The Evil Imperial Monarch

Chapter 5060: Ten years of change

In Ye Chu, the team of the horrible cultivator who was extremely horrible for the last time passed the ancient transmission array for the ultra-long distance transmission, their team of horrible cultivators was finally far away from the chaos in the super fairy field. Constant wars and turmoil, entered the super fairy domain of the super fairy domain that has not been invaded by the infinite endless group of the demon demons.

After the team of the horrible cultivator of this horror has left the chaotic land of the super-fair field invaded by the infinite end of the demon group, the inexhaustible demon group is still trapped. In this panic of the horrific cultivator's team that suddenly disappeared again.

Today, Ye Chu, their horrible team of cultivators, has become a kind of death that is forbidden to talk about in the endless army of the Devils.

It seems that in this endless group of demons and demons, as long as the rumors of the horror of the horror of the immortal team, they will bring terrible misfortune to the team of the demon army. .

Of course, this endless group of demons and demons does not know that Ye Chu, their horrible team of cultivators, may disappear in their field of vision for some time.

Because after a dozen years of long-distance trek across the majority of Super Fairyland in the Super Fairyland, Ye Chu, their horrible cultivator, finally got close to the end of their distant journey. The purpose is.

At this time, there are countless scattered cultivators in this super fairy field. Under the influence of the set of war merits and rewards schemes a dozen years ago, they are facing the endless series of demon demons. The army of the great army was under the pressure of the army, and the super-scented Xiancheng, which was completely invaded, went.

Even though the endless fleet of demon demons and sects sent out the powerful demon demons in their team of demons and demons, they formed a special powerful demon demonic team to deal with them. In the fairy tales, there are countless teams of powerful cultivators composed of cultivators, and even the team of powerful cultivators composed of countless scattered cultivators have been eliminated.

However, after all, the infinite number of powerful demons and demons in the ranks of the demon demons are also extremely limited. The number of special demon demons composed of these powerful demon demons is also It is also very limited.

Moreover, their infinite endless team of demon demons has been constantly looking for and guarding against this horrible team of cultivators, and they dare not let them be special geniuses composed of powerful demon demons. The number of teams in the Magic Team is too small.

Otherwise, they simply don’t know when the horror of the horror of the hell, which is now erratic for them, will suddenly run out, and they will be able to form a special demon group. Eliminate it.

And such things are obviously things that they have learned after they have been taught again in the past ten years.

At that time, they were inexhaustible. The team of the demons and demons was because they had always watched this horrible team of cultivators, and they dared not confront them with these powerful special demon demons. They gradually began to let go, even to the end. Later, in order to intensify the efforts to suppress these infinite endless super-disciplinary cultivators in the super fairy domain, they split these powerful special demon demons into a group of powerful demons. Repair the team.

Because this endless group of demons and demons found that these special demon demons were formed by the powerful demon demons of one or two hundred people who couldn’t move them to deal with these. The team of scattered cultivators is simply killing chickens and knives.

As long as they separate the power of some of these special demon sorcerers, it is enough to eliminate the powerful cultivators composed of these super-scented cultivators.

In this way, their endless group of demons and demons can naturally gain greater advantages.

However, such a situation is obviously not good for a long time, because this endless group of demons and demons found that once they do this, the legendary horror of the horror cultivator will not know which super fairy domain suddenly Appeared in the fairy city, they will kill all the powerful demon demons that they have built up.

Even at the beginning, their infinite endless group of demons and demons did not find that the team of the horror of the horror of the horror of the genius actually destroyed their powerful demons.

Because this team of horror cultivators who existed as a **** of death for their infinite endless demons, not only destroyed their powerful demons, but also these powerful demons The magic team has all been killed without fail.

There is no such thing as a powerful demon sorcerer who can escape the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's team!

So at the beginning, this endless group of demons and demons did not know where these powerful demon demons had suddenly disappeared, until later there was a powerful demon demons who were self-cultivating and powerful. Only after the surgery was able to escape, they returned to their infinite endless group of demons and demons.

Since then, these endless groups of demons and demons have no longer dared to separate their special demon demons, otherwise they simply do not know the powerful demons of the day. The demonic team will suddenly disappear from the human world, and their team of demons and demons will not even know the horror of their powerful demons.

Under such circumstances, this infinite endless group of powerful and special demon demons sent by the demon group of the Devils and the Devils can even be a powerful cultivator composed of countless supernaturals. The team is threatened, but because of the limited number of these special demon demons, there is always a limited impact on the innumerable team of the powerful and powerful immortals.

On the other hand, for the team of powerful cultivators composed of countless scattered cultivators in this super-sin domain, the endless and fascinating genius of the demon genius It means countless powerful cultivators and ancient martial arts cheats, and even the powerful and perfect semi-immortal artifacts that countless cultivators dream of.

In the super fairy domain, no matter what kind of powerful cultivator treasures mean a certain danger, if you want to get a strong strength, it is naturally inevitable to bear the risks and crises brought by these powerful cultivators. Therefore, for the team of powerful cultivators composed of infinite and endless savvy cultivators in the super fairy field, as long as they avoid these powerful special demon geniuses, they will kill the infinite endless demon genius. The benefits of the Devils in the Devils are still very obvious.

Under such a relative situation, it is naturally impossible for the team of powerful cultivators composed of the sorcerers in these super sacred fields to completely withdraw.

So now the inner fairyland of this super fairyland is the opposite of the whole super fairyland. Under the threat of the infinite endless team of the demon demons, a large number of scattered cultivators are facing the super The transfer and accumulation of the inner zone of Xianyu.

Rather, it has been in the mid-fifty years of change, and a large number of powerful cultivators composed of scattered cultivators have gathered in the super fairyland city with rich rewards for war.

And Ye Chu, their horrible cultivator, arrived in the inner zone of this super fairy domain, and because of the changes in the past ten years, the progress in the inner zone of this super fairy domain became more and more smooth, straight. The land rushed back to the final destination of the South Winds.