The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 126: When things are over, set off to leave

  Chapter 126 Things are over, set off

   "Hey, it's okay!"

  Mo Li smiled slightly and looked at Jingjing with a strange expression in her eyes, and said: "When I was packing up my things, I suddenly reached the realm to break through, so I practiced for a while.

  Unexpectedly, the realm has really broken through!

  After the breakthrough, some magazines in the body were excreted from the body, so I went out to wash up in the creek. "

  Mo Li briefly explained to Jingjing the breakthrough of her cultivation base just now.

   "Oh, that's it, I said how you ran out without saying hello!"

   Jingjing suddenly realized, she said to herself.

  Looking at Jingjing who was a little cute girl, Li Qi couldn't compare it with the female man in the original book.

  Because the difference between the two is too huge, it is simply the existence of two different types.

  Actually, Jingjing’s life is the Jingjing from beginning to end, without any slight changes, and there is no Moli in the original work.

  Now Jingjing meets true love, that is, after being surrendered by the sudden appearance of Li, she has changed from the state of a female man to the state of a cute girl.

  This can be said to be the great magic of love.

  Actually, after meeting true love, it does not matter whether it is Jingjing alone that the female man becomes a cute girl.

  There are many such women in reality.

  When they are not married or in love, they look like female men no matter when and where they are.

  But as long as they meet true love or get married, they will instantly change and become like another person.

  One of the most important reasons is that they have found support and no longer need to think of themselves as men.

  When you are single, you don’t have to rely on yourself. You need to rely on yourself for everything. Even a gentle woman will gradually become a female man.

  Because they want to turn themselves into their own support.

   amount. . .

   Pulled far, back to the topic!

  Mo Li saw that the two of them had already packed up, thinking that he hadn't packed up yet, he said, "Wait a minute, I'll go in and get something!"

  Actually, only Jingjing is cleaning up, she doesn't need to clean up the long eyebrows at all, the whole body's belongings are walking on her!

   "Well, hurry up, it's getting late, we have to hurry up in a while!"

   Long eyebrows looked at the sky already not early, and then prompted Li Qi to make him hurry up.

  After all, it’s not close to Jiuquan Town.

  If the three of you stay in the ink for a while, you will definitely not be able to arrive before dark.

  At that time, the three of them could only sleep on the streets!

  Four Eyes Daochang is a wilderness, and there is no one in the area.

  Even if Li is rich, he can’t get a carriage or other transportation.

  There is only one way for them to hurry, and that is to walk!

  If it's just a long eyebrow and Li Li, the speed of rushing will definitely not be slow.

  After all, one of them is a strong celestial master, the other is a strong earth master, and the martial arts practitioners will naturally not be slow!

   But now that Jingjing is a drag oil bottle, the two of them can't hurry quickly.

   Therefore, the long eyebrows will remind Li Li and let him hurry up!

  When he came to the Jiale room, Morrie simply packed his things and put them in the space ring.

  I thought about it later, it’s not good not to hold something in my hand.

  For the time being, Li Li didn't want to let people know that he had room to ring things.

  In this world, I haven’t heard of anyone who has a space ring yet!

  Mo Li doesn't want to cause some people's peeping because of the space ring!

  Now we are in an era of internal and external troubles, and some people with malicious intentions abound.

  Although he is in his current realm, he is not afraid of these people at all.

  But don’t forget, there is someone beside him who cares about Li Li.

  If they attacked the people around Li Li, he would be really hard to guard against!

  So, in order for such a thing to happen, Li Li decided to conceal the space ring.

  Even Jingjing, Li Li did not intend to tell her for the time being.

  As for a long eyebrow, Li Qi directly excluded him.

  Although the two are currently in a friendly state, Li Qiye knows that the two will fight each other sooner or later.

  Uncle Jiu and Simu, or Daoist Qianhe, basically died in his hands.

  This matter must be known to the long eyebrows, he will definitely hack Li Qi with his own hands.

  Although he can't beat Mo Li, he won't shrink back!

   And he is about to enter the plot with a long eyebrow, he is the protagonist in this plot.

  Be aware that the protagonist can usually leapfrog and fight monsters.

  Mo Li doesn't want to be blacked out by the protagonist's halo with a long eyebrow.

  Look at the vampire in the plot to know.

  Yi-brow Chang clearly is not as strong as vampires, but in the end he was wiped out!

  Such a powerful protagonist's halo is really enviable and at the same time more jealous.

  However, as long as Li Li hides well, he won’t be discovered by anyone!

  Mo Li took the bag from the space ring, carried it on his body, and walked outside.

   Just as Yi Mei Daochang said, the time is running out.

  If you don’t hurry up, the three of you can only sleep in the wilderness tonight

   "Let's go, Uncle Master!"

   Seeing a long eyebrow at the door, Li Li walked over quickly and said in a deep voice.

   "Are you packed?"

  Looking at the outstanding genius in front of him, his long eyebrows couldn't hide the excitement, and he asked softly.

   "Well, it's done!"

  Mo Li nodded.

  The expression of excitement for the long eyebrows is naturally in his eyes. He knows why the long eyebrows are like this!

  It is nothing more than being immersed in the breakthrough of Li Li.

   "Well, it's getting late. Let's go."

  After speaking, he walked out first with a long eyebrow.

  Looking at the back of a long eyebrow, Li couldn't help shook his head, and sighed in his heart: "Master Yi, no matter how good you are to me, it's useless!

  Because, we are destined to be enemies, and it is impossible to be like fellows! "

  In fact, there are two other possibilities:

  One kind, Li Li thoroughly cleansed and became a decent figure.

  The other kind, there is a long eyebrow who blackened himself into a person like Li Qi, that is, a villain.

  The above two possibilities, Li Qiye believes that neither of them can be realized.

  Those things that Li Li did would never let him go white.

   And a long eyebrow made him a villain, this matter is even more difficult than Li Qingbai.

  The main reason is the righteous thoughts in the heart of Yi Mei Daochang.

  Slaying demons and slaying demons for a whole life to get justice, you make him a villain, it is better to let him die.

  So, the two are destined to be enemies!

  However, Li Qiye didn't plan to do it himself. He planned to borrow the hand of that vampire to get rid of a long eyebrow.

  At that time, Li Qi was personally shooting to kill the vampire, maintaining his perfect image.

   "Let's go, Jingjing!"

  Looking at Jingjing in a daze, Li Qi knew that she was reluctant to leave.

  Mo Li walked to Jingjing, and said in a very gentle tone: "Let’s go Jingjing, I will bring you back in the future!"

   "Can you really come back?"

   Jingjing slowly raised her head, her eyes were slightly red, and she asked in a sad tone.

"Will do!"

  Mo Li nodded with a smile, and said softly, "As long as Jingjing wants to come back in the future, my senior will bring you back!"

   "Well, thank you brother!"

   Jingjing looked at Li Li with a grateful expression, and said softly.

   "Well, let's go, I won't catch up with Master Yi Mei for a while!"

  The words are over, and Li Li takes Jingjing’s little hand and walks slowly outside!

  Jingjing did not refuse to pull Li Li, her face turned red and followed Li Li to walk outside!


  (End of this chapter)