The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 147: Many fights, the priest defeated

  Chapter 147 Fights many times, the priest loses

  Li Mo Li frowned as he listened to the conversation between the two of them, "Are you two taking me too seriously? You dare to ignore my existence so much."

   After finishing speaking, Li Li directly rushed towards the two of them.


  Fr Dracula Bocchi snorted coldly, did not know where he took out a golden knight sword, and slashed towards Mo Li.


  Looking at the golden knight sword in the hands of the priest, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised. You must know that people who use this knight sword as a weapon are rare.

  This weapon is generally dedicated to knights.

  However, this did not distract Li, and saw that a black mahogany sword suddenly appeared in his hand, with a light blue brilliance on it under the blessing of Li Mana.

   Split instantly from bottom to top.


  The golden knight sword and the peach wood sword collided in an instant, and there was a sound of metal transfer.

  Father Dracula was stunned.

  He didn't expect that the wooden sword in Li Li's hand would be able to withstand the chopping of his prime time, and it also made the sound of metal transfer.

  This scene is really hard for him to understand.

   is incredible.

  Looking at Father Dracula in a daze, Li Qi didn't bother to pay attention to him.

  He thought this little boss behind the scenes was a great character.

  As a result, when I look at it now, it turned out to be a rough bag.


  In an instant, he lifted his foot and kicked the dazed Count Dracula into the air, and slammed Dracula's foot.


  Dracula Bocchi let out a scream instantly.

"Are you OK?"

  Count Dracula looked at Dracula Boch, who was kicked into the air with one move, and asked.

   "I'm fine!"

  Dracula Boch came directly to a carp to beat him, and instantly stood up from the ground, looking at Li Li with sullen eyes, and said in an extremely cold tone: "You are really cruel!"

   "It's okay!"

  Mo Li glanced at Dracula Boch with a cold eye, and said with a slight contempt: "Your strength is really a bit rubbish, you can't attract my interest in shooting!"

   "Don't be proud to see the move!"

  Dracula Bocchi was irritated by Li's contemptuous eyes, and after a roar, he raised the golden knight sword in his hand and rushed towards Li once again.

  This time is obviously different from last time.

  A strong golden light appeared on the golden knight sword. When the distance was three meters away, Earl Dracula instantly chopped directly at Li's head from top to bottom.

Between   , a two-meter-long golden sword aura suddenly blasted from the golden knight sword, and it moved towards Li Li's head with a whirr.

  The speed is so fast and scary!

  Mo Li couldn't help but frowned after seeing it. He obviously didn't expect Dracula Boch, a vampire with only the realm of Earthmaster, to be able to emit such a powerful sword aura.

   However, Li Qi was surprised and surprised.

  He did not react slowly, his figure instantly retreated to the back and pulled away from him.

  The peach wood sword in his hand swung instantly, and he stepped on the seven-star step under his feet. There were words in his mouth: "Heaven and earth are boundless, yin and yang are two instruments, ten thousand laws return to the sect, Maoshan magic sword, disease!"

  With a yell from Li Li, the peach wood sword in his hand instantly emits dense sword energy, and in a moment it chews Father Dracula Boch’s golden sword energy into pieces like a meat grinder.

After   , the trend was unabated and directly hit Dracula Boch’s long sword, knocking him out again.


   hit the ground fiercely, and the golden knight sword in his hand fell to the side.

Many places on   's clothes were torn by sword qi, revealing reddish blood.

   looks so embarrassing!

  Earl Dracula watched Li easily defeat Dracula Boch again, his eyes flashed with a gloomy heart, and he secretly said, "It's amazing."

  He originally wanted the priest to win, so that he could no longer be controlled by Li Qi.

  However, I didn't expect that Li Li's strength was so powerful, whether it was dealing with him, Scarlett or Dracula Bocchi was a simple trick.

  Obviously he didn't use all his strength at all.

After   Dracula Boch climbed up from the ground, he was not actively attacking Li Qi. Judging from the two fights just now, he was not Li Qi’s opponent.

After that, I came to Count Dracula and looked at him in a dazed manner. He didn't bite Jingjing in his hand at all. He couldn't help but looked a little angry, and yelled at Jingjing with his fingers, "Earl Dracula, what are you doing? ?"


  After Earl Dracula recovered, he asked with a dazed expression: "What did you say?"

   "I said why didn't you **** her blood?"

  Dracula Bocci felt that he had met a pig teammate, which was surprisingly stupid.

   "Ah, just now I was attracted by your fight, so I forgot it!"

  Earl Dracula said with a little embarrassment.


  Dracula Bocchi really doesn't want to talk to this stupid x-like brother, he is so stupid that he cannot describe it in words.

  "Just leave this woman alone!"

  Dracula Bocchi said angrily: "First, deal with the person in front of you. As for the girl, she will use her blood to resurrect Scarlett."

"it is good!"

  Earl Dracula suddenly became a little different after hearing Scarlett’s name!

The whole body was full of motivation and put Jingjing aside, came to stand beside Dracula Boch, looked at Li with cold eyes, and shouted: "Boy, I admit that you are very good, but I don't know if you can fight. I have to join forces with my brother, haha"

  Earl Dracula's voice was very arrogant, as if he had been eating it.

   "Yes, kid, let you know this time, our brother is amazing!"

  After Dracula Boch picked up the Golden Knight Sword from the ground, he also shouted loudly.

   Hearing the words, Li Li shook his head, looked at the two with some contempt, and said in a mocking tone: "An ant is an ant, and his vision is low!"

   "Hmph, you are strong, but I don't believe you will be the opponent of our brothers."

  Dracula Boch saw that Li Qiye was still taunting the two of him, and said angrily.


   Mo Li listened and said in a slightly indifferent voice: "Are you sure it is the two brothers who dealt with me?"


  Earl Dracula let out a big laugh when he heard it, his eyes were somewhat mocking, and his tone was a little unkind, saying: "I don't know if I should call you stupid? Or should I call you stupid?

  There are only three of us facing each other. It’s not our brothers who are dealing with you. Could it be that you are dealing with me together? "

"Ha ha!"

  Looking at the arrogant Dracula Bocchi, Li Qiye's expression was of course not angry, and he said in a flat tone: "This matter is not at the end, who can be accurate?"

   "Hehe, you are so funny!"

  Dracula Boch listened to Li Li standing there with his eyes open and talking nonsense, his stomach aches with a smile.

  (End of this chapter)