The Evil Imperial Monarch

Chapter 4290: Outsider ambition

The black shadow screams and laughs: "No wonder the original owner of the sorcerer, let him go to be the lord behind the lord and want him to be a sect, even the white robes like Lin Biao, who was also taken away by this kid. ""

"Oh, it’s a horse, I don’t know it yet, I will know it..."

The woman does not quite agree with Ye Chu. In the right eye, the gods are shining from time to time. Most of these nearby immortals have let her sweep the spirit.

If Ye Chu is here, there will be some surprises. There are still people in this world who, like their own Tiandao Zongtian eyes, can also scan other people’s spirits and learn about other people’s affairs.

"Well? Retreat?"

When her right eye swept over the fat of a fat-headed middle-aged man, the brow could not help but screw it.

"Is that kid retreat?" The shadow was also somewhat unexpected.

The woman said to him: "It may be a retreat. The guy is a member of the city government. As far as he knows, this Ye Chu has not been in the city government for hundreds of years. It may be retreating. ""

"I haven't appeared in a few hundred years?"

The shadow is speechless: "Maybe he has left the holy city of Nanfeng, there is no one here..."

"It shouldn't be possible, that kid is still near here..."

The woman said: "The current expenses of the city government seem to be very large. Every year, we have to lose hundreds of billions of Lingshi resources. For hundreds of years, the people of the city government, and their benefits, there is no shortage."

"If Ye Chu is not here, others can't support the operation of this city capital..."

The woman shook her head. She judged that Ye Chu was definitely still here. Even if it was not here, it should not be too far away.

Her right eye can also scan the human spirit and get the information she wants.

This fat man is a member of the city's main government, and is also a small patrol squad leader, with hundreds of people under his hand.

The strength of oneself is not weak. It was a bad one in the city government thousands of years ago. The welfare has been good all the time. The holy city of Nanfeng is now deserted, but it has not hindered the quality of his life.

It has always been so superior, although there have been reports in previous years that the holy city is so deserted, it may be that their city government personnel will be cleared. A large part of the remaining people's welfare may be greatly reduced.

Some people even leave their hearts, but in the past few hundred years, the city government has not taken the initiative to remove any one. Of course, this does not include. Some people want to go outside, and the city government has not blocked it.

There are not many people walking. Many of the people in the city’s government, the ancestors, have been in the city’s government for thousands of years. They have been following since the Hongqi era.

Most of the people in the city's government are either they, or their descendants, and they have feelings for the city's government. They don't want to leave easily.

What's more, Ye Chu is a living sign. After the news of playing Super City, the staff of the city government did not want to leave. Ye Chu’s future, they can understand without thinking about the brain. If they can follow Yecheng, the future is naturally limitless.

Not everyone on the road is trying to compete in the world. Some people have already seen it clearly. Their talents are limited and their upper limit is visible. Therefore, relying on a Mingzhu, a Yechengzhu who is boundless in the future, is naturally the best choice, and it has always been so good to the people in their city.

The woman stayed here for a while, the night market is still prosperous, many male nuns repair, come and go, everyone you want, keep the bustling city.

In the middle of the night, the woman came outside the city hall.

"Interesting, the big battle of the city's main government, some meaning..."

The woman’s right eye flickered, and at a glance it was obvious that the big battle of the city’s main house was very extraordinary: “The three floors, the outer three floors, are really protective. Is it the kid’s own?”

The woman had some accidents. She swept the guards of the guards at the door and knew the arrays. It was Ye Chu’s personal transformation.

However, because she has a special right eye, and her concealed body is also unable to capture, there are several people in the city government to enter and exit, she smoothly followed behind and entered the city government.

As soon as he entered the city's main government, the woman's brows tightened. In the backyard of the city's main government, there was a white palace. The main people living here were the high-level personnel of the city's main government, including Yechu's parliamentary hall.

Coming to Ye Chu's main hall of the House of Deputies, there is also a layer of rituals separating the main hall, and some buildings around it, the legal array here is more special, and the ordinary city government personnel do not have the right to enter and exit here.

"The law here is even more strange..."

The black shadow appeared behind the woman, and it felt a bit weird at this time.

“It’s really weird...”

The woman looked dignified and looked at the several halls in front of her. She was also somewhat surprised.

There was a patrol passing nearby. She swept the spirits of several of them and learned that the squad there had not been opened for some years.

Because Ye Chu and his family usually live in the city's capital, but Ye Chu and his family, including his former deacon, his son Ye Feng, and nephews, have not appeared in this for many years.

Therefore, the legal array here, they can not open, even the few fairy cities in the holy city, can not open the legal array here. You must have Ye Chu and others to open the circle here.

"It turned out to be..."

The woman probably understood: "Since his son Ye Feng was attacked by evil days, he personally reformed the squad here. I can't think of it, I still underestimated this kid. His rumor is so high. I am here. Can't break it either..."

"Even if it is evil, it is estimated that it will not be solved for a while, and here is the living fairy." The woman whispered in her heart.

"Is there such a powerful squad? You can't help even the sister?" The shadow was somewhat unexpected. The woman's accomplishment in the squad was clear.

The woman said in a deep voice: "It is very special. The pattern used in this array is strange. It seems that there is more than one pattern, and there are countless lines intertwined. I have never seen such a pattern before."

“A lot of patterns are intertwined?”

What Shadow seems to have thought of: "I have seen this array of law..."

"Have you seen it?"

"Not bad..." The shadow said, "When I was in the sand field, I used to see this array in a palace. It seemed to be a seal array..."

He remembered: "Now think about it, it is indeed similar to these arrays, they are all intertwined with a large number of patterns, which is completely different from the ordinary array, but the effect of the seal is exceptionally good."

"Don't that kid, who still has the inheritance of this array?"

The woman looks dignified: "This kind of law is very special. If I can get it, the ruling will definitely improve a lot. The pattern of this pattern must be very special. There are at least tens of thousands of arrays. The lines are intertwined, but it is not something that ordinary people can make..."

"How many tens of thousands of lines?"

The black shadow is also a bit surprised: "It seems that we have also underestimated this Ye Chu, the strength of this kid is extraordinary, the rumors of the ruling are still so outstanding and the woman's fate is surprisingly good..."

The woman said to herself: "Be sure to find this guy, I want to get his spell of the circle..."

"Oh, with your sister's cultivation, just be careful, sweeping away his spirit, naturally what is the way you are."

The black shadow screams: "Your existence is a loophole in the cultivation of the world..."

"You are the loophole..."

The woman snorted and circled the fairy temple. No traces were found. This Ye Chu and his family did not appear for a while.