The Era of Generals

Chapter 860: ??? No way out

"The era of military commanders (

"What's the matter with you coming to see me?"

He Wei is still weak, and it can be seen that the death of the twelve brothers has dealt a great blow to him.

Gu Qingfeng sighed and didn't blame He Wei for his attitude.

In fact, the other party can still hold on to the city lord's mansion. It is not easy if he doesn't throw his sleeves away. Can he demand more of him?

"That's it."

Gu Qingfeng paused slightly, and solemnly said: "I have received news here that Master Chen has led a large army to the neighborhood, and at this moment, he is sending out personnel to clean up the scouts."

He Wei nodded.

He knew about it.

Gu Qingfeng once said that Chen Ze's troops would arrive later, and when Chen Ze came to Tianhong City, it was the beginning of their cooperation against Huang Ren.

It's just that now he even saw Chen Ze's people, and he died of thirteen brothers including Feng Lei, which made him more or less a bit resentful towards Chen Ze.

Although he knew that Chen Ze should not be blamed, he always held his breath in his heart.

So he said coldly: "Why, I have to send someone to welcome Chen Ze when he is coming?"

Gu Qingfeng fixedly looked at him, shook his head and said, "Brother He, at this point, let's talk hard."

How he couldn't tell He Wei was talking angry, but now it is really not the time to let He Wei's temperament come.

"Say it."

He Wei waved his hand, but he only reversed that moment, and then said: "What does Chen Ze want me to do?"


Gu Qingfeng said directly: "The scouts outside the city are too scattered, we have to find a way to gather them, and only then can it be convenient to catch them all at once!"

"How to gather?"

He Wei said inexplicably: "Those people are not in my control, and they won't listen to my orders."

Gu Qingfeng smiled and said, "It's not difficult. Now Meng Yang and the others are clearing the outermost sporadic scouts, and Brother He, as you know, the scouts arranged by the guy Huang Ren, the closer they get to Tianhong City."

"After they have cleaned up the periphery, we will also cooperate with us here to attract all the scouts to the city. This will facilitate annihilation in one fell swoop!"

He Wei thought for a while and said, "That's right, but you still didn't say, how are we going to gather them?"

"Out of town."

Gu Qingfeng said directly: "As long as they feel that we have the intention of leading the army to leave, do they dare to just hide in the dark and observe silently?"

"You know, Xiao Feng has gone out before, and has already told the scouts about our stay in Tianhong City. Oh, by the way, by the way... Xiao Feng is..."

After a moment of silence, Gu Qingfeng still sighed: "Xiao Feng was found to have been killed by our people on the way to follow Bai Lie's scout to find Huang Ren."

This time, He Wei was silent.

Although he had expected it, he couldn't help his heart trembled when he heard the death of a brother with his own ears again.

Gu Qingfeng didn't let him feel sad for too long, and continued: "Then Huang Ren actually doesn't know our arrangements, but the scouts under the city will guess some."

"So at this time, let's make the appearance of leaving Tianhong City, what would the scouts outside think?"

"They will definitely think that we have reached an agreement, and at the moment they are out of town, they just want to take advantage of Huang Ren's chance to get out of his control!"

He Wei stared blankly at Gu Qingfeng and talked. He seemed to see a trace of Yan Xukai on the opponent's body.

But Yan Xukai was originally their military adviser, but what about Gu Qingfeng?

Gu Qingfeng... When did he become so eloquent?

"what do you mean……"

He frowned slightly, Yan Xukai was not here at the moment, so he had to make his own decisions.

He Wei is just upright but not stupid, and Gu Qingfeng's words are said to be here, he also understands immediately.

Although the people outside the city are all scouts, and they are actually equal to them in number, it is absolutely difficult to keep oneself and others based on their words.

With the strength of Xuan Jia's elite, it is not difficult to beat them seven or eight at a time.

But if you know that you can't beat it, don't you?

If they dare not stop, just let the elites of the profound armor leave, waiting for them, it will be the full-fledged copy-cutting under Huang Ren's rage!

Therefore, knowing that it is not an enemy, you have to stop it.

Even He Wei can think of their next actions.

On the one hand, the scouts had to send another hundred thousand eager people out to find Huang Ren to quickly support them, and on the other hand, they would gather all their hands together to prevent them from leaving Tianhong City.

In that situation, you can only block once you can block it, and drag it for a moment longer, even if you know it will die.

It's okay if they are dead. If they dare not try their best, their family members will also be implicated!

This is when you have to fight.

Of course, the life and death of these scouts is not within He Wei's consideration. As for the question of whether they can be won, it is not necessary to think about it, it is definitely certain.

Before, they allowed the other party to deploy sentry posts outside Tianhong, but there was no need to clashed with Huang Ren at this time, so if the other party wanted to monitor, let them monitor it.

What He Wei was considering at the moment was whether Chen Ze's idea would cause any bad consequences for themselves.

It seems... also okay?

He thought for a while, and the current situation was actually very clear.

After agreeing to cooperate with Chen Ze, Xuan Jia Jingrui was already destined to stand on the side of the Qingyang Empire, so the antagonism with Huang Ren was affirmative.

Even if he doesn't follow Gu Qingfeng's words now, when Huang Ren returns, will he let him go?

Furthermore, if he refuses at this time, the thirteen brothers are not dead in vain?

There is no room to swing around.

Recalling what Yan Xukai had said before returning to rest, He Wei could only sigh.

Yan Xukai was also exhausted these days, and when He Wei finally made a decision, Yan Xukai knew that the help he could provide was minimal.

Because they were actually under Chen Ze's control, it would be useless for him to rack his brains right now.

So it's better to take a good rest first, and then come to fight Chen Ze during the decisive battle afterwards.

It seems... there is no problem?

He Wei passed Gu Qingfeng's words over and over again in his mind, and finally confirmed that this matter had no problem for them.

It's just about exposing the problem early and late, and it's still here for the scouts who have received the news.

Maybe we can get rid of all the scouts who know, and leave them a way out?

Thinking of this, He Wei would naturally not tell the truth, but nodded and said: "Okay."

"I think these guys are not pleasing to my eyes a long time ago, so let's calculate the old and new accounts together!"