The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 176: Temple of the Golden Luang

  Chapter 176 The Golden Temple, the Ninth Five-Year Sovereign Bureau

  Although he agreed to Chief Chen to help him enter the tomb, Li Qiye's face was extremely solemn.

   glanced at the head of Chen and found that he was looking at him expectantly, Li Qiye's eyes were cold, and he passed the crowd and came to them.

   took out a compass from the bag, stared at the passage in front of him, and said some unintelligible spells in the air.

After that, he took out a Taoist magic garment from the magic bag and put it on his body, and took the magic weapon thunderbolt peach wood sword in his hand. Of course, these things were taken out of the magic bag in the eyes of Head Chen and others. It was actually taken out of the space ring.

  The purpose of this is to avoid unnecessary trouble.

   "Mr. Shi, how is it?"

  Looking at Li Li hadn't moved for a long time, Head Chen frowned and couldn't help but asked in a hurry.

   Mo Li heard the words and glanced at Head Chen blankly: "If Head Chen can't wait, he can go in by himself. I won't stop him."

   "Hehe, Mr. Shi is joking, how can Chen not wait?"

   What made Li Li curious is that Head Chen was not irritated by his own words, but looked at himself with a smile: "Mr. Shi, please!"

  Mo Li glanced at the head of Chen and the others indifferently, turned his head blankly to look into the depths of the passage, and after a slight indulgence, he directly raised his leg and walked towards the tomb.

   Stepping into the mausoleum, the light gradually weakened, and Li walked in the direction of the compass. When the light disappeared completely, Li waved his hand to perform Maoshan’s ‘Imperial Fire Art’.

  I saw, Guanghua flashed, and a burst of fire suddenly rose around Li Li.

  The fire light produced by the imperial fire technique instantly illuminates the whole surroundings.

After   's sight was restored, Li Li continued to walk forward, ignoring Head Chen and others at all.

   "Head, this?"

   Adjutant Xu, who followed him, obviously waved his hand slightly, and the effect was stunned.

  He knows the mysteriousness of Taoism.

  But he never thought that a person can produce flames out of thin air without using anything.

  This is just like magic.

   "Don't say much, just watch it silently!"

  Although Head Chen was also a little surprised, he did not expect the performance of Adjutant Xu.


  After hearing this, Adjutant Xu knew that his state was a little over, so he quickly adjusted his emotions.

  After a while, the rustling footsteps spread far away in the dead tomb passage, Li Qiye opened the way in front, and the commander Chen and Adjutant Xu led the soldiers to follow.

   Probe into the brain, a ugly attitude of greed for life and fear of death, directly revealed.

  Soon, under the leadership of Mo Li, everyone passed through the dead tomb passage full of institutions, and came to the real entrance of the tomb of Cixi.

  On both sides of the entrance to the tomb passage in front of Mo Li and others, there is a couplet written with the four characters'Tomb of Cixi'.

  Mo Li felt the horrible atmosphere at the door, his face became more solemn, and he kept instructing himself: "Be careful, be careful, be careful"

   "Mr. Shi, why aren't you leaving?"

  Head Chen looked at the entrance of the tomb of Cixi and asked pretendingly.

"It's nothing!"

  Mo Li shook his head when he heard the words. Regarding the hypocritical head Chen in front of him, Li Li really wanted to slap him to death.

  If he didn't appear suddenly, he should be discussing marriage with Ren Tingting at this time.

  Although it has been less than three years since Ren Tingting’s father died, Mo Li didn’t want to wait any longer.

  After Jingjing was killed, Mo Li had this idea.

  I want to give Ren Tingting a name to this kind girl.

  Unfortunately, all these plans were ruined by the nasty guy in front of him.

  If Li Qi can't handle things here well, he should not want to live a stable life in the future.

  Mo Li stepped forward two steps to the front of the tomb door and tried to push it with his hands to see if the tomb door could be opened.


  As the strength of Li Li's hands strengthened, the tomb door of Cixi Mausoleum was opened by Li Li without any obstacles.

   Seeing this, Mo Qizhong was also very surprised, so he didn't need to think about Chen and the others.

  You should know that in the tomb passage where everyone came in, more than one organ trap was set up.

  If it weren't for Li Qiye's leadership, Head Chen and others came in, it would really have to lose a lot of talent.

  Now, the real tomb door of Cixi's tomb was gently opened by Li Li, which obviously surprised everyone.

   However, astonished to astonishment, Li Qiye did not intend to relax his vigilance.

