The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 117: Organize the language and narrate the sc

  Chapter 117 Organizing language, narrating the scene

   "Oh, this is a long story!"

  Mo Li sighed with a sad face.

  One eyebrow long noticed that Li's expression was wrong. Although he didn't know what had happened, he had a very bad feeling in his heart. He frowned and asked, "Shao Jian, where is your Simu Master?"

   "Hey, Uncle Four Eyes, he has feathered!"

  Mo Li said in a very sad tone.

"what happened?"

   Hearing the words, his face suddenly changed with a long eyebrow, and he took two steps forward and grabbed Li's arm, and asked in a sharp tone.

   "This is a long story, Master Yi Mei, let's go inside and talk about it!"

  Mo left his mouth and said.

  The long eyebrows are too abrupt, leaving Li no time to prepare, so I want to use this short time to sort out his thoughts and prevent the language from letting the long eyebrows discover the abnormality.

  I still know a lot about the long eyebrows. Although she looks a lot like Jiu Shu, her personality is completely opposite. She is a very smart person.

  It’s not that Jiu Shu is not smart, but that he is more careful with a long eyebrow, and he can infer many things from small things.

"it is good!"

  The long eyebrow also knew that this was not the place to talk, and after Li Li offered to enter the house, he nodded in agreement.

  After that, he crossed Wang Yu and Jingjing and walked into the house.

  Yesterday’s battlefield was the morgue at the monk’s house and the Si-Mu Dao-chih-chong, so the Si-Mu Hall was not damaged at all.

  This also allows the three people to come in and there is a talking floor, at least the seats inside are all complete.

  After the three of them took their seats, they raised eyebrows and a gloomy face, and said in a bad tone: "What the **** is going on?"

   "Oh, this matter should start with Uncle Qianhe."

  Mo Li just said this and was interrupted by a long eyebrow: "Why is there something about Qianhe here?"

   "If it weren't for Master Qianhe, Master Four Eyes and Master Yixiu wouldn't have feathered!"

  Mo Li sighed slightly, and said with a bit of anguish: "Yesterday afternoon, Uncle Qianhe escorted a copper-horned golden coffin with zombies and drove towards the capital accompanied by a pair of soldiers.

  On the way, because there was not enough glutinous rice, I was afraid that the zombies would get up, so I changed the road and borrowed some glutinous rice from Uncle Simu.

   Seeing that it was Uncle Qianhe, he took the glutinous rice at home to Uncle Qianhe.

  After that, after we communicated with Master Qianhe for a while, their team left!

  We all thought there was nothing wrong, but a heavy rain suddenly started in the evening, which dilutes the ink line on the copper horn golden coffin, causing the zombies to suddenly violently want to break through the golden coffin.

  Senior Uncle Qianhe saw this and hurriedly suppressed the four juniors from the southeast, northwest and northwest. As a result, the God Thunder directly smashed the golden coffin with bronze horns.

  The zombie was also changed due to the power of thunder and lightning, and turned into a purple zombie! "

   "What? Purple Stiff?"

   Hearing this, the long eyebrow stood up directly from the seat, looking at Li Qiqi with shocked expression.

  Anyone can see the shock of the eyebrows!


   Mo Li coughed slightly to relieve his dry throat, glanced at a long eyebrow, and continued:

  "In order to harm people with zombies, Master Uncle Qianhe led four junior and disciples to fight with each other, and asked Master Uncle Simu to ask for help.

  After waiting for the rescuers to tell the news to Master Uncle Simu and Master Yixiu, the two immediately went to support Master Uncle Qianhe.

  Unfortunately, it was a step too late in the end. After they got there, they found that the zombies had already lost their tracks, and Master Qianhe was poisoned to the point where they could not be saved.

  Senior Uncle Qianhe, after seeing Uncle Simu, told Uncle Simu that the zombie had become a zombie.

After   , in order not to let himself become a zombie and endanger the world, he finally chose to stop himself. "

  As Mo Li took a sad tone to announce, after listening to Jingjing, Yi Brow Chang and Jing Jing all revealed the sadness.

   said that Li did not continue to speak below, but looked at the long eyebrows with hollow eyes and pain, waiting for him to respond and ask questions.

  Perhaps what Li Qi said was too true, or the news of Qianhe's death was too shocking, his eyebrows could not help but feel a trance in front of him, and he directly sat on the chair heavily.

   murmured to himself: "How could this be? How could this be?"

  Finally, the long eyebrow tone became extremely cold and sad, and he screamed out.

  After a long time, his face with long eyebrows became extremely pale, and his eyes were bloodshot, looking straight at Li Li, a breath of vicissitudes slowly rose from his body, and he felt a lot older in an instant.


  With a long eyebrow, the voice was a little low, and he asked hoarsely.

   "Afterwards, after the uncle Simu and Master Yixiu rushed back, they found that we were preparing for a zombie attack, and we took action to wipe out all the zombie."

   Li Li said, what happened after the two people came back, and continued: "After these walking corpses are eliminated, we did not rest but were ready to deal with the purple zombie."

  "Didn’t the zombie have left, why are you still preparing to deal with him?"

   Hearing this, the long eyebrow seemed to have discovered the problem in Li Yu, and asked coldly, staring at him.

   "Well, because there is a close relative of the zombie blood here, that is, the child brought by the person who called for help in front."

  Mo Li narrated the relationship between the little prince and the royal zombies with a long eyebrow.

   "That's it!"

   Hearing this, the long eyebrows understood what Li Li said just now. It turns out that there are blood relatives here in the Simu Dojo, nothing more than props that will be prepared to deal with zombies.

  "What about below?" continued to ask.

   "The zombies are coming soon!

  After the battle, the three of us teamed up to blind the royal zombie's eyes, but Master Yixiu and Master Simu were hit hard.

  Just when we were about to attack the zombie again, the zombie ran away!

  Four-eye Master Uncle and Master Yixiu were seriously injured, but after seeing the royal zombies escape, they resolutely chose to hunt down the zombies.

  After the three of us chased the zombies out, we found that the zombie was no longer found.

  Four-eyed Master Uncle proposed to look for them separately, and was eventually destroyed by zombies.

  When I arrived, Master Four Eyes and Master Yixiu had been killed by zombies.

  Immediately, I rushed to the dojo and posted that royal zombies were attacking Jingjing and the little prince.

After    shot to rescue the two, he found that the little prince had been drained of blood by the royal zombie and lost his breath of life.

  After that, I took the game of fighting against the zombies.

   During the battle, I asked Jingjing to smear the surroundings with maltose, which made the royal zombie stick to the figure, and finally I used the Maoshan Demon Sword Technique to kill it. "

  Under the description of Li Li, he realized the danger in an instant with a long eyebrow, and at the same time he felt a sweat for Li Li.

  (End of this chapter)