The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 108: Hard start, the monk committed suicide (

  Chapter 108 Difficult to start, the monk commits suicide (Happy New Year!)

   "Monk, how can I handle this!"

   Thinking of the two people's bit by bit, the four eyes and the eyes could not help but turn a little red, and the tone was a little trembling.

  It’s really a big blow to the four eyes. First, the apprentices who followed him had no news, and then the same mentor who had been practicing together for more than ten years died of zombies. Now the old friends of more than ten years are also about to die because of zombies.

  This kind of pain can't be taken by other people, let alone the four eyes, a tofu-hearted person with a knife mouth?

  At this time, looking at Master Yixiu with all eyes and pain on his face, his whole body kept trembling slightly, trying his best to control the tears in his eyes.

   "Four eyes, now is not the time to hesitate, you know the strength of that purple zong!"

  Master Yixiu naturally knows the mood of Four Eyes, but his situation has reached a very critical moment. If he doesn’t take action, he will become a zombie.

  Taoist real-life corpses are zombies with the lowest level of black zombie.

  Don't get rid of the refined purple zombie at that time, it won't be good if a powerful black zombie appears.

  Master Yixiu thought of this, and then he asked Simu to kill him, just as Mr. Chizuru asked Simu to shoot in order not to become a zombie.

  After listening to the four eyes, although he knew what Master Yixiu meant, he really couldn't get it off!

  This is his best friend, how can he get rid of it?

  But Simu knew that there was only him and Li Li, and if he didn’t take action, then this task could only be taken by Li Li.

  He didn't want Li Li to be contaminated with the blood of his colleagues, which would contaminate unnecessary cause and effect.

  Even if Master Yixiu voluntarily, the principle of murder, life, debt and money has existed since ancient times.

  Cause and effect, this is the case. If the cause is today, the effect will be returned in the future.


  He let out a helpless and painful sigh in his four eyes, which seemed to be many years old for an instant.

   Looking at Master Yixiu with some gloomy eyes, he said in an extremely painful tone: "Monk, I really can't do it!"

  At this time, I kept holding back the four eyes that kept me from crying, and finally couldn't control my emotions, and let out a painful roar.

  At the same time, a line of tears slowly left on his face, dripping on the clothes, and forming two water marks.

  "Four eyes, I know you are in pain, but the monk really doesn’t want to become a zombie and cause harm to the world. I will never feel at ease like that.

  You can do this for your old friend, take advantage of the fact that I am not a zombie now, give me a ride! "

  Master Yixiu's blue-black face is also painful, and his tone is a little low and roars.


  At this time, Master Yixiu was almost unable to suppress the madness in his body, he made a low growl in his mouth, and even his teeth began to grow slowly.

  Master Yixiu, in order to keep himself awake, kept shaking his head in exchange for a sober mind.

   "I know! Monk. How can you let me go, tell me?"

  Looking at Master Yixiu, he also had a pained expression on his face. He insisted on his face, his eyes flushed, his forehead and blue veins burst, and he roared loudly.

  It can be seen how painful the eyes are at this time, and how difficult it is to make a choice.

  Even the big villain Li Li, who has been watching the show next to him, was moved by the two people's true feelings. For a moment, there was such a softhearted idea of ​​wanting to change the plan, telling the two people that all this has his reasons.

   But Li Qi quickly choked off the idea.

  If he really did that, the four eyes would definitely kill him.

  So, Li Qiang endured the unbearable feeling in his heart and turned his head to his place without looking at it.

  He is really afraid that unpredictable things will happen if he keeps watching.

  Master Yixiu knew that he couldn't get his hands under his four eyes, but he really couldn't help being mad. He quickly walked to the four eyes and grabbed the golden sword in his hand, and pierced his heart viciously.


  The sound of a sharp weapon piercing the flesh and blood came out instantly, accompanied by a stream of blackened blood.

  "Monk, you"

  Simu didn’t expect that the monk would choose to commit suicide. For a while, he was stunned, looking at Master Yixiu stupidly, and muttering to himself: “Monk, why are you like this?”

   "Ahem, puff."

Looking at the desperate four eyes, Master Yixiu's completely darkened face raised a faint smile, coughed and vomited two mouthfuls of black blood, and said with difficulty: "Four eyes, monk, this is suicide, cough you don’t have to have any. Burden in my heart.

  After I die, you can just bury my body in one place. "

  After saying these few words, Master Yixiu seemed to use all the strength of his body, but he couldn't stand up straight and softened to the ground.


  Simu hurriedly supported Master Yixiu’s body to prevent him from falling to the ground, and at the same time let out a painful roar.

  Although Simu had expected such a consequence for a long time, it was still difficult for him to accept it.

   More than ten years of fighting and fighting, the friendship between the two has long turned into family affection.

   "Don't be sad, I'm leaving four"

  Master Yixiu hadn’t said the last ‘目’, and he lost his breath.

   "Monk, you go all the way, I will kill the **** zombie for you!"

  After a while, the four eyes felt that Master Yixiu had left, and slowly put it on the ground, a icy breath rose from his body, and he said indifferently.

  Although, the painful color was no longer there, but Li Li on the side knew that his eyes had already moved to kill, and he still had the mentality of not revenge.

  At this time, Li Li did not go to bother, but stood in the darkness of the original book looking at the distance, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly, not knowing what he was talking about.

  If the four eyes are in a normal state, you will definitely find Li's small movements, but unfortunately he is in sadness at this time, and he hasn’t noticed these small movements at all.

  The expression in the four eyes became extremely cold, with a cold killing intent in his eyes, and the aura of the whole body was extremely cold, which made Li on the side frowned.

   Just when Li Li was about to ask, he listened to his eyes and said coldly: "Go, I will be there!"

   "Huh? Aren't you looking for zombies?"

   Mo Li pretended to be surprised, and then let out a question.

   "Don't look for it, go back to the dojo and wait for him!"

  The four eyes seemed to have become a person, and the eyes that looked at Li Li were extremely cold, and there was no trace of emotion.

   is like a cold-blooded killer, making no secret of his killing intent.

   "Oh, good!"

   Seeing the killing intent in Simu's eyes, Li Li did not send any inquiry, but directly nodded and expressed no opinion.

   "Let's go!"

  After finishing speaking, the four eyes were not looking at Li Li at all, but directly picked up the body of Master Yixiu and walked quickly towards the direction of the dojo.

  (End of this chapter)