  Holding the magic weapon peach wood sword, secretly holding a corpse talisman, in order to deal with some emergencies.

  However, after waiting for a while, no zombies attacked the Cixi Mausoleum.

  Although Li Qi was slightly surprised at this, it couldn’t have been better to have no zombie attack.

   Step through the entrance, and in front of it is a straight tomb passage.

  There are dragon-shaped reliefs at intervals on the walls on both sides of the tomb passage. The dense spider silk is crisscrossed and diagonally woven, like a silk net that wants to wipe out the intruder, and the silence is full of chills.

   Li, who was walking in front, looked around with a very vigilant expression.

  When two-thirds of the distance of the real tomb passage was completed, the walls on both sides suddenly made a ‘click’, a thin gap was split horizontally, and a thin gold disk flew out.


  Mo Li reacted in an instant, stepping on the'universe and gossip step', and the thousand-year thunderbolt peach wood sword in his hand was like a dragon going out to sea, stabbing the golden plate.

   With a soft sound of ‘clang’, the peach wood sword accurately hit the gold plate, and instantly picked the gold plate and hit it on the nearby tomb wall.

  However, the tremendous power contained in the gold plate also shook Li Qi back three or four steps slightly.


   Before Li stopped to stabilize his figure, four gold plates flew out again on the curtain wall.

  Mo Li knew that he could not resist, so he quickly backed away.

  The golden disk seemed to be controlled by someone, but it followed the direction of Li Qi's retreat like a shadow.

   And the speed is extremely fast, in the blink of an eye, the golden plate flew to the front of Li's neck.

   is close at hand.

  Mo Li felt the skin on his neck tightened slightly, and without thinking, he leaned back and avoided the golden plate.

  Mo Li successfully escaped the attack of this life-threatening golden plate, but the head of Chen and the others behind him were not so lucky.

  Without defense, four soldiers were cut off by Jinpan in an instant.

  The strong smell of blood filled the whole tomb in an instant.

  If Captain Chen had not reacted too quickly, it was not the four soldiers who died at this moment, but him.

  Suddenly, the whole tomb passage became extremely quiet.

  All stopped, afraid to walk half a step forward.

  Mo Li was so ugly about the ugly attitude of the head of Chen and the others. With such courage, he had just stolen the tomb of Cixi, really.

  Mo Li didn't know how to describe these ignorant people.

   Turned around and looked at the remaining passage in front of him, Li Li's face was slightly thinking.

   Judging from the trajectory of the gold disk attack just now, it is obvious that someone is secretly making a ghost.

  Otherwise, a simple mechanism will not issue such a weird attack.

  Thinking for a while, Li Li suddenly took out a piece of white paper, held it together with both hands, and then tore out a small paper figure.

  After that, he placed the paper man on the ground, and Li took out a talisman and placed it on top of the paper man. He kept pinching the Taoist seal with both hands, chanting unknown spells in the air.


The mysterious scene suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and the talisman on the paper man suddenly emitted a burst of light, and the paper man was enveloped in it in an instant.

  When the light dissipated, the upside-down paper man actually slowly stood up from the ground, and started to grow bigger against common sense, and in a moment it became as tall as one person.

  If it is not a flat face, Head Chen and others think that this is just like a living person.

  I saw, after the paper man stood up, he silently nodded to Li, and walked towards the tomb in front.

   "swish swish"

  Just after the paper man walked a few steps, the attack of the golden disk reappeared. In an instant, six golden disks flew out and attacked the paper man.


  The paper man seemed to have not seen the golden disk attack, so he walked straight ahead, and instantly all six golden disk attacks were embedded in the paper man.

  But the paper man did not stop, and continued to walk forward.

  It's like, the attack of the golden disk doesn't work for him at all.

   Soon the paper man came to an end, but it did not stop, but turned and walked towards Li Qi.

  In this way, the paper man walked back and forth on the remaining tomb passage four or five times, and stopped until there was no gold plate flying out.

  Mo Li knew that Jinpan’s mechanism had been destroyed by his paperman.

  But to be safe, Li Li suddenly drew a Taoist Tai Chi picture on his chest, and said in a low voice: "The universe is divided into two instruments, and the two instruments are divided into four phenomena."

  A two-meter-diameter black-and-white Tai Chi diagram suddenly appeared, and Li Li pushed forward fiercely, and the Tai Chi diagram hit the past like a wild beast.

   Destroyed and rotten, the wall that issued the golden disk attack was instantly shattered by the Taiji figure, and the rubble splashed, destroying the golden disk mechanism hidden in the gap of the wall, and it was extremely violent.

   "Let's go!"

  Mo Li turned around to speak to the head of Chen and the others behind, and then walked towards the front.


  Head Chen, Adjutant Xu and others have ever seen such a powerful spell, they can break the stone wall out of thin air, and they are in shock.

  If such an attack hits a person, isn’t it crushed?

  For a time, the gazes of Head Chen and others at Li Li were full of awe, no longer as arrogant as before.

  Mo Li, who was walking in front, ignored the changes in the expressions of Head Chen and others, and moved on.

  Head Chen and others saw that the figure of Li Li was about to disappear, and they hurriedly moved towards the front residential area.

   Soon, everyone came to the end of a tomb, and what everyone saw was a fork in the road.

  Three roads appeared in front of everyone, namely forward, left, and right.

  Head Chen didn’t understand these doorways, and didn’t know which road to take next, so he asked: "Mr. Shi, three roads, which one shall we take?"

  In the tomb, there are many traps, which are very powerful. If you go the wrong way, you will fall directly.

  In the scene just now, the head of Chen is vividly vivid.

   Li Mo Li was obviously prepared. He took out the Zhang Lingfu and fell from the air. There was no wind, but he floated to the left intersection, "go on the left."

"it is good!"

  Head Chen nodded, and ordered his men to go to the left.

After   , everyone, under the leadership of Li Li, went all the way unimpeded, without being threatened by the agency.

  After passing this passage, he came to an empty space, and Li Li threw out a few Royal Fire Talisman in an instant, and the surrounding area was quickly illuminated by the fire of Royal Fire.

  Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

  A piece of gold made the three big characters of the Golden Temple is now in front of everyone.

  I am the only one in the world, and the dragon chants and bows down to all things!

   "What a great spirit!"

  Looking at the Jinluan Temple in front, Li Li showed a hint of shock, and muttered to herself: "Cixi is going to learn Wushu!"

   "Who is Wu Zhao?"

   Adjutant Xu asked with a puzzled face.

  Head Chen glanced at Adjutant Xu silently, and whispered: "Usually I ask you to read more books just to not listen. Now I lose my face.

  Wu Zhao is Wu Zetian. "

   "It's her!"

   Xu Fuguan suddenly realized.

  Having experience in the previous two agencies, Head Chen did not rush to send someone to investigate, but walked up to Li Li and asked, "Mr. Shi, what should I do next?"

  "Since Cixi named the tomb'Golden Luan Temple', it means that it must not be simple. If it is not, it will be a lot of organs."

  Mo Li looked at the Jinluan Temple in front of him, his eyes showing the color of thinking.

  Head Chen nodded after listening.

  This'Golden Luan Temple' is not a palace like the one in the Forbidden City, but a row of downward stone staircases.

  The end of the stone ladder is dark, like a monster with an open mouth to choose someone and eat it, making people creepy.

   "Let's go, go down and take a look!"

  Mo Li guessed that under this stone ladder is the habitat of Cixi and other zombies.

  After a while, everyone walked to the end of the stone ladder, and everyone saw a spacious tomb. However, this tomb was very dark, vaguely giving the head of Chen and the others a dangerous feeling: "Mr. Shi..."

"do not move."

Head Chen stepped out, just about to step on the ground, Li Bai Nian sternly stopped, pulled him back by the hand, and warned: "The tomb of Cixi is very dangerous. It is impossible to make mistakes. If you don't want to die If you are inside, just listen to me."

  After finishing speaking, Li Qiye stared straight inside, muttering words in his mouth, and displayed the'Imperial Fire Technique', and a fist-sized fireball flew out.

  The flame spread out instantly, illuminating the entire tomb room.

  Seeing that there are real dragon reliefs carved on the upper, lower, left and right walls. The real dragon is more than 30 meters long. The group of dragons swims, the dragon head is ferocious, glaring, fierce and powerful, and breathtaking.


   Mo Li was surprised.

  Head Chen asked in confusion: "Mr. Shi, what do these eight dragons mean?"

  "This level is not easy to pass"

  Mo Li looked at everything in front of him and his face became very solemn, took out the gossip mirror from the bag, and said in his mouth: "The heavens and the earth are the only ones who dominate, and the dragon chants and worships all things."

   "No, there should be nine dragons. How come there are only eight dragons here."

  After calculating for a while, Li Li suddenly said: "The Ninth Five-Year Supreme Bureau should be arranged here. How could such a situation happen?"

  (End of this chapter)