The Era of Generals

Chapter 112: now!


That's just Xu Qing's thoughts.

His consideration included the time taken by Chen Ming's scouts to send signals from the detection to the enemy's situation and then return a certain distance.

But in fact, why does Chen Ze need to be so troublesome?

He knew the route that Chen Ming took all the way, and even as the little red dot representing Chen Ming moved, Chen Ze knew exactly where there was a small ditch in front of him.

If He Xuan's army encounters an enemy army, as long as Chen Ming sees it, it is equivalent to Chen Ze seeing it. There is no need for Chen Ming to do anything, and Chen Ze can lead his army.

Wulidi is equivalent to two and a half kilometers of Chen Ze's previous life. In the second stage of Ma Teng's thousand-mile raid, where can the cavalry slow down after the charge?

To be honest, this distance is a bit grasped, but this is the shortest distance that Chen Ze estimated that he would not be noticed by the other party.

But this can't be explained to Xu Qing, and if Xu Qing is to know that after they have withstood Chen Ze's so-called soul test, their every move is under Chen Ze's supervision...

Loyalty is a must.

So Chen Ze could only say: "You can rest assured that I am not selfish enough to do meritorious service for myself regardless of the lives of my colleagues. I am not so cold-blooded yet."

"The reason why I dare to hang so far is because I probably estimated when and where the other party will do it. Sending Chen Ming out is just a close. It's not just relying on his information to act."

With that said, Xu Qing stopped talking.

He still believed in Chen Ze, since the other party dared to say that, he must be sure.

Unexpectedly, he recalled what Chen Ze was doing when he was in West Cloud City, and suddenly shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's because the subordinates have been worrying too much. It is not difficult to understand those small movements with the son's intellect."

Chen Ze smiled and stopped talking.


He knows what a fart, but it's just cheating.

If it weren't for Xu Qing's blind trust in him, Chen Ze would have to reveal his stuff if he asked where he might be.

He didn't ask, Chen Ze was also happy, just pretending to be an unpredictable nirvana. In short, when a large blue dot appeared on the map, when did he trigger Ma Teng, who had recovered to cool down, and led his army to save the field. That's it.

This walk took two days.

For two days, Mo said it was Zhu Yan's ambush. Except for themselves, no half of them had been seen.

Even Chen Ze frowned deeper and deeper.

Today is the third day from the Xichuan City Supply Line. If you can't meet those ambushes, their dry food will be exhausted.

At the beginning, Chen Ze only ordered people to receive enough dry food and drinking water for three days in order to ride a fast horse.

The water was down. Chen Ze would ask the soldiers to replenish them when they encountered small streams along the way, but the food was a big problem.

They walked across a lot of woods along the way, but time was limited, and they didn't send soldiers to hunt or pick some wild vegetables or fruits, which led to the lack of food and grass.

Although Chen Ze had consciously asked the soldiers to save food rations, at this rate of consumption, he would last at most for another day.

One day later, they had to temporarily entrust the army, and went to the wild jungle to replenish food, thus widening the distance from Qilin City's heavy troops.

Just after everyone showed more or less impatience, after Chen Ze received more and more skeptical eyes, Chen Ze, who had been paying attention to the map, suddenly looked straight.

From the map lit by Chen Ming, he saw that a large area of ​​small blue dots suddenly appeared in front of the Qi Lin City heavy troops headed by He Xuan, and they were encircling them.


He was overjoyed. After waiting for so long, he finally waited for this ambush soldier to show up!

Where is there any hesitation?

The epic star will be triggered immediately!

Ma Teng!

Meng Yang’s face that was numb due to the days of march suddenly awakened, and suddenly he pulled the reins, stepped off the horse and hissed in pain, and stood up, but he was safe on the horse’s back with a clang. The saber came out of his waist and roared:

"Follow me!"

The rush of thousands of miles started instantly, and more than 7,500 cavalry under the influence of his dominance echoed in unison, and then they set out the most adept at attacking front line. Thousands of people merged into one, and at this moment it seemed to be off the string. Sharp arrow, swiftly charge with Meng Yang.

In an instant, Chen Ze, Xu Qing and Li Quanan, who were also in front of the battle, left behind.

Chen Ze was also helpless.

Ma Teng's Thousand Miles Attack skill is divided into two stages. When using the halo skill, it can increase the movement speed of the entire army by 10%, which he can enjoy.

But when Ma Teng started the second part of the assault technique, he could only act on the cavalry unit under his control, bringing him a 20% increase in assault combat power.

Since it is a charge, it is naturally related to speed. Chen Ze had previously paid attention to it. Once the Thousand Miles Rush starts to the second stage, the speed of the cavalry will increase by 10% after the base is increased by 10%.

The first 10% Chen Ze can eat, but he is neither a cavalry nor dominated by Meng Yang. Of course, he can’t eat the last 10% speed bonus, and it’s just right to be pulled down. .

Chen Ze could only report this with a wry smile, and then, together with Xu Qing and Li Quanan, tried to catch up with Meng Yang and others.

More than five miles, it’s not too far for a cavalry who doesn’t count the exhaustion of sprinting. Although Chen Ze ran at the end, he can also see from Mengyang’s map that a large blue dot is about to be completed. When surrounding He Xuan's troops, the red sharp arrow slammed into the diagonal thorn, and the selected position was exactly where the blue dots were the most sparse.

As expected of Ma Teng.

Without Chen Ze's guidance, he still found the right entrance while charging, and tore open the encircling circle that was about to take shape in one fell swoop.

This is not over yet. The Meng Yang troops who rushed for the first round slowed down for a while, and Xu Shi launched the second round of a thousand-mile raid. The red front arrow that seemed to be nearing charged once again exerted its force and tore it apart from the other side. A bigger hole.

After charging twice in a row, the Chen Ze and the three people who hurriedly hurriedly rushed to the front, and the sound of screaming for killing began to roar in their ears.

Chen Ze grabbed the horse's head, did not rush forward, but lurked further outside, staring into the battle group.

Zhu Yan ambush?

What he saw was a sturdy cavalry unit without a banner, and the armor and horses on the body had the seal of Zhangning City.

Zhangning City is the city closest to the east of Anluo Province, and it is also the supply line that was decided to abandon in Chen Ze's plan.

After being charged twice by Meng Yang, this unit looked a little chaotic, but it was just a little bit nothing. The formation was still there, and the soldiers didn't show much panic. On the contrary, all of them showed bloodthirsty intentions.

"Where are you from and why are you attacking friendly forces!?"

From the army with the mark of Zhangning City, a Mengyang cavalry who appeared to be a general of the Han clashes roared like thunder. The newest chapter in the era of the full military commander of the novel Chapter 112 now! URL: https://