The Evil Imperial Monarch

Chapter 5064: Death temper

Originally, their infinite endless group of demons and demons were observing that this team of powerful and horrible cultivators did not dare to confront them with their powerful special demon demons. These powerful specials The Devil's Demon team has begun to re-arrange the array and split into more powerful Demon's Demon team to combat the power of the countless powerful Immortals of Super Fairy.

However, as these powerful Devils and Devils began to completely disappear, the inexhaustible team of the Devils and the Devils began to feel bad.

At that time, the demons and demons of the army had some bad feelings, but their endless plan of the demon group of the demon demons and the army of these powerful special demon demons was apparently In the face of the overall confrontation of the Super Fairyland, it has played a significant repressive advantage.

Although this infinite endless group of demons and demons has discovered that some of the powerful demon demons have begun to appear missing, they are reluctant to take the powerful repressive advantage that is hard to come by. .

Even though these powerful demon demons have been missing, they still have no evidence to show where these powerful Devils have gone.

Until one day, a powerful demon in these powerful demon demons will support the weak demon spirits and return to their endless group of demon demons. They are endless days. The Devils and Democracy team re-remembered the fears of the original.

These powerful and demon-like demons, which are constantly missing, turned out to be in the hands of the death sorcerer from **** in the rumor!

At this point, apart from the powerful demon repaired by the ruined Demon, who is flexible enough to return to the infinite endless demon group, there is no such a powerful demon family to escape from them. Like the death sorcerer of the horror of the horror of hell!

For a time, the entire endless fleet of demons and demons was once again shocked by this horrible team of death cultivators!

And the ruling class above the infinite endless demons of the demon army finally realized the seriousness of the situation, and immediately restored their powerful Tianmo demon team to rebuild a powerful special demon demons. Repair the team to prevent this horrible team of cultivators to once again destroy their powerful demon power.

But after their infinite endless demons, the team of the demons and the army realized this, their powerful team of demons and demons had been wiped out by this team of horror-cultivators like hell.

This mistake can be said to bring huge losses to their endless team of demon demons!

Even because of this mistake, these special demon demons, which were sent by the infinite endless demons of the Devils, could not make a huge impact on this powerful and terrifying team. Threatened.

And the powerful demon demons in these powerful special demon demons are actually not afraid to find the trouble of this horrible cultivator, and the above commands are only superficial. Respond.

But in private, all their powerful demons and demons are very clear, even with their powerful special demon demons, to fight against this powerful horror, to eliminate their numerous powerful demons. The interest-free death cultivator team is also the only one that has been destroyed.

This endless group of demon demons does not know that these things are all Ye Chu, their horrible team of cultivators are now tempered by the death of their powerful cultivators!

Just as Ye Chu carried out a comprehensive expansion of the number of their horrible cultivators, while carrying out comprehensive combat training, at the same time, the infinite endless group of the demon in the super fairy domain was once again Started a full-scale invasion of the entire super fairy domain.

After the infinite endless super-cultivator of the Super Fairyland team, the team of countless cultivators and sorcerers competed against the infinite endless stage of the demon-like demonic army, and experienced an endless stream of demons. They sent out countless powerful special demon demons to stage a comprehensive suppression of the power of the super-Shenzhen's countless cultivators, and the entire super fairy domain has once again fallen into a chaotic world.

While Ye Chu, the team of the horrible cultivator, is constantly advancing toward the Nanfeng Holy City, he is constantly looking for opportunities to attack these infinite endless demons.

Finally, in this endless group of demon demons, they thought that their horrible savvy team was afraid of the powerful special demon demons sent by their inexhaustible demon group. And when relaxing, Ye Chu realized that their chances came.

The team of the Devils and the Devils finally couldn’t help but re-distribute these powerful Devils’ demons and transform them into more powerful Demon’s demons to countless Scattered The power of the cultivator is comprehensively attacked.

And Ye Chu, their horrible team of cultivators, is taking advantage of this opportunity. While taking advantage of the strength of their powerful cultivators, they are relying on the terrorist forces between their powerful cultivators. And with no cooperation, these powerful demon demons will be eliminated in the invisible, let these powerful demon demons suddenly evaporate in the super fairy domain!

In this way, not only the infinite endless group of demons and demons, but also the team of the powerful demons and demons have died in the hands of their horrible team of cultivators. Their team of horrible cultivators can further begin their comprehensive death temper.

At that time, these powerful cultivators were above the overall number and the terror strength of their powerful cultivators. They were already in a terrible state.

It was Ye Chu’s decision to conduct a comprehensive test of the power of these powerful cultivators in the presence of these powerful Devils.

Under the tempering of the death of the powerful Demon slayers who have eliminated this branch, their powerful cultivators can be said to be in the overall strength or in the real threat of endless death. I got a **** death experience.

Only in this way can their powerful team of cultivators be truly horrible.

After this death strike against the endless team of the Devils, the powerful and special demon demons of these infinite endless demons are already scared by them!

At that time, I was afraid to fight against these terrible death cultivators!

And Ye Chu sees that these powerful special demon demons have been reorganized, and he naturally is not willing to waste the power of the powerful cultivator team that he has finally built up to go with these powerful special devils. The team is going to kill you.

However, the tempering of this horrible team of cultivators is still going to be carried out. Since these powerful special demon geniuses have not been able to fight the army, then those endless geniuses and demons It is the object they have experienced!