The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 128: Dialogue between the two, asking why

  Chapter 128 Dialogue between two people, asking why

Jingjing said with a smile.

   "Well, such a virtuous girl, I don't know if that stinky boy will be cheaper in the future!"

   Although the long eyebrow was sighing, the weird gaze was looking back and forth on Jingjing and Mo Li.

  That means to ask Jingjing, will this brat be cheaper in the future?

   "Oh, let's talk about it later!"

   Jingjing's face was slightly red, and she said with a bit of embarrassment.

  "Uncle Master, don't tease Jingjing. Eat breakfast or it will be cold in a while!"

  Looking at Jingjing a little embarrassed, Li Li immediately stood up and blocked her eyebrows and continued to adjust the script.

   "Yes, yes, yes! Hurry up and eat breakfast, otherwise it will be cold for a while, you will be a bit disappointed by Jingjing's kindness!"

   said with a long smile, turning over the topic just now.

  Mo Li smiled slightly when he saw this, then picked up the bowl and chopsticks and began to eat.

  Jingjing’s breakfast is very simple, just boiled a little porridge, steamed a few noodles and a plate of pickles.

   Soon, the three of them wiped out Jingjing's morning results.

  It was very late when the three came back yesterday, and they went to rest early without having dinner.

  After one night, their belly is already a bit hungry.

  Otherwise, Jingjing wouldn't wake up so early, mainly because she woke up from starvation.

   After Jingjing got up and went to the kitchen, she found that there was no food available.

  She knew that her eyebrows didn't grow very well, and she was far inferior to them.

  However, Jingjing didn't despise her eyebrows because of this incident. After all, she also came from a poor family.

  He knows how hard people live now. If Master Yixiu hadn't taken her away, maybe she was still wandering at this time.

  After all, at this time, we are in an era of internal and external troubles. Many people are suffering from oppression and unfair treatment. There are many people who are not covered in clothing and food.

  Except for the large-scale landlords, the common people can barely support their families, and there is no surplus at all.

  The existence of Yizhuang who guards Yizhuang like Yimeidaochang is originally a relatively partial one, and the income is naturally very small.

  Browsing eyebrows can use the money earned from Feng Shui to provide the living expenses of the three apprentices, which is already very good.

  After all, one eyebrow and one long eye are not four eyes, and he doesn't have a small treasury to speak of.

  Looking at the rice jar with a little surplus, Jingjing only took out half and used it to make porridge.

  Because she doesn't know how long Li will stay here.

  You have to leave a little bit as a next stop.

  However, fortunately, Jingjing found a few pieces of dough on the shelf next to her, and this ended the entanglement in Jingjing's heart.

  After all, it’s hard to cook without rice.

  No matter how good the cooking skills are, it is no good if there are no ingredients for you to show.

  No, after the three of them finished their meal, Jingjing called Mo Li aside and quietly said, "Brother, there is no more rice in the house!"


  Mo Li didn't expect Yimei to be so poor after hearing it. It can be described as miserable.

  But after thinking about it, Li Qiye understood the reason.

  The monks will have five disadvantages and three shortcomings, and one eyebrow is no exception.

  He is the poor among the five malpractices and three shortcomings, that is, poor.

  It is understandable to live poorly!

   However, what makes Li Li more curious is what are his five drawbacks and three shortcomings?

  Up to now, no symptoms have appeared.

  It's like these, they don't exist in him.

  After that, Li Li pretended to take out a gold bar from her arms and handed it to Jingjing, which was actually taken out of the space ring.

  "Jingjing, take this out to buy some daily necessities!"

  Mo Li is not sure how long to stay here, so now Jingjing prepares something.

  Otherwise, I will be hungry next meal.

  Mo Li didn't know that the remaining rice was still enough to hold on to the meal.

  However, even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care. Anyway, he was not bad that the money was just a gold bar.


   Jingjing took the gold bar and talked to Mo Li for a while, and then left directly.

   "Shao Jian, what did Jingjing do?"

  Looking at Jingjing who was leaving, she asked with a long eyebrow in confusion.

   "Oh, I'll let her go out to buy something, she will be back soon!"

   Mo Li said with a smile.

   "Oh, it turned out to be like this!"

   A long eyebrow looked like he suddenly realized. Just now he saw Mo Li whispering to Jingjing again, and he didn't move forward.

  Now seeing Jingjing leave suddenly, a long eyebrow thought that something had happened, so she deliberately asked.


  Mo Li nodded, and asked a long eyebrow: "Uncle Master, how did the vampire appear?"

  According to Li's estimation, the plot shouldn't be so fast.

  A lot of things are not right.

  For example: the priest, the nuns, or something else.

  "Have you told you about it before?" asked a long eyebrow in confusion.

  "I want to hear the specific details, so that I know how to deal with him." Li Li made up a reason casually.

   "Oh, in that case, I'll talk about it again!"

   Then, with a long eyebrow, he spoke about the vampire's situation.

  Mo Li also understood the key point after hearing it. It turned out that Yi Mei said that he did not know the existence of vampires for a long time.

  When he first came to Jiuquan Town, he found a thick corpse in a deserted church.

  He didn't find anything after entering.

  Later, after inquiring about it, I learned that this church was very prosperous back then and there were many believers.

  Years ago, a westerner suddenly came here. He said he was an earl and his name was Dracula.

  I didn't know the reason, but he had a fight with the priest.

  Finally, when everyone discovered the priest, the priest had been dead for a long time.

  And that Count Dracula also disappeared without a trace.

  In order to give back to the priest’s kindness, many believers buried him!

  Since then, this church has been abandoned, and no one is willing to come.

  Because their mentor, priest, is no longer.

  Although, I don’t know the specific reason, but Yimei must know that there is a problem with this church, otherwise there will be no such strong corpse.

After   , the leader of the eyebrows placed his righteous village opposite the church, and he must stare at the church all the time to avoid accidents.

  At the same time, he also sprinkled boy urine on the door of the church every morning.

  With decades of Yang Qi, to suppress the heavy corpse Qi and some gloomy Qi in the church.

  But then, there were some changes.

  A group of nuns came here from outside to preach their teachings.

  Reorganized the long-abandoned church.

  After a long eyebrow, naturally you can't "scatter water" at the entrance of the church!

  Looking at the gloomy qi inside plus the corpse qi, after losing the boy's urine and yang qi, it began to grow rapidly.

  It's not that I haven't reminded me in the past.

  But in the end it was nothing.

  Because these nuns don’t understand the profound wonders of Eastern Taoism.

  So, no matter how Yimei Daochang persuaded, these nuns just didn't leave, and even kicked Yi Mei Daochang out.

  In the end, if it weren't for the new priest from outside, he would definitely be sprayed to death by these nuns.

  (End of this chapter)