The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 135: Snake out of the cave, vampire bat

  Chapter 135 Leading the snake out of the cave, vampire bat

   "Okay, I will lead them out!"

Although the priest was full of murderous intent in his heart, he did not reject Li Qi's proposal, but gritted his teeth and said.

  "Okay, since the priest has agreed to lead out the vampires, let's wait for the good news from the priest!"

  Mo Li smiled and blinked a long eyebrow.

   Seeing this with a long eyebrow, he looked at the priest with comprehension, and said in a very sincere tone: "Friends, be careful along the way. If there is anything, even if you withdraw, we will take you here."

   "Friends, don't worry, I will be careful!"

Father    replied.

  Although Yi Mei Daochang's words always cared about himself, he knew that Yi Mei Daochang and Li Qi didn't take any kindness.

  In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, the priest walked into the church with a gloomy face.

  For those nuns who didn’t know why, they cried bitterly when they saw the priest denying themselves for others.

  In their hearts, the image of the priest became extremely tall.

Li Qiye quietly walked to the side of Yi Mei Daochang, and whispered: "Uncle Master, be careful now, don't be bitten by them. Vampires are different from zombies. Nuomi is useless for them, neither do I. Know how to save it."

"I see!"

  A long eyebrow nodded to signal that he understood.

  Mo Li glanced around, and then said: "According to the nun just now, there are two vampires now, and the silver cross sword can deal with the vampires, just pierce their hearts.

  But, this priest and those bats are a trouble.

  Master, do you have any good suggestions? "

  When Li Li was chatting with the nun just now, the nun said that the priest was called Dracula Birch, which caught Li Li’s attention.

  The surnames of the priest and the vampire were the same, which made Li Qi suspicious.

After   , when he saw the priest, he used words to squeeze the priest, and he showed a little bit of horse feet.

  "Bats will have a lot to deal with at that time, and they can be wiped out by using blazing amulet at that time.

  As for the priest, it's not easy to handle.

  There is no evidence to prove that he was in collusion with the vampire. If he was killed rashly, the security team might find trouble.

  After all, he is a foreigner! "

  A long eyebrow analyzed the situation, and then explained the method he thought of with Li Li.


  Mo Li nodded immediately after listening, he knew what he was worried about with a long eyebrow.

  But it’s definitely not Li Li’s character that he doesn’t find the priest to be troublesome. He always counts others, how can others count him.

  Since the priest chooses to count him, he must plan to die.

  Mo Li, it doesn't matter if he is a foreigner or not, as long as he provokes him, it will be useless even if he is here.

  The principle that Li Li always adheres to is that I don’t mess with you, and you don’t mess with me either.

  If you mess with me, then I’m sorry, I can only send you to **** to enjoy the blessing.


   Just as Li Li was thinking, a scream from the priest suddenly came from the church, and then it became very quiet again.

   Seeing this, Li and Yibrows glanced at each other, knowing that there must be something tricky inside.

  As the priest in the realm of Earth Master, even if he can't beat the vampire, he shouldn't go in and get caught.

  You must know that what the priest himself cultivates is the western light-attribute exercises, which can restrain vampires by itself.

  As usual, the priest should fight the vampire for a few rounds before losing. ,

  Now I let out a scream directly after entering, isn’t it just to draw everyone in!

  Since the priest wanted everyone to enter the church so much, then Li Li did what he wanted and said to a long eyebrow: "Uncle Master, since they have sent a signal, let's go in!"

"it is good!"

   Nodded with a long smile.

   "You guys don't have any cultivation skills, just wait outside the church for the time being!" Li Li said to these terrified nuns.

  If these nuns choose to go in, Li Qi will also find a way to stop them.

  Because they don’t know how to practice any exercises, but simply recite some Bibles, which is not harmful to vampires at all.

  Furthermore, they will drag Li Qi and the long hind legs.


  One of the nuns with a more irritable personality, when they heard Li Li said that they would not be able to cultivate, thought they were despising them, just like a theory with Li Li.

   However, when she first got up, she was stopped by an older nun and calmed her down.

   "Two, then I will ask them for the next thing. I hope that the two can save the priest from the hands of which demons."

  The older nun is called Maria. It is the head of these nuns and the closest person who usually walks with the priest.

  She was the most anxious of these people when the priest was in danger.

  But she is the oldest after all, and she wants to have a richer experience, and she hasn't been confused by the priest's distress.

   Instead, choose the most effective method, ask for help from Li Qiye and Yimeidaochang, and pick them up to rescue the priest.

  As for whether Maria is a priest, I don’t know that!

   "Well, don't worry, we will definitely get the priest out of those two vampires."

After listening to Li Mo Li, his complexion became extremely solemn and assured.


  Maria knew that at this time, the only people who could rely on were Li Li and a long eyebrow, so she looked at them with expectation in her eyes.

  Explain the good nun. Here, Li Li said to the long eyebrow beside him: "Let's go, Uncle!"

"it is good!"

  A long eyebrow pulled out the silver cross sword, looked at the church door firmly, and nodded.

  After that, the two opened the door and walked into the church, and soon found a large group of bats hanging upside down on the roof.

  Mo Li has no words, afraid that the sound of talking will startle the bats on the roof.

   Touched a long eyebrow with his hand, then pointed to the roof and motioned a long eyebrow to look at it.

   He frowned, followed the direction of Li's fingers and looked towards the roof of the house.

  Looking at the densely packed bats, his face changed with a long eyebrow.

  'S eyes also became very solemn. He knew that there would be bats in the church, but he did not expect that there would be so many bats.

  In terms of visual inspection, there are at least hundreds of bats.

  If this kills them all, then he and Li Qi will probably be too tired.

  However, fortunately, they are not simple people, otherwise, facing these vampire bats, they have to choose to run away.

  After that, the long eyebrows took the dozens of blazing fire symbols from the bag and distributed them to Li Li's hands, whispering: "Here you, use this to deal with them!"

"it is good!"

  Mo Li took the Fire Talisman, and then took out a blood bag that had been prepared and was still on the ground.

  (End of this chapter)