The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 19: Security team

  Chapter 19 Security Team

  The next morning, when the first rays of sunlight rose, Li Li opened his eyes and looked at Ren Tingting, who was sleeping next to him, with a hint of tenderness in his eyes.

  After that, he got out of bed gently, put on his clothes, and left the room. When he came to the yard, Li Li took a deep breath, feeling the freshness of the morning air.

  After coming to this world, Li Li always had a slight sense of crisis. This sense of crisis reminded him all the time that he must be powerful so that he could protect himself.

  At this point, Li Li has been like a day for more than ten years, getting up early every day, absorbing the first ray of purple gas when the sun rises, and slowly forming the habit of getting up early.

  Afterwards, when I woke up early to practice, Li gradually fell in love with this feeling and turned him into a kind of enjoyment.

  In the yard, those precious and famous flowers are exuding a faint fragrance, which makes me feel relaxed and happy.

  Not long after, butler Li walked over and said respectfully: "Uncle, breakfast is ready!"

   Mo Li heard the words and said with a smile: "Let's go, Mr. Li, let's be together!"

  Housekeeper Li nodded and smiled: "Okay, uncle!"

  When the two of Mo Li walked into the restaurant, it happened that Ren Tingting also walked over, looked at Mo Li, and said, "Good morning, Brother Shi!" There was a happy smile on his face.

  Mo Li smiled at the thought of last night, "Morning, Tingting!" But his eyes looked randomly on Ren Tingting.

  Housekeeper Li stood aside, looking at the "newcomers" of Mo Li and Ren Tingting, as if they were younger generations, his eyes were full of kindness.

  Ren Tingting noticed Li's bad eyes, snorted softly, and said, "It's time to have breakfast!" After finishing talking, he ignored Li Li and walked towards the restaurant first.

  Looking at Ren Tingting who looked like a shy little woman, Li Haha laughed, and said to the steward Li beside him: "Let’s go, Mr. Li, let’s go over to eat too!"

   Manager Li smiled and said, "Uncle, please."

   Seeing this, Mo Li did not shirk, and walked towards the living room first.

   and steward Li followed.

  After arriving at