and strengthened by itself...

These chaotic races seem to have a clear division of power classes, from the strong to the weak in a strict order, but this is not the case.

The gathering of the Tianyi population can eliminate the gods, dragons, and giants. With its number, Mori Jingjing can capture fantasy seeds and make it into "Void Zero Protection". A quarter of the fighting power of the whole family of Jikai can wipe out Yanlong, one of the three dragon kings. The goblin species can compete with the forest spirit species with this level of strength, and even overwhelmingly.

-A veritable chaos.

If Luo Pei believes in the understatement of the evil of the trial description, and feels that his current demigod personality and the power to absorb the essence of the world are invincible, and he is ready to calm down and pull hatred, then he is likely to become the second " Mars".