The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 121: Reshape the body, remove impurities

  Chapter 121 Transform the body, remove impurities

  Mo left his mouth and said, "Reform!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Libian felt an air current suddenly appeared in Dao's body. This air current expanded continuously, and soon enveloped his whole body.

  At first, Li Li was still very comfortable being enveloped by the airflow, like a hot spring!

   But over time, Li Li gradually felt something was wrong.

  The airflow covering the whole body suddenly circulates wildly in the body, and the speed gradually becomes faster and faster. A trace of black material slowly seeps out of the pores, accompanied by bursts of unpleasant smells.

  Although Mo Li felt like thousands of ants in his body were moving, he still clenched his teeth.

  Because he knows that this air current is transforming his body.

  About two minutes after coming here, the speed of the airflow slowly dropped, and Li Li thought that his body had been remodeled, and he secretly let out a long sigh of relief.

  It’s a pity that things went counterproductive, and Xiaoxie’s voice suddenly sounded: “Hello, respected host, because you have insufficient energy in your body, it is impossible to reform your body.

  Need the host to provide energy or choose to give up body modification, please the host make a choice as soon as possible? "


   Hearing the words, Li Qi felt a little awkward after hearing this. What is the situation?

  The energy in the body is used to transform the body. What kind of broken system and how can the function be so rubbish?

  "The host, please be correct and don't have any prejudice against the system, otherwise the host will be punished."

  Xiao Xie's voice suddenly became cold, as if she was angry.


  Mo eccentricity felt bad for an instant. This was just a kaofei two-sentence system in his heart, and he could feel that his privacy would be gone after that?

   "Host, please rest assured, the system can only detect when the host abuses the system, other times it cannot detect the host's heart!"

  Xiao Xie explained.

   "I'm relieved!" Li Li patted his heart.

  "Host, please make a choice as soon as possible, consider it in five seconds!"

  Xiao Xie reminded Li once again.

   Mo Li frowned, and said in secret, “I don’t have any spirit stones on my body at all, how can I provide energy?

  But when he asked him to give up, Li Li was not reconciled. Although the body modification just ended due to lack of energy, he knew the benefits. "

   Immediately, Li Li took out the royal zombie pill from the law bag and asked Xiao Xie: "Xiao Xie, is this all right?"

   "Yes!" Xiaoxie's cold voice sounded.

   "Then start the transformation!"

   After Mo Li heard that he could, he immediately asked Xiaoxie to modify his body.


   A whistling sound sounded, and the corpse pill in his hand suddenly disappeared out of thin air, which made Li Qi feel a little surprised!

   disappeared so suddenly, there was no trace of it.

  However, the transformation of the system did not give Li Qi too much time to think.

  After receiving the energy of the corpse pill, the airflow in Mo Li's body instantly increased more than twice, and it even radiated from the body through the skin to the outside of the body.

  But these air currents outside the body did not dissipate, but slowly enveloped Li's body.

  The continuous airflow in the body attracts and converges with each other, and finally forms a reciprocating airflow group.

  Each cycle will bring out some black matter, and the airflow will return to the original color after the cycle, and no black matter will be brought out.

  Mo Li sees this, thinking that the transformation of the body is over.

  The airflow that had just stopped suddenly turned quickly, accompanied by a creaking sound.

  In response, Li Li's face changed drastically, his face became extremely pale, and big beads of sweat flowed from his face in an instant.

  He felt that under the action of the airflow, his bones seemed to be completely shattered, and he even hit the ground straight.

  This kind of pain is a hundred times more painful than the harshest punishment in the world.

  Every bone fragmentation stimulates the central nervous system of Li's brain, making it feel the inhuman pain.

  But even in the face of such pain, Li Li did not yell half a voice, but clenched his teeth to prevent himself from yelling.

  He knew that as long as he shouted out, he would definitely attract Yimei and Jingjing.

  At this important moment, you must never be disturbed by others, otherwise all of this will be abandoned.

  The transformation lasted for ten minutes, and Li Qiye's mental power was fully exercised under the inhuman pain.

  And the most important time, Li Li's physique actually got a qualitative improvement.

   "Ding, the host's body transformation is completed, please pay attention to receiving the remaining energy of the body transformation!"

  Xiao Xie's voice sounded, and reminded Li Qi to be prepared to receive energy infusion.

  At this time, Li Li was lying on the ground and gasping for breath. The transformation just now was really too painful, and he had something to do with it.

  However, after hearing Xiaoxie's words, Li Li quickly exhausted all his energy to get up from the ground, and began to sit cross-legged on the ground with five faces facing the sky, running the Maoshan Qi Refining Method, waiting for the energy infusion from the system.

  The system did not let Li to wait too long, and soon a powerful energy appeared throughout the body, and a small amount of energy had begun to dissipate outside the body.

  Mo Li knew that there was a rare opportunity to quickly run the Maoshan Qi Refining Technique, and began to draw the energy in his body into the Dantian for refining!

  With the selfless cultivation of Li Li, he gradually entered the state of selflessness, forgetting time and everything.

  The momentum of the whole body slowly began to become stronger, and gradually diffused towards the surroundings, and then began to spread out again.

  On the other side, Jingjing came to the hall after packing her things, and found that Li Li was not here, frowned: "Brother, where did you go?"

   "Where is what?"

  It happened that the chief eyebrow took care of the little zombie and walked into the hall. Hearing Jingjing talking to herself, she asked.


   Jingjing was taken aback by the sudden sound, she turned around and found that she had a long eyebrow, and she explained: "Where did I go, brother?"

  "Is Shaojian not here?"

  A long eyebrow looked left and right, and when he found that Li Qiye was not here, he frowned and asked.

   "It was there just now, and it was gone in a blink of an eye!"

  Jingjing didn't know where Mo had left. Just now she asked herself to pack things up, and the people disappeared in a blink of an eye.

  A long eyebrow was about to speak, when he suddenly felt a powerful energy fluctuation coming from the inner room, he instantly asked Jingjing, "Are there anyone else here besides you and Shaojian?"


  Jingjing suddenly felt a little depressed, and was asked by a long eyebrow. Although she didn't understand what was going on, she answered truthfully.


   He frowned and said to Jingjing, "Follow me!" He walked slowly towards the inner room, wanting to see what's going on inside.

  In the inner chamber, Li, who practiced whole-heartedly, didn't know that the energy fluctuations caused by his cultivation had attracted a long eyebrow's attention.

  (End of this chapter)