The Evil Imperial Monarch

Chapter 5037: Horror bidding

The day of the celestial city of Tiancheng is unnamed. I think that some of these hearts can be said to be greatly shocked again. He can’t imagine this, but the blue-robed cultivator Ye Chu, who is in the middle of the three-turning and semi-fairy realm, has experienced what he can have such a huge one. The horror of the best semi-immortal artifacts and the wealth of ancient ancient martial arts cheats!

Perhaps today, the countless powerful cultivators in these super fairy fields tend to be the most powerful sacred treasures in the eyes of the guy named Ye Chu.

Therefore, his attitude towards these powerful best semi-immortal artifacts and ancient martial arts cheats will be so casual!

Even when he took out these best semi-immortal artifacts and powerful ancient martial arts cheats, he also had a very casual look when he traded at a very low price!

Take out the powerful pieces of the best semi-immortal artifacts and ancient martial arts cheats and just drop them on the table. There is no such thing as a cherish for these powerful best semi-immortal artifacts and ancient martial arts cheats. He will have any bad thoughts about these best semi-immortal artifacts and powerful ancient martial arts cheats!

Perhaps at that time, even if the Tiancheng City was unnamed, the famous pieces of the semi-prestige artifacts and the powerful ancient martial arts secrets were directly taken away, and the Ye Chu guy would not care!

The day of the celestial city of Tiancheng suddenly became unnamed. He suddenly felt that the distance between him and the blue robe cultivator Ye Chu, who is in the middle of the three-turn and half-presence area, was so big!

They are not at the same level for a long time!

What kind of horror is this!

The celestial heart of the celestial city of Tiancheng is even more fearful for this blue-robed cultivator Ye Chu, who is in the middle of the three-turn semi-presence. However, the fiery situation in the grand auction at this time has brought him back to reality!

Not to mention the countless powerful ancient martial arts cheats and the second grand auction that will be auctioned next, the last finale of this auction, the powerful semi-presense with double attack attributes is definitely their All the powerful artifacts that are present in the field are the best artifacts!

Ye Chu that guy actually took out such a powerful and best half fairy artifact out of the auction!

Why didn’t he have the opportunity to get such a powerful semi-prefective artifact? !

However, things have not been turned out of the sky. The city of Tiancheng has no name to think about. At this time, the last finale of the finale has been frantically smashed to the horrible high price of the seven thousand and one hundred kinds of fairy stones!

"Seven thousand and one hundred down the fairy stone!"

"The seven thousand and one hundred downs of the fairy stone for the first time!"

"And the Taoist friends have to take a higher price to take this powerful semi-immortal artifact with dual attack attributes?"

The three-turn and half-scented beautiful red robe women on the auction platform are really excited!

This last piece of the finale treasure has a double attack attribute of the powerful best half fairy artifact has actually been crazy to bid for the horrible high price of the seven thousand and one hundred down the fairy stone!

This is the high price of horror that has never been seen in the fairy city!

In the past, although there have been a variety of powerful semi-immortal artifacts from the ancient Tiangong relics in this day, the powerful semi-immortal artifacts can't shoot the horrible high price of these powerful best semi-immortal artifacts today. !

The three-turn half-scented beautiful red robe female repair Huang Yuting originally thought that the high price of the horror high price of the six-500-year-old fairy stone was far higher than the highest price of the powerful semi-prefecture artifact that was shot today. It deserved that this is the best. The highest price of a powerful semi-presense with a double attack attribute!

However, the price of the 6,500-year-old Xianling Stone has not stopped here, and it has once again climbed to the horrible high price of the 7100-yuan fairy stone!

This is too much beyond imagination!

"Wow! Seven thousand and one hundred down the fairy stone! This price is too scary!"

"I can't think of this last finale treasure from the fire cloud cloud actually fired the horror price of the seven thousand and one hundred down the fairy stone!"

"This powerful semi-immortal artifact with dual attack attributes is really worth the price from the fire cloud beads! You think about it, a powerful semi-immortal artifact of such quality is already at least four thousand. With the high price of the sacred stone, this powerful semi-immortal artifact with dual attack attributes is the ultimate weapon. Its power can be said to be far more than an ancient beast that only has one of the four ancient beasts. The powerful supernatural soul of the remnant soul!"

"Yeah! If you say this, this powerful semi-immortal artifact with dual attack attributes is indeed worthy of such a horrible price from the fire cloud beads, and the powerful semi-immortal artifact with double attack attributes like this I am afraid that there are not a few cultivators who are willing to sell them in the Super Fairy! This seller is too powerful! Even the powerful semi-immortal artifacts with double attack attributes are invisible!"

"Hey! The identity of this seller is not a secret at all. I heard that taking out these best semi-immortal artifacts and powerful ancient martial arts cheats to auction is this time in this celestial city together with the super cultivator army team." The infinite endless team of the horrible horror of the sorcerer's army!"

"It turned out to be the team of horror cultivators who have been rumored throughout the heavens! It is no wonder that you can auction so many of the best semi-immortal artifacts and powerful ancient martial arts cheats at one time! The beautiful red just above The robe female repair also said that there is a second grand auction! It can be seen how powerful this horrible team of cultivators is!

"Yeah! Otherwise, how can this team of powerful and horrible cultivators be able to annihilate the team of almost infinite endless demons? At that time, the army of countless super cultivators who rushed to support even could only help their horrible cultivator team! It was so beautiful!"


Numerous onlookers at the auction site were shocked by the horror high price of the powerful and best semi-immortal artifacts with the double-attack attribute of the last finale. The entire auction venue was shocked. The countless cultivators below have begun to talk about this last finale!

"The seven thousand and one hundred down the fairy stone for the second time!"

On the stage of the auction, the three-turned and half-scented beautiful red robe women's repairs had to directly run the spirit of the spirits in the body to pass the sounds out of the entire auction venue. Otherwise, in such a lively auction. I can't hear her voice at all!