The Era of Generals

Chapter 378: ??????

Zhang Hualin was going to the other side according to the instructions given by Chen Ze.

The situation on the front battlefield was very clear. Even Chen Ze couldn't see any problems. Ning Zhenggang's deployment at that moment was very powerful and very targeted.

If Zheng Yuanyun is really just like that, then Chen Ze's judgment will be the same as Ning Zhenggang's, and this battle will end with the defeat of the Qingyang Empire.

And this battle will also become a classic battle in the history of Haotian Continent where the weak defeats the strong.

Will Zheng Yuanyun become Ning Zhenggang?

Will you make yourself a negative textbook that will be laughed at throughout the ages?

Obviously it is impossible.

Moreover, Chen Ze also believed that with Zheng Yuanyun's wisdom, he could not make such a foolish move.

Before, he was so cold-blooded that he ignored the lives and deaths of the soldiers. That was because the situation at that time could get Xilong City at the expense of a large number of soldiers' lives.

But now with Ning Zhenggang's response, no matter how many soldiers he sends, he can only send sheep into the tiger's mouth, without any benefit.

After all, there is a river between the two parties!

So why does Zheng Yuanyun still do this?

No, he is already converging.

From Zhang Hualin's perspective, Chen Ze could see that the soldiers who had not yet entered the river course were obviously slower than their previous movements.

This is not because of seeing the hopelessness of the siege and starting to shrink, but a prepared collective action.

This also means that Zheng Yuanyun will definitely have a second hand!

In fact, of course there will be back players.

If not, Zheng Yuanyun would not be so stupid that he would walk all the way to the dark and let his soldiers die in vain.

He can be cold-blooded, but the cold-blooded must be based on the premise that it can really bring him benefits.

Otherwise, his own soldier has also offended, and he hasn't beaten the city. Wouldn't he have paid his wife and broke down?

Based on Chen Ze's understanding of Zheng Yuanyun, this is not something he would do, so there must be other arrangements!

Ning Zhenggang's strategy is very good, but in one point, he is too obsessed with the frontal battlefield.

In fact, the current situation is not insoluble.

For example...

River water.

Also using Zhang Hualin's eyes, Chen Ze saw that because of the accumulation of more and more corpses, the rise in the water level caused by the opening of the gate and the release of water had now fallen back.

Not only that, it's even lower than it was at the beginning.

Ning Zheng was just paying attention to the frontal battlefield, so he would only see the river that was almost flattened because of Zheng Yuanyun's sling tactics, but he didn't see the water level farther away, but the water level downstream was long gone.

It's because of the corpse!

There are too many dead people, and they are all sword and shield hands. At this moment, not only the corpses are piled up in the river, but also the huge shield on the side of the sword and shield hands.

So many things, plus Ning Zhenggang's slings from time to time, almost cut off the river channel on the side of the Qingyang Empire.

The river downstream has been so far...

Zhang Hualin's sneaking skills were not just as good as Gu Qingfeng. Not long after, he circled a big circle from the rear to the downstream, raised his foot and tried it in the river, only to find that the river water only missed the position of his calf.


With this step, even Zhang Hualin felt wrong, the water was too shallow!

"Look for it again, they should be nearby!"

Chen Ze frowned. Regardless of the loss of military exploits, he could see what Zhang Hualin could see. The water is so shallow, it seems...

Zhang Hualin got the order and tried to find it along the downstream river. After walking for almost half an hour, he finally...

"Master, there is a discovery here!"

He leaned down and looked at the mud on the bank of the river. It was obvious that the mess had been trampled on not long ago.

Seeing that there was no one around, he carefully touched the river again. Unexpectedly, he staggered and almost fell into the river.

Fortunately, he was agile and forced to hold on. Then he tried his feet again and his expression changed slightly: "Master, there are a lot of traces of trampling on the bottom of the river. Go by the river!"

Chen Ze, who was far away in Ketan City, sneered, this result was not beyond his expectation.

Zheng Yuanyun, what a cruel calculation!

Since Zhang Hualin rushed to the dam to open the gate and release the water, he did not detect Zheng Yuanyun's movements during that time.

Perhaps at that time, or perhaps after he discovered that the dam had been released, he had other thoughts.

Those swordsmen and shields are nothing more than cannon fodder in the final analysis. Whether they are used as stepping stones to fill the river channel or are responsible for attracting the attention of the Xilong coach, their mission has been successfully completed.

The large number of traces found here is proof!


Taking advantage of the huge number of troops on the frontal battlefield, the opponent had to fight with all his strength, and Zheng Yuanyun, who had more troops in his hand, took this opportunity to do another thing.

He mobilized more troops to go far downstream, and waited until the water level of the river fell...wad across the river!

The river water that only submerged to the calf position would not cause any hindrance to the march, which is why Zhang Hualin almost fell.

As for whether the soldiers wading through the water were swordsmen, cavalry, or pikemen, it no longer matters.

The important thing is that, after Zhang Hualin's investigation, it can cause such a large area of ​​traces, it is estimated that its total force will be more than 500,000!

Half a million people have already waded from the downstream to the Xilong city area. Does this result need to be considered?

Even Chen Ze didn't plan to let Zhang Hualin follow him, because it was no longer necessary.

The end of Xilong City can be doomed after these 500,000 troops have crossed the river!

"Okay, you can go back and find a way to follow Zheng Yuanyun. Regarding Xilong City, you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Chen Ze shook his head and sighed.

This is the typical case of head and In order to prevent the gate of Xilong city from being breached, Ning Zhenggang put all his mind on the front battlefield, and even kept all the troops in the city unreserved. Drove to this wall.

This is not wrong. After all, there is such a wide moat between Xilong City and Qingyang Empire. When the bridge is broken and all ships are burnt down, the enemy wants to attack Xilong City. This attack is feasible.

Of course, it’s not that Ning Zhenggang didn’t consider the security issues at other gates, but he had so many troops at hand, only 300,000 in total. It was true that he had to face Zheng Yuanyun’s huge two million troops. Don't dare to split up more troops and look around.

As a result, Zheng Yuanyun took advantage of the loopholes.

When the water level dropped to its lowest point, his tactics finally began to be implemented.

And at this time it was getting late, and with the cover of night, this part of the army that crossed the river would easily touch the other three gates where there were not many soldiers garrisoned, thus forming a front and back attack.

So Xilong City...returning to heaven is lacking!