The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 127: Everyone left, impoverished

  Chapter 127 Everyone left, a brow of poverty

  Looking at the outstanding genius in front of him, his long eyebrows couldn't hide the excitement, and he asked softly.

   "Well, it's done!"

  Mo Li nodded.

  The expression of excitement for the long eyebrows is naturally in his eyes. He knows why the long eyebrows are like this!

  It is nothing more than being immersed in the breakthrough of Li Li.

   "Well, it's getting late. Let's go."

  After speaking, he walked out first with a long eyebrow.

  Looking at the back of a long eyebrow, Li couldn't help shook his head, and sighed in his heart: "Master Yi, no matter how good you are to me, it's useless!

  Because, we are destined to be enemies, and it is impossible to be like fellows! "

  In fact, there are two other possibilities:

  One kind, Li Li thoroughly cleansed and became a decent figure.

  The other kind, there is a long eyebrow who blackened himself into a person like Li Qi, that is, a villain.

  The above two possibilities, Li Qiye believes that neither of them can be realized.

  Those things that Li Li did would never let him go white.

   And a long eyebrow made him a villain, this matter is even more difficult than Li Qingbai.

  The main reason is the righteous thoughts in the heart of Yi Mei Daochang.

  Slaying demons and slaying demons for a whole life to get justice, you make him a villain, it is better to let him die.

  So, the two are destined to be enemies!

  However, Li Qiye didn't plan to do it himself. He planned to borrow the hand of that vampire to get rid of a long eyebrow.

  At that time, Li Qi was personally shooting to kill the vampire, maintaining his perfect image.

   "Let's go, Jingjing!"

  Looking at Jingjing in a daze, Li Qi knew that she was reluctant to leave.

  Mo Li walked to Jingjing, and said in a very gentle tone: "Let’s go Jingjing, I will bring you back in the future!"

   "Can you really come back?"

   Jingjing slowly raised her head, her eyes were slightly red, and she asked in a sad tone.

"Will do!"

  Mo Li nodded with a smile, and said softly, "As long as Jingjing wants to come back in the future, my senior will bring you back!"

   "Well, thank you brother!"

   Jingjing looked at Li Li with a grateful expression, and said softly.

   "Well, let's go, I won't catch up with Master Yi Mei for a while!"

  The words are over, and Li Li takes Jingjing’s little hand and walks slowly outside!

  Jingjing did not refuse to pull Li Li, her face turned red and followed Li Li to walk outside!


  The three of them hurriedly hurriedly, it was already very late when they arrived at Jiuquan Town!

   After the leader of the eyebrows brought the two of Mo Li to the house, after arranging a place to live, they left to rest.

  Jingjing lives next door to Mo Li, which is the room of the female apprentice A Fang.

  Because of the vampire thing, a long eyebrow was afraid that the two apprentices would be hurt, so they let them leave Jiuquan Town early.

  It's not that the ability of a long eyebrow is not enough, but because of his spoiling performance of his apprentice.

  In fact, as far as the people like Maoshan came out, all of them were very protective of their apprentices, just like themselves.

  Whether it is Uncle Jiu, or Simu, or Shi Jian, their various behaviors have been shown to the fullest.

  And Li Li is another residence of Yimeidaochang, which is Ahao’s room.

  Looking at the surrounding furniture inside is still complete, Li Qiye simply cleaned it, and then lay on the bed and slowly fell asleep.

   No words for a night.

  Vertical sun, early morning.

  When the first ray of sunlight entered the room, Li Li opened his eyes to check the time and got up from the bed.

  After putting on her clothes, she happened to see Jingjing busy in the kitchen when she went out. Mo Qi was a little confused, and he smiled and shouted: "Jingjing?"

   Hearing the words, the busy Jingjing slowly raised her head, and found that Li Qi did not know when she had already gotten up, and smiled and said, "Brother, you are awake."


  Mo Li nodded and asked with a smile: "Jingjing, why did you get up so early?"

   "Ah! Get up and make breakfast for everyone!"

   Jingjing finished her work, raised her head and said to Li Li, "Wait for a while and the meal will be fine, I will get you some clean water to rinse."

  After finishing speaking, Jingjing took the washbasin and walked towards the kitchen sink.

   "No need for Jingjing, I'll just do it myself! I must be tired when I get up so early to make breakfast for us, so I can sit down and take a break."

  While speaking, took the water basin from Jingjing, took the melon scoop and poured water into the basin from the scoop in the kitchen water tank.

  After that, she put it on the stool in the corner and started to wash.

  Waiting for Mo Li to wash up, Jingjing has already put the prepared meal on the table, and said embarrassedly: "Brother, the meal is already done, go and ask for a brow to grow up and eat!"


   Hearing this, Li Li turned and walked towards the room where Yi Mei Daochang lived.

  In a short while, the figure with long eyebrows and Li Li appeared in Jingjing's sight.

  Before Jingjing could speak, he looked at the breakfast on the table with a long eyebrow, and said, "I really trouble you Jingjing. When I get to my place, I will let you cook it yourself."

   "It's okay with a long eyebrow!"

Jingjing said with a smile.

   "Well, such a virtuous girl, I don't know if that stinky boy will be cheaper in the future!"

   Although the long eyebrow was sighing, the weird gaze was looking back and forth on Jingjing and Mo Li.

  That means to ask Jingjing, will this brat be cheaper in the future?

   "Oh, let's talk about it later!"

   Jingjing's face was slightly red, and she said with a bit of embarrassment.

  "Uncle Master, don't tease Jingjing. Eat breakfast or it will be cold in a while!"

  Looking at Jingjing a little embarrassed, Li Li immediately stood up and blocked her eyebrows and continued to adjust the script.

   "Yes, yes, yes! Hurry up and eat breakfast, otherwise it will be cold for a while, you will be a bit disappointed by Jingjing's kindness!"

   said with a long smile, turning over the topic just now.

  Mo Li smiled slightly when he saw this, then picked up the bowl and chopsticks and began to eat.

  Jingjing’s breakfast is very simple, just boiled a little porridge, steamed a few noodles and a plate of pickles.

   Soon, the three of them wiped out Jingjing's morning results.

  It was very late when the three came back yesterday, and they went to rest early without having dinner.

  After one night, their belly is already a bit hungry.

  Otherwise, Jingjing wouldn't wake up so early, mainly because she woke up from starvation.

   After Jingjing got up and went to the kitchen, she found that there was no food available.

  She knew that her eyebrows didn't grow very well, and she was far inferior to them.

  However, Jingjing didn't despise her eyebrows because of this incident. After all, she also came from a poor family.

  He knows how hard people live now. If Master Yixiu hadn't taken her away, maybe she was still wandering at this time.

  After all, at this time, we are in an era of internal and external troubles. Many people are suffering from oppression and unfair treatment. There are many people who are not covered in clothing and food.

  Except for the large-scale landlords, the common people can barely support their families, and there is no surplus at all.

  The existence of Yizhuang who guards Yizhuang like Yimeidaochang is originally a relatively partial one, and the income is naturally very small.

  Browsing eyebrows can use the money earned from Feng Shui to provide the living expenses of the three apprentices, which is already very good.

  After all, one eyebrow and one long eye are not four eyes, and he doesn't have a small treasury to speak of.

  Looking at the rice jar with a little surplus, Jingjing only took out half and used it to make porridge.

  Because she doesn't know how long Li will stay here.

  (End of this chapter)