The Era of Generals

Chapter 26: Omnipotent fragment

   Looking at this star, Chen Ze was puzzled.

   Is it possible that the general star can still get the same, and can't it be attached to different people?

   He already has two people available under him, one is Li Quanan and the other is Meng Yang.

   Is it possible to use the white round star for both at the same time?

   It would be nice if it was that way.

   Bairao's taunt is a halo skill. Although it has no substantial lethality, as long as it works well, it can play a role far better than Wu Anguo's desperate effort.

   "You can try."

   Chen Ze was thinking about how he would use it if he had a pair of taunting generals in his hands. Suddenly, the floating generals in the middle of the interface moved.

   Vibration, the formerly floating Jiangxing suddenly vibrated violently, the silver-white light was fluctuating, and it looked extremely unstable.

   Before Chen Ze could react, he heard a bang, the star actually exploded!

   Yes, you don't have to think about double taunting halo and other show operations.

   Chen Ze stared at the exploding general star in amazement, and couldn't help sighing, thinking so much why he was in fact simply black.

   It felt very dark when I picked a pseudo-general before, and it was still usable. This time, it's better, but I just picked up so many generals in the star system to repeat.

   This probability... Tsk tsk tsk.

   Just when Chen Ze was laughing at his own non-chief physique, his mind suddenly condensed, not right!

   The star exploded, but it did not disappear. The silver-white fragments that were blown to the east were still floating on the interface, and counted, no more, no less, just ten yuan.

Could it be that……

   Chen Ze's heart moved slightly, and he gathered his mind and looked at one of the fragments.

   will star fragment

   Grade: Normal

   Uses: synthesis, strengthening



The meaning of    synthesis Chen Ze understands.

   In addition to extraction in his system, there are also purchases, which can be directly used to buy fragments and then synthesize them.

   It's just that the price of a fragment is 500 combat merits. He wants to obtain the general star by synthesis, even if it is a normal grade, it will cost 5000 points, which is ten fragments.

   General Star Fragments he sees a lot in the purchase options, but they all have names, such as General Star: Zhao Yun (fragments), and so on.

   However, the fragments produced after the explosion of the star did not have the word "white around", it was just the fragments of the star.

   So in other words, this fragment is actually... the omnipotent fragment?

   With almost no hint, Chen Ze had to explore the star system by himself, and in order to confirm his guess, he focused on strengthening the word.

   He understands, what is this reinforcement?

   Mind exited the extraction interface, Chen Ze saw that on the main interface of the general star system, there were still only three general stars floating.

   Bai Rao, Wu Anguo, and that much bleak pseudo-general star.

   As for the ten fragments produced by the explosion just now, at this time, there is an additional shrunken fragment icon below the battle balance, followed by the number: 10.

   Extracted a fragment with his mind, Chen Ze chose to put it on the star of Wu Anguo.

   "Strengthen the general star Wu Anguo, each piece can increase the duration of the star by ten minutes, are you sure to strengthen it?"


   As he thought, after the fragments touched the general star Wu Anguo, a prompt popped up.

   So this is strengthening!

   Chen Ze grinned.

   So I am not a non-Chief, and even some Ou.

   Through this operation, he understood two things.

   First, if the extracted general star already exists, it will be converted into fragments, and it is still an unnamed omnipotent fragment, which can be used to synthesize or strengthen any general star of the same rank.

  Second, the general star can even be upgraded.

   In fact, after obtaining this general star system, Chen Ze has been dissatisfied with the rule that each general star can only last for half an hour.

   The cooling of the general star is calculated on a daily basis. Within a day, no matter when Chen Ze chooses to use the general star, the general star can be restored to its usable state as soon as the second day arrives.

  In other words, if Chen Zeka uses the star half an hour before the time, then once the time comes, after the star is refreshed, he can use it for another half an hour immediately.

   Ke is only one hour in a specific time period, it is still too few.

   You need to know that he is still a small fight now, half an hour is almost the same, but if you go to the battlefield in the future, a battle will be fought for a few hours, as long as a few days and nights.

  Half an hour, what is enough?

   With the fragments, one fragment can increase the duration of the star by ten minutes. He has ten in his hand. If it is fully strengthened, it will be fifty minutes, more than the initial half an hour!

  I don’t know if there is an upper limit for this enhancement, but if it doesn’t, as long as he has enough fragments, it can completely make the stars exist for 24 hours!

   As for the influence of the host, whether the host still has problems after allowing the star to be possessed continuously, Chen Ze doesn't need to worry about it.

  After these several observations of Li Quanan using Ze found that, except for the first time Li Quanan's consciousness was a little vague, he had completely adapted to this state in the following several times.

   The possession of the star is not to seize the home, and it will not obliterate the consciousness of the host itself. What the star provides is only the force and various abilities corresponding to the generals.

   In other words, Li Quanan is still Li Quanan, no matter whether the star on his body is Bai Rao or Wu Anguo, he just gained the ability of the opponent, as for himself, he is still Li Quanan, a member of the Qingyang Empire on the Vast Sky Continent!

   This can be confirmed after Li Quanan was possessed by the stars several times, and he became more and more independent.

   Chen Ze used the star for someone, which is equivalent to strengthening the person, not obliterating the person.

   In this case, he will not have any burden to strengthen the star.

   But shouldn’t it be strengthened with omnipotent fragments, right?

   After pondering for a moment, in order to confirm his guess, Chen Ze turned to the purchase option, gritted his teeth, and spent 500 merit points to buy a piece of white wound fragment.

  Different from the omnipotent shard, this piece of white circle is listed separately behind the battle balance, and the number is displayed as 1.

  Chen Ze first put this piece on the star of Wu'anguo, and he got a prompt: the pieces are not in conformity and cannot be strengthened.

   And when he put the fragments on the white star, what he got was a reminder that could be strengthened.

After choosing Yes, he saw that Bai Hao raised the star to lift up a silvery white brilliance. Chen Ze felt a little bit. Although he didn't get a prompt on Jiang Xing, he was extremely sure that the duration of the white circle had already become forty minutes. !

  The fragments of a specific character can be used to strengthen a specific general. This also explains why he can still buy the fragments in the purchase option after he has the white general.