The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 146: Behind the scenes, the priest shows up

  Chapter 146 Behind the scenes, the priest appears

  However, Li Qiye would not foolishly think that Earl Dracula’s verbal promise was a real promise.

  He took out a bundle of runes from the space ring and handed it to Count Dracula’s hands: "Swallow it."

  Dracula looked at the ‘yellow paper’ in his hand, frowning directly, and after taking a look at Li Li, his face changed slightly.

  Although, I don’t know what is special about this ‘yellow paper’, but since Li Qi took it out and swallowed it, it’s obviously not a good thing.

  Dracula Moli's eyes flashed continuously, and he intentionally refused but was afraid that it would cause the fullness of Li Moli and cause Scarlett to be hurt.

  Swallow it?

  Earl Dracula feels that his freedom will no longer be under his control in the future.

  But currently he has no choice but to follow the arrangement of Li Qi.

  Looking at the ‘yellow paper’ in his hand, Count Dracula hesitated for a moment before swallowing it in one bite.

   "Is it all right?"

  After swallowing the yellow paper, Earl Dracula turned his gaze to Li Li who looked a little proud, and a trace of killing intent flashed deep in his eyes and asked.

   "It's okay, but it's okay, but you have to try it first!"

  Mo Li finished speaking, and before Count Dracula could react, he held a strange handprint in his hand, and chanted an unheardable spell.

  In the end, I only heard Li Li yell: "Illness!"

  In an instant, Earl Dracula found that he had lost control of his body, and he could not help but follow Li Qi's instructions to make some movements.

  This frightened Count Dracula. He did not expect that just a simple piece of "yellow paper" would be able to seize control of his body.

  The East is terrible.

  I want to go back to the West to find my mother!

  Count Dracula’s mentality collapsed instantly.

   Li, who controlled Count Dracula’s body, felt that his mentality was a little broken, and immediately stopped the movement of his hands.

  He doesn't want to be killed by himself playing the chess pieces he just controlled.

  Soon, Earl Dracula found that he could control his body again, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

   Immediately, he looked at Li Li and felt that this person was really terrifying.

   "Don't worry, knowing that you do what I say, I won't easily take control of your body!"

  Mo Li is afraid that Count Dracula has always been in fear, and it would not be good for Father Dracula to see him at that time.

  In fact, if Li Qi deals with Dracula Boch, it is very simple.

  But, don’t forget that Jingjing should be in the hands of Father Dracula Boch at this time.

  I still understand the principle of throwing a rat avoidance device.

  Mo Li didn't want her woman Jingjing to be hurt a bit.

   Therefore, he came up with the idea of ​​controlling Count Dracula and using him to sneak attack on Father Dracula.

  Earl Dracula listened to Li's explanation, and his worries eased a little. Although his face was still a bit ugly, things were getting better.

the other side.

  The nuns outside suddenly heard the sound of guns coming from the church, knowing that it was not good, and hurried to the security team inside the town.

  They didn’t even think about why there were gunshots?

  You must know that in this era, there are guns, which are generally not security teams or bandits.

   completely forgot that Li and the others went in to get rid of the vampire.

  Fr. Dracula, after taking control of Jingjing in Yizhuang, hurriedly rushed towards the church. He did not forget his purpose of coming to Jiuquan Town.

  Because the priest Dracula Boch left the church early, he didn't know that Yi Brow and Dao Chang had no heel, Jing Cun shot him to death with a gun.

  Otherwise, he would never choose to return to the dangerous place of church.

  You should know that Xiao Riguo’s reward was only for him to cooperate with the heel I Village to get rid of one eyebrow and one long eyebrow.

   But he didn't even count Li Li.

  Just now, he felt strong danger from Li Li.

  If it was not that he was afraid of being retaliated by the small Japanese kingdom for failing to complete the mission, Count Dracula would have fled this dangerous place long ago.

   Bringing the unconscious Jingjing to the gate of the church, she found that several nuns were missing.

  Father Dracula Bocchi didn’t think much about it, but the nun did not see him just as he wanted.

  After all, these nuns all came here from the West, and they have something to do with the headquarters.

  He came to China this time. Although he was sent by the headquarters, the headquarters only asked him to spread the doctrine and did not let him do anything else.

  If you let these people know that they are colluding with a small Japanese country and harming the Chinese monks, then it will be passed to the heads of the people, which will definitely be a troublesome thing.

  Now that the nun is not here, she just won’t be discovered by her.

   looked around slightly, and found that no one noticed him, Father Dracula took Jingjing into it.

After    entered, he found that Li Li was facing Count Dracula, with a long eyebrow and a heel Jingcun lying on the ground silently.

  As for Scarlett, the vampire is nowhere to be seen.

  After the priest Dracula Boch came, Count Dracula let out a foul breath: "You are here, are things going well?"


  Father Dracula Boch did not doubt his good brother Earl Dracula. He brought the unconscious Jingjing directly to Earl Dracula’s side and looked at the opposite Li: "Where did Scarlett go?"

   "Because of the lack of blood, Scarlett hasn't woken up yet. She is in the basement at this time!"

  In order not to arouse Father Dracula's suspicion, Count Dracula made up a reason casually.


  Father Dracula Boch nodded after hearing this, and did not doubt what Earl Dracula said. He knew that Scarlett was in a hurry to resurrect Scarlett this time, and he did not get much blood.

"Are you OK?"

  Looking at Count Dracula who looked a little miserable, the priest asked him about his situation.

   "I'm okay, I just got some serious injuries!"

  Earl Dracula pondered slightly: "Why did you bring back only one?"

  "When I went, I only found a female apprentice with a long eyebrow, but not the male apprentice."

  Fr Dracula Bocchi talked about the situation after arriving in Yizhuang.

"Oh, that's how it is!"

After hearing this, Count Dracula suddenly realized that he took a vague look at Mo Li, and said to Dracula Boch: "You give her to me, I will **** some blood to restore my strength. As for him, you should block him first. a bit."


  Dracula Bosch didn’t think much, and after handing over the unconscious Jingjing to Count Dracula, he pointed to Li Qi with his fingers: "You can hurry up, he is very strong, I can’t hold on for long!"

"I see!"

  Earl Dracula took Jingjing and said with a slightly excited expression.

  (End of this chapter)