The eSports King’s Crush

Chapter 514: Five hundred and fourteen

Chapter 514


When I saw him in front of the camera, he picked a corner of his lips, his teeth were slightly exposed, because his facial features were so good, even if he sneered, there was a beautiful and evil feeling.


This is the only sound made by Feng Nai.

The host was a bit handsome by his smile.

Not to mention the audience watching the screen.

It is really impossible to ignore their auras.

The next time I send this kind of barrage, I still have to stay a little bit, otherwise they will be cool to the back of their necks.

"What else did they say?" Feng Nai raised an eyebrow casually. "Everyone said to listen."

The host also calmly turned over the barrage: "One, said that you want to let Nange hold you high."

Feng Nai smiled, very slowly: "Who said it, come and say it in front of me."

Fans all touched their necks subconsciously.

The host thought it was interesting: "K fans are very cute, but I think Mo Nan is so thin, shouldn't I hold k?"

In this sentence, Feng Nai has not spoken yet.

"Yes." Mo Bei looked away.

Feng Nai's meal.

The host was obviously not convinced, and laughed: "I know boys want to prove their strength, rest assured, we don't have such a link."

Feng Nai glanced in the direction of the host, a little careless and other things.

The host even felt that he was abandoning the show group, saying that there should be no links.

After shaking his head and shaking off the inexplicable feeling, the host opened his mouth: "The following is a question to ask Mo Nan, why did you think of coming to assist, it was obviously an assassin before."

Mo Bei raised his eyes.

Huan Leng also wanted to know this answer.

Especially after seeing Mo Nan today.

"Hei Yan's trick is auxiliary." Mo Bei's voice was not fluctuating.

Moderator: "That's it? Nothing else?"

Mo Bei: "Yes."

Moderator: "We all know that you didn't play well before. Did you want to work hard after joining Heiyan."

After reading the question, the host wanted to bite the tip of his tongue.

But Mo Bei just faded his eyes: "always."

The host said, "Always?"

Mo Bei added indifferently: "It has always been like this, but no one knew it before, and now Hei Yan found me."

The barrage stopped for a moment.

The host also could n’t figure out the third question, but the screen was locked. He could only continue: "Now you are in Heiyan and the development is also very good. As fans, we just hope you do n’t say The original team and Lu Shen are not good, everyone will be friends in the future, can you, Nan?

Mo Bei turned her face down, and her eyelashes were long, but she answered simply, "I haven't said that, no."

As her voice fell, the uproar rang in the auditorium.

The host also knows that the scene is bad.

But these problems should not arise.

What happened to the manuscript.

Quite simply, it was someone who fiddled with what Mo Nan wanted to answer.

Because it is out of control.

So Wang Jun and the others thought of a way to use this program to let everyone know what kind of person this is.

This question is already saying that Mo Nan is ungrateful.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, he changed the team.

This is generally encountered.

Most people will answer yes, because they don't want to hack.

But Mo Bei can't.

I can imagine how much a rebound ...

Regarding the activities, only those who vote in the election will be cleared. The finals are the focus, so be active and wait for the finals ... don't waste any more active points. The playlist, the dreamer, immortal ... a little sweet, not the playlist, because it is in the dance machine.

(End of this chapter)