The Evil Imperial Monarch

Chapter 4387: Demon Valley Deacon

After half an hour, the white wolf horse came out from the **** mustard, and he smiled and said: "The bones of these three guys are not so hard, they are all recruited, and the treasures are as good as the cows..."

The white wolf horse took out ten pieces of sixty-seventh-order treasure mustard in one breath, and it was filled with various treasures. It can be said that the deacons of these three magic machine valleys are really rich in oil.

"What's in it?" Ye Chu saw that there was only such a mustard, but it was not very satisfactory.

After all, in the vast city of Xian, a treasury had tens of thousands of mustards of more than sixty-seventh order, and now only ten, it is indeed a small number.

"Hey, don't underestimate the things inside, there are just a few dozens of gods that we lack..."

The white wolf horse certainly knows the thoughts of Ye Chu, and now the general things can not enter the eyes of this big brother.

"Oh? Do you have dozens of gods?"

This has caused a little interest in Ye Chu: "What are these three guys doing specifically?"

"Hey, big brother, you can’t think of it, this person in the Magic Valley is disgusting..."

The white wolf horse smiled and said: "They actually set up a team that robbed..."

"These three guys are called deacons, but they belong to a deacon squad called the Heavenly Robbery in the Devil's Hall."

The white wolf horse really asked some useful news, and Ye Chu was also locked in his brow: "I have also set up such a team?"

"Well, according to these three guys, there are a total of 100 teams like them..."

"Distributed throughout the Super Fairyland, not necessarily in the vicinity of their Magic Valley..."

The white wolf horse said: "The reason why they dare to threaten us is because their Yuanling has a mark in the ancestral land of the magic machine. If there is an accident, the magic machine valley ancestors will directly smash their spirits, and at the same time they The mustards that are carried will be automatically transferred to the Magic Valley."


Ye Chu had some surprises: "Why are they not crushed?"

"It's not because of your big brother, your law, your law is estimated to block the curse on them..."

The white wolf horse smiled and said: "So these three guys, want to abandon the dark cast, turn to our name..."

"Do they want to abandon the dark?"

Ye Chu’s mouth was slightly raised, and the white wolf horse touched the cup. The two sat in a shop selling stone and slowly discussed the matter.

The white wolf horses came out of the way. They had 100 squads and a total of 300 stalkers. In fact, they were trained as shackles. Although the cultivation is now in the realm of the magic fairy, but the curse in the Yuan Ling makes them miserable.

Nearly a thousand years ago, they were sent to the streets of Xianlu and Wanyu for looting. Every year they need to turn over their spoils. And it can be said that the task is an increase once and for all, especially in these years, after the super fairy domain is synthesized, the task of each team is even heavier.

So they forced them to fight, robbed, and even robbed some famous guys, like a white wolf horse. There are also secretly robbing some like the holy city, or the city of God, or the governors of the various holy places.

The danger is much greater. They are now far less prone to looting. Once they have not completed the task, after more than three times, their Yuanling imprint will be destroyed directly.

Some time ago, they heard that there were two of the squads, who did not complete the mission and were destroyed by the Yuanling, and the gods were destroyed.

Therefore, they are also fearful and restless, but they have been branded as a symbol of the spirits that have been branded since childhood. The above-mentioned curse has made them no matter where they are, and they are the strongest people who can’t escape the magic machine valley. They will come over and find them at any time. .

Their imprints on the spirit can have several functions. One is to ask for help from the Magic Valley. The other is to make some contact with the Magic Valley, to connect with their own online, and the third is the treasure that can be carried by themselves. Mustard seeds are transmitted or destroyed, and in the end they can kill them directly.

The ones who control their lives and deaths are the masters in the Magic Valley. They have trained them to do this job since childhood.

So these three guys, they are experts in the looting, and the profession has been doing this for four or five thousand years. When the Magic Machine Valley had not yet come out, they were trained in the valley. After they came out, they went to Xianlu, and Wanyu looted for a thousand or two years. Various means can be said to be varied, like today to deal with white wolf horses, pretending to be a business can be said to be a show.

Ye Chu did not notice it with the eyes of the sky. They were also taught some special techniques of looting, such as astringent breath, such as disguise and tolerance, as well as super psychological acting.

These are the average looters, and they can't do it. Plus they are now so high, it can be said that they are rarely missed. And they have always robbed the master in one place, and immediately transferred to another place, but the last time they lost their hands in the white wolf horse, they are not too reconciled.

And it is true that this white man is really too rich. If you kill the white wolf horse, you will let them complete the tasks in the next few years, and then you can take a break.

So when they were caught by Ye Chu, they immediately wanted to use the Yuanling for help, but they found that the sect of Ye Chubu separated the curse of the Yuan Ling.

They couldn't escape, so they thought of another aspect. Maybe Ye Chu could expel the curse of their spirits and let them regain their lives. They wanted to abandon the secret and turn to Ye Chu.

After listening to Ye Chu, he asked the white wolf horse: "How do you feel about white, are these three guys reliable?"

"How do you say that you can't talk about reliability?"

The white wolf horse thought about it and said: "But what they said is worthy of our vigilance. This magic machine valley is really not a good bird. Before the death of so many creatures in the vast city of Xian, we rushed to this point, we I have to give the magic machine valley a whole thing..."

"Well, what you said is exactly what I think."

Ye Chu said: "This magic machine valley ancestral land is near us, there will be a battle sooner or later..."

"It’s better to start with the passive defense than to get rid of them from the inside..."

Ye Chu said: "Like this, I will accept them for these three people. I will let Benner study it and see how to get rid of the curse in their spirits..."

"If you can, try to find other members of their squad..."

"Big brother, what do you mean?" The white wolf horse smiled. "One hundred such teams, if we all come over, there must be no more than a hundred magic fairy?"

"Isn't that invincible?" The white wolf horse is straightforward.