The Evil Imperial Monarch

Chapter 5068: The age of the gods

In this era of countless ancient Tiangong reopenings, countless cultivators have acquired the powerful ancient Tiangong treasures and ancient martial arts secrets left by countless ancient times. Therefore, countless cultivators have regained the tremendous power of the leading era. It even shaken the power of the eight forces of the entire super fairy domain and the power of the super-scented sectarians.

But the more enormous crises behind this are not what every cultivator can perceive.

Among the super fairy fields today, countless cultivators have become more and more agile because of the supernatural world, and because of the powerful ancient Tiangong secret treasures and ancient martial arts secrets of the ancient Tiangong re-emergence in the super fairy domain, An extremely fast opportunity to enter the country and the possibility of having a powerful ancient power.

Even these powerful cultivators have taken advantage of these factors to bring them a powerful force, and they have begun to try to challenge the power of the eight forces in the super-super-land and the power of the super-scented sects, and among these powerful cultivators Beginning to appear as a powerful and powerful four-turner and a half-minority or even a powerful cultivator, these powerful cultivators are even powerful enough to counter the power of the powerful Xiancheng City Masters in the Super Fairyland.

But even under such circumstances, the eight forces of Super Xianyu and the cultivators of the Super Fairyland did not show that they would use the power of their more powerful cultivators to suppress the power of these powerful cultivators.

The meaning behind this is to make Ye Chu feel very suspicious.

Even Ye Chu feels that behind these things, it faintly points to the dark universe of Super Xianyuan, the biggest source of hidden danger.

But even if Ye Chu has such doubts and guesses, there is still no way to really judge the accuracy of these things.

After all, the super fairyland in the Super Fairyland where their horrific savvy squad was going, controlled by the powerful sacred sect of the super sacred domain, was only in the super fairyland. It’s not too big, a super fairy field, the power of the immortal.

It is not possible to conclude that the internal power of the entire super-sinal domain has been vacant.

However, the doubts that Super Xianyu now brings to Ye Chu are obviously not limited to this.

This era of countless ancient Tiangong reopenings in the super fairyland, even though it has produced countless powerful cultivators in the super fairy domain, but behind the ancient Tiangong’s legacy of countless super fairy domains, it is not only these powerful The ancient secrets of the ancient Tiangong and the secrets of ancient exercises.

In addition to Ye Chu, he used to go to the ancient Tiangong site of the Nangong Nianwei and Haze, in addition to the strangeness encountered in the ancient Tiangong site, later Chu Chu met in Jinzun Xiancheng. Han Ziying, the black woman who sold him to the strange jasper pendant, also told him about the strangeness in the ancient Tiangong area she experienced.

Including the later Chu Chu, their horrific team of cultivators, collected in the past ten years, all the news about the ancient Tiangong site in these super fairy fields, also told Ye Chu these super fairy fields There are countless reopenings in the ancient Tiangong’s legacy.

And to talk about the myriad of the myriad of the ancient Tiangong re-opening in the super-sinian domain, the first and foremost nature is the extremely large ancient giant trees that appear in the remains of countless ancient Tiangong in Superxian.

It is these ancient giant trees that suddenly appeared in the remains of countless super fairy fields in the ancient Tiangong, which triggered the countless fairy kings who had almost surpassed the ancient Tiangong and the original Tiangong in the super fairyland hundreds of thousands of years ago. The horror of the horror that disappeared!

Even if these ancient catastrophes of hundreds of thousands of years ago caused by the ancient towering giant trees that suddenly appeared in the remains of countless super fairy fields, the ancient catastrophe of these hundreds of thousands of years ago can at least explain these ancient catastrophe and these Suddenly appeared in the vast ancient towering giant trees in the ancient Tiangong Palace.

But the strange thing is that these ancient giant trees, which were related to the catastrophe that destroyed almost the entire ancient fairyland hundreds of thousands of years ago, are not found in the ancient Tiangong relics in every super fairyland. Even in the original Heavenly Palace, I have never heard of such a huge ancient towering giant tree.

On the contrary, these extremely large ancient towering giant trees are connected to the entire super fairy domain and the dark universe in a strange law throughout the super fairyland.

It’s just that Ye Chu, the team of these horrible cultivators, has only been relying on the strength of their powerful cultivator team to go through the various fairy tales in the super fairy field to try to find these messages. However, there is no opportunity to personally witness the various ancient giant trees that are mentioned in these news about the ancient Tiangong relics in these super fairy fields.

And on this road, Ye Chu has always been anxious to rush back to the South Winds in the holy city to uncover the soulless curse of her for the Heavenly Taoist Virgin. It is impossible to go to the ancient Tiangong of the super fairyland again. What to look for in the environment.

It is only the things that Ye Chu can know about the ancient Tiangong site in the super fairyland, and it can only reach this point.

However, it is clear that the mysterious nature of the ancient Tiangong relics brought to Ye Chu in this super fairy domain does not stop there.

In addition to the vast ancient towering giant trees among the many re-opening ancient Tiangong relics in these super fairy fields, they also have the ancient tree boundaries of these vast ancient towering giant trees.

Among these huge ancient tree boundaries, it is also the ancient towering giant tree that has been eroded by the enchanted spirits of the myriad connected demons.

Also behind these news, there are countless demon demons in the vast ancient tree boundaries, and the ancient Tiangong strongmen and demons who have survived for hundreds of thousands of years. The master of the demons!

The helpless Ye Chu, in the past ten years, the news about the ancient Tiangong relics among these super fairy fields, are scattered news that cannot be all together.

It is impossible to completely piece together these scattered news, and get the most comprehensive information about the countless ancient Tiangong sites that can be reopened among these super fairy fields.

But even so, Ye Chu can also guess the possibilities of these ancient Tiangong sites.

Since the countless ancient heavenly palaces in these super fairy fields have a large number of ancient giant trees that they do not know, then what happens is naturally not the same.

With such a thought, you can vaguely get some veins.

Among the countless ancient Tiangong sites in the super fairyland, there are huge ancient tree-lined ancient trees. It is inevitable that the ancient Tiangong strongmen and the Tianmo people will survive hundreds of thousands of years. The superb power of the magic repair is the end of the game!

Then this means that it is very likely that there are already many peerless powers that have been realized by them in the super fairy domain today!

And where did these peerless powers who survived hundreds of thousands of years go?

Is it hidden in the super fairy field to conceal in the dark, or has it also gone to the dark universe of the super fairy domain?

If these surviving peers are the ones of their super-scented immortals, they are still okay to say that they will at least not be too harmful to their super-scented immortals.

But if the surviving peerless is a demon, then the danger is too terrible!

It’s just that the news of these peerless powers seems to have never been circulated in the super fairy domain. It is therefore possible to judge that these peerless powers who have survived for hundreds of thousands of years, even if they succeeded in killing each other, must have been received. Extremely serious injury!