The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 1: Mo Li

  Chapter 1 Mo Li

  In the early morning, outside Renjia Town, a special young man came, wearing a moon-white long coat. He was extremely handsome, with a carved face with distinct features, and an unusually handsome face with horns and horns. The appearance seems to be slutty, but the inadvertent light in his eyes makes people dare not look down upon it. A pair of dark and lush hair, but a pair of slender peach eyes under the sword eyebrows, full of passion, people will fall into it if they are not careful.

  The nose is tall, and the red lips of moderate thickness are now filled with a dazzling smile. Delicate eyebrows, long narrow eyes, white clothes, the corners of the mouth bend just right, cold but gentle, elegant and noble.

  This person is Mo Li, and I can’t call Mo Li here. It should be called Shi Shaojian, the son of Shi Jian, the contemporary head of Maoshan, a teenager born with a golden key.

  Actually, there is still an unknown secret in Mo Qi, that is: "He is a traverser!"

  Before crossing, Li Li was a senior in a high school in Z City. He had a weak personality and was often bullied by his classmates.

  Mo Li’s greatest hobby is watching movies. Some of the villain characters in the movie are his favorites. Among them are: "The Evil Sword Immortal in the Fairy Sword, Yu Wenyue in Chu Qiao, etc. In short, as long as he is a villain, he likes it and wants to become one of these villains. One member."

Among these villains, one of Morrie's favorite villains is the boss-dominant in the wind and clouds, the realm of super masters, and the establishment of the world club. After more than ten years, he has become the largest power in the civil society and defeated the leaders of all major decent parties. , Playing with the protagonist "Fengyun" in the palm of his hand.

  If it were not for the superstitious belief in the destiny of the tyrant, due to the late criticism of the mud bodhisattva, "the dragons of the Nine Heavens have changed, and the wind and the clouds will swim in the shallow water", it will not turn against the wind and the clouds, causing the end of the betrayal of the people. Every time he watched the heroic domineering and worshipping his death, Li Qi felt a pity, and thought to himself: "If you dominate yourself, you will never repeat the same mistakes."

  However, this kind of thing is impossible. The movie world of Fengyun and others are all fictitious, not the real world, and Li Qiye can't go through it.

  After staying up again to watch the wind and clouds, Li Li entered a dreamland with deep emotion. In his sleep, Li Li vaguely remembered that there seemed to be some villain system bound to him, and he couldn't remember exactly what it was.

  But! When Li Li woke up, he found that he had become a four or five year old child. Looking at the appearance of his little arms and legs, Li Li was really dumbfounded!

  Who would have thought that the innocence really let Li pass through, but he also left a joke with Mo and turned him into a child. Li Li was not too surprised. After all, what kind of novels are going through the rebirth, Li Li is no stranger. In the 21st century, all kinds of traversing texts have been flooded.

  Although Li Li doesn’t read web articles very much, he also knows this!

   looked around and found that he was in a house, not in the wilderness. Otherwise, Li Qi should cry. For a four or five year old child in the wilderness, the consequences can be imagined!

  However, Li Li felt very hungry. Seeing something to eat next to him, Li Li picked up and ate. After a while, he finally adjusted his stomach.

When I came to the door and looked out the door, I found a tall young man standing outside the house, about 30 years old, of medium stature, wearing a blue robe; there are developed muscles hidden in the robe, on the shoulders and arms. The ridges are protruding; with long hair, thick and black stubble; on the long face, under the broad thick eyebrows, a pair of shrewd and deep eyes flashes, which is very eye-catching. In Li Li's eyes, and the movie Those villains are more alike, they should not be the general ones.

At this moment, the middle-aged man standing outside found Li Li at the door with a kind smile on his face, and said softly: "Shao Jian, are you awake, are you hungry?" Then, he walked slowly over. .

   "Shao Jian?? What the hell? Who is this uncle called?" When Li Li heard this, his thoughts suddenly became a little confused. How could this uncle call himself "Shao Jian"? Could it be that this possessed child, called "Shao Jian", looked at the middle-aged man blankly and asked, "I just ate and I am not hungry anymore. Uncle, who are you?"

The middle-aged man saw that Li Li said that he had eaten, his face showed a smile, but when he heard Li Li asked: "Uncle, who are you," Shi Jian felt a sudden pain in his heart, and said to himself, "Shao Jian. , I am your father, Shi Jian."

  Mo Qili silently despised the middle-aged man and returned it to my father. Is my father still alive? Is there a mistake? If it hadn't been able to beat you, I would have beaten you long ago!

  Middle-aged man Shi Jian saw that Li Qi was unbelieving, and he was still very rusty, he brought him to the house, and began to talk about the reason.

  Fortunately, Mo Li is the soul of an adult. Otherwise, if it is the child, he really doubts whether he can understand what Shi Jian said. Immediately, it became clear that Shi Jian had gone down the mountain to learn the Taoism from Maoshan, and met Mo Li, who was Shi Shaojian's mother. The two fell in love with each other, and in the end there was Shi Shaojian.

  However, Shi Jian, a big brother of Maoshan, wants to inherit the Maoshan Taoism and cannot be married, so he concealed this matter.

   Knowing that his wife died of a serious illness, leaving behind the young son Shi Shaojian, that is, the news of Li Li, Shi Jian hurriedly rushed from Maoshan to take care of his wife's funeral. And the only son was sick because he hadn't eaten for many days.

  Mo Li's father in this world is actually Shi Jian, the famous villain in the zombie world, and he is the one who was played to death by Jiu Shu’s apprentice Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng. Suddenly, my mood was bad. Based on the plots I had seen before, after he was killed by Qiu Sheng and Wen Caiwan, Shi Jian was killed by Jiu Shu and others in order to avenge him.

  Thinking of this, Li Li's mood suddenly became cold and cold! Other people pass through the system, cheats, grandpa, and so on, why don’t you have anything at all!

  Finally, Li Li took a look at his small arms and legs, and accepted this reality. After all, there are still many years before the beginning of the plot, and there is still a lot of time left for him.

After   , Li Li was taken back to the ancestral courtyard of Maoshan by Shi Jian. On the way, Li Li was instructed by Shi Jian: "The two cannot be equal to father and son, they can only use the status of master and apprentice!"

  If Li Li is really a four or five-year-old child, he would really ask the reason, but Li Li of the adult soul directly agreed.

  Shi Jian saw that Li Li did not ask the reason, his eyes were filled with relief, and he felt that Li Li was an obedient child.

  Spring is going to fall, and in a blink of an eye, fifteen years have passed.

  The children of that year have now become handsome boys. During these fifteen years in Maoshan, Li Li worked desperately to cultivate himself to strengthen himself so as not to be killed by others in the future.

  All the exercises of Maoshan, Li Li has been involved, Huang Tian did not bear the painstaking efforts, and finally Li successfully broke through the realm of Earth Master.

  In the Age of Domination, breaking through the Earth Master at the age of less than twenty. This is an unprecedented speed, which can be described as a genius.

  Finally, Li Li was also designated as the young leader of the Maoshan School. This was a proper treatment for the protagonist.

  Mo Li proposed the idea of ​​going out to experience. In the beginning, everyone in Maoshan was opposed to it. Finally, after Mo Lixiaozhi's persuasion with emotion and reason, everyone in Maoshan finally agreed.

  The first step for Li Li is Renjiazhen, thinking about where there is an old man with a bronze zombie.

The Maoshan faction is also divided into several factions, such as: "The Jiushu’s ghost hunting, the four-purpose corpse chasing, Shi Jian’s thunder method, etc., each has its own characteristics, not that they don’t know others, but these Convenient and more proficient!"

   On the street of Renjia Town, Li, who was mixed in the crowds coming and going, looked at the man with the iconic eyebrows in front, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "Uncle Nine!"

  The one who was called Jiushu by Li Li was no one else. It was Lin Jiu who left the Maoshan School more than ten years ago and was named Lin Fengjiao. That is, the famous Zombie Dao Master Jiu Shu.

  When Li Li recalled the story of the zombie, Jiu Shu, who was staring at him, seemed to sense something. He looked towards Li Li and found Li Li in the crowd. Feeling a little familiar, just about to walk over to ask, a big face suddenly appeared in front of him.

  "Master, what are you looking at? So absorbed, Master Ren is still waiting for us!" Needless to say, this person must be Jiu Shu's apprentice Wencai.

   was so messed up by Wen Cai, Jiu Shu looked at the position of Li Li again, and found that Li Li had been lost.

   "It's nothing, let's go!" Uncle Ji looked around and made sure that there was no figure of Mo Li, so he left with Wencai!

  In a corner of the street, Li Li looked at Jiu Shu who was leaving, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was almost discovered. Now Li Li doesn’t want to be discovered so early, because there are many things he hasn’t done yet!

  Watching Uncle Jiu take Wencai to the cafe, a knowing smile leaked on his face. Isn't the scene of the cafe the beginning of the zombie plot! Uncle Jiu and Master Ren met to discuss the relocation of the grave!

In this era of the end of the law, if you practice step by step, how can you be ranked in the immortal class? Li Qiye was able to reach the earth master at such a young age. Thanks to his father as the head, all resources are inclined to cultivate to the realm of this earth master. .

  And thinking about breaking through is not so easy!

   Recommend a new work: "Heavens and Demons", the villain's **** way, worth collecting.


  (End of this chapter)