The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 119: Weird eyebrows, kill little zombies

  Chapter 119 One eyebrow is weird, destroying little zombies

   "Go in and see that little zombie!"

   said with a long eyebrow.


  Mo Li did not mean to refuse a long eyebrow, but directly nodded in agreement.

  After that, Li Li took a long eyebrow to the morgue, where the little zombies were placed.

   "Uncle Shi, the little zombies are there!" Li Li pointed at the little zombies in the corner that was controlled by the corpse charm.


  Looking at the appearance of the little zombie, his brows were long and he couldn't help but was taken aback, the cold and ruthlessness in his eyes slowly faded into a gentle gaze, and a trace of remembrance appeared on his face.

  Mo Li feels a little strange, the change in the back and forth of the eyebrows is a bit incomprehensible.

  It was still looking like it was about to fight and kill just now, how did it suddenly become like this after seeing the little zombie?

   Just when Mo Li was puzzled, Jingjing pulled his clothes with her hand, and asked in a low voice with a look of puzzledness: "Brother, what's wrong with a long eyebrow, it feels so strange?"

   "It's okay, I should be thinking about other things!"

  Mo Li said casually.

  Actually, he didn't know the specific reason. He was still thinking about it just now!


   Jingjing gave a cry, turned her gaze to a long eyebrow, wanting to see what happened to him?

  The conversation between the two naturally did not escape the long ears, after all, the morgue was that big.

   And the two of them were standing behind a long eyebrow. If he couldn't hear him at such a distance, it would only prove that he had ear problems.

   Immediately, his complexion was somewhat intriguing, and he sighed meaningfully: "It's really unfortunate that such a small child has become a zombie!"

   "Yes! He is still a child, but he is now a zombie." Mo Li echoed.


   After a long hum, the cause came down.

  Mo Li is a little confused about what does a long eyebrow mean? I kept muttering in my heart: "Do you want to get rid of the little zombies, you just say something!"

   Immediately, he raised an eyebrow for a long time and didn't mean to do anything. Li couldn't help but said: "Uncle Master, this little zombie was bitten by the descendants of Zombie Wang Xuankui."

  Mo Li had finished speaking, and he heard a long eyebrow asking in surprise: "What did you say?"


  Mo Li's expression was dazed, and then he said: "I said, this little zombie has the blood of the zombie Wang Xuankui."

"what happened?"

  After hearing the zombie Wang Xuankui, his face suddenly became a little serious with a long eyebrow, and a cold light appeared in his eyes from time to time.

  Looking at Jingjing, she was very scared, and she didn't think she moved behind Mo Li.

   "That's it"

  Mo Li recounted what Qianhe Daochang had told him to a long eyebrow, of course it was modified by him.

   "That's it!"

   A long eyebrow muttered to himself, "I said that the royal zombie turned into a purple zombie? It turns out that the problem is here!"

   Then, a long eyebrow raised his head and looked at Li Li and said, "If this is the case, then this little zombie must not stay. If he **** blood, it will definitely become a disaster."

  The meaning of a long eyebrow said, Li naturally understands, it is nothing more than fear that after the little zombie **** blood, the blood of the zombie Wang Xuankui in his body will wake up.

  At that time, the strength of the little zombie with the blood of the zombie Wang Xuankui will definitely improve rapidly, and will soon become the king of zombies.

  This is a disaster for ordinary humans, and it is also a disaster for the cultivation world.

  Because, only Tianshi Mao Xiaofang Mao Daochang can deal with the zombie king.

  But now Mao Xiaofang and Mao Daochang have not been seen for many years, and everyone doesn't know his condition at all.

  Actually, even if the eyebrows were long, Li Qi still planned to wait for him to get rid of it when he was free.

  After all, he can't stay here for a long time, he always has to go back to Renjiazhen.

  Where are the people waiting for him, and the ones he wants to take!

   "Since Uncle Master, you said that, please get rid of him."

  Mo Li directly nodded in agreement: "However, Master Yimei, when I was fighting zombies yesterday, my mana consumption was relatively high, and I haven't recovered yet!"

  Mo Li’s words are obvious, that is, my mana is not restored now, and you still need a long eyebrow to get rid of the little zombies.

  The long eyebrows naturally understood what Li Li meant. He nodded without thinking, and said, "Leave it to me!"

   said, he took out a red and black mahogany sword from the magic bag and walked slowly towards the little zombie.

  And the peachwood sword has a trace of thunder and lightning, which is obviously a good lightning peachwood sword.

   Seeing this, Mo Li couldn't help but a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect that the people who came out of Maoshan had very good magical artifacts in their hands.

  In fact, he didn't want to think about it. They had left Maoshan for more than ten years. If there were no good things, wouldn't it be a waste of so much!

   "Brother, let's go out!"

Jingjing didn't want to see the scene where the little zombie was killed, so she made this request to Li Li.

   Seeing Jingjing's unbearable look, Li Qi nodded decisively, and said, "Well, let's go outside and wait for Master Yi Mei!"

  After speaking, the two of them walked outside. When they reached the door of the morgue, Li Li stopped his figure and secretly noticed the movement of a long eyebrow.

Here, a long eyebrow came to the little zombie, looked at the little zombie and let out a sigh: "Hey, if you don’t have the blood of the zombie Wang Xuankui, I will adopt you directly and let you follow Zhenghong (Zhenghong: full name Lin Zhenghong, the adopted zombie with a long eyebrow,) Be a partner!

  Unfortunately, you have the blood of Maoshan faction enemies, but I can’t keep you! "

  The words fell, and after a long eyebrow bit his index finger, he wiped the blood on the lightning strike mahogany sword. Suddenly, the Taomu sword was wrapped in a golden light.


   He stabbed the little zombie's heart with a fierce sword, and then made a puff. I saw that the little zombie was directly pierced through the whole body by the mahogany sword.

  Because of being suppressed by the corpse talisman, the facial expression of the little zombie cannot be seen.

  But looking at the constantly trembling body, it was absolutely uncomfortable.

   Soon, the little zombie stopped shaking, and the stiff body slowly weakened, and finally Ruo fell on the ground.


  Looking at the little zombie who fell on the ground, a look of helplessness appeared on his long brow and his face, and he let out a silent sigh.

   Then, he picked it up from the ground and walked out of the morgue, intending to burn the zombies.

  Although the little zombie was beheaded by a long eyebrow, it only released the blood in the zombie's body, allowing it to enter and leave a long sleep.

  Also, don’t forget that zombies are dead, they will wake up again as long as their bodies are not burned.

  In order to avoid the future troubles, the leader of the eyebrows planned to burn it. This is also what the surprised zombie leader will do.

  (End of this chapter)