The Evil Imperial Monarch

Chapter 5115: Turbulent primitive heavenly palace

"Let, let go?"

Suddenly I heard that the three-and-a-half-and-a-half-mind-speaking sects of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the singer

"What? You want to fight with me?"

Ye Chu looked at the powerful five-turning and semi-fairy realm of this land-based power. The immortal look of the immortal was also somewhat speechless. Is it difficult for him to understand what he said?

"Oh, oh."

The five-and-a-half-and-a-half-minded realm of the ally of the ally of the sect of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the singer

However, at this time, the powerful forces of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of

However, the reaction of the local alliance forces five turns and a half of the realm of the powerful immortal 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎

When they hadn't played it before, the powerful and singular singer of the three-turn and half-presence world said that he came to borrow the ancient transmission array here.

Is this the most horrible three-turn and half-panda realm of the immortals really borrowing from the ancient transmission array?

And the powerful team of the cultivators of their ally forces, even because of such a small matter, was almost stunned by the horror of the three sinister sects. !

Even even him, a powerful cultivator of the ally of the five-and-a-half-ministerial realm, is also a well-known big man among the eight major powers of the super-scenario, and he almost died in this name. In the hands of the three districts of the semi-prefectures in the district, the hands of the immortals!

At this moment, in the mid-air, a messy ally of the forces of the five-and-a-half-and-a-half-minded realm of the immortal 裴 裴 裴 裴 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴

At this moment, the mood of the predecessors really didn’t know what to use to describe it. I felt the strange thoughts of the crowds of the scattered and cultivators around him who were faintly fascinated by him, and the seniors felt that they were so unlucky to accept Go to such a ghost mission and come here!

This time it’s really a face-lifting!

However, the stranger who was in the realm of the three-and-a-half-year-old period ignored the facts and went straight through his side, disappearing in the disillusioned palace where the ancient transmission array was hidden.


The five-turning and semi-fairy realm of the ally of the ally of the dynasty sighed and sighed, and turned away from the ruined palace of this ancient transmission.

Now their entire team of powerful cultivators has been annihilated, and what is the significance of his continued presence here.

Or go back and report the situation here.

But how does this matter require him to report?

A singularly cultivated singer in the late three-and-a-half-century period suddenly appeared, and all the powerful cultivators of their ally forces were completely eliminated, because he was not allowed to borrow the ancient transmission array of the original Tiangong.

The five-turning and semi-fairy powers of the Alliance forces have never felt that they will suffer a huge blow because of such ridiculous things.

This thing is really beyond imagination.

How can Super Fairyland have such a strange and powerful cultivator, and it is possible to cross the whole two realms and crush his powerful cultivator who is a five-turner and a half-minority?

This is really unfair!

"This, what is going on?"

"I can't understand it now!"

"The powerful cultivators of the five-turn and semi-fairy realms of this ally have not dared to shoot the singer of this three-turn and half-panda realm?"

"Don't laugh at people, if you change to be you, I am afraid I will scare my pants!"


Many powerful cultivators in the indiscriminate cultivating and cultivating sects are also quite amazed at this. This singular and sacred singer in the three-turning and semi-fair realm has done such an earth-shattering thing.

Moreover, the cultivator of the powerful five-turn and semi-prestige realm of the local alliance has clearly had the opportunity to madly counter-attack the other party, and to repair the strength of the other party into a strange three-turn semi-prestige realm to kill!

However, seeing the stranger of the three-turning and semi-fairy realm called him to give way, the cultivator of the powerful five-turning and semi-fairy realm of the local alliance forces actually let go of the words, and did not dare to What is the action and counterattack of this stranger who is a three-turner and a half-minority?

This is the most unusual thing they have seen so far!

Looking at the powerful five-turn and half-presidents of this land-based force, the immortals left in this way, and the numerous teams of scattered and cultivators did not react at all, even the first they wanted to enter. The ancient transmission array has been forgotten.

The crowds of the savvy cultivators gathered in the air to discuss the strange things in front of them.

At this time, it has been transmitted through the ancient transmission array in this ruined palace, and Ye Chu, who is in the distant original Tiangong boundary in the original Tiangong, is trying to find out about him in this original Tiangong. The news of many Chugong wifes.

Previously, the time and space trajectories he obtained from the memory of the many immortals of the Immortals showed that many of his Chu Palace wives finally lost their whereabouts and news after entering the distant original Tiangong.

So one of the biggest possibilities now, many of his Chu Palace wives are trapped in a place in this original Tiangong.

It’s just that in the original Heavenly Palace, something strange happened. Even his many Chu Palace wives are trapped in it.

Ye Chu, who has no clue for these things for the time being, has only one step at a time.

It is best to be able to meet some other cultivators here, so that he can find some clues about his many Chu Palace wives by exploring the time and space trajectories in the memory of these cultivators.

However, the ancient transmission array at this time was blocked by the local alliance forces of one of the eight major forces of the super fairy domain. Now, through this ancient transmission array, the cultivators who came to this relatively remote original Tiangong boundary completely watched. Less than one, which makes Ye Chu want to get some reliable clue information through this method and can't find the object to achieve it.

Moreover, the original Tiangong boundary here is obviously on the edge of the entire original Tiangong site, and it is therefore necessary to establish an ancient transmission array for long-distance space transmission.

This means that there are not many cultivators in the original Tiangong area here, and then want to reproduce many of his ancestral wives in the empty trajectory through the time memories of the many cultivators. The clues are obviously more difficult.

More importantly, after coming to this remote original Tiangong site, Ye Chu discovered that it is in a chaotic time and space fluctuation and frequent occurrence of spatial cracks, with the spatiotemporal fluctuations in the original Tiangong’s heritage. The frequency of space cracks is getting closer and closer, and the original Tiangong site here is also very unsafe.

In exchange for the general cultivation of immortals, it is certainly not going to casually go to these remote original Tiangong sites filled with dangerous time and space fluctuations and spatial crack trajectories.

And whether this is for Ye Chu who wants to use his spiritual memory to find clues through other cultivators who come here, or Ye Chu wants to find in the original Tiangong site filled with dangerous time and space fluctuations and space crack trajectories. His many Chu Palace wives are very unfavorable.

However, this gave Ye Chu a hint. Perhaps it was the sudden fluctuations in space and space and the trajectory of space cracks in these primitive temples, which led to the situation that many of his Chu Palace wives were stuck here.

"I hope they are safe now!"

Ye Chu secretly sighed, and the figure disappeared into the original heavenly palace full of time and space fluctuations and space cracks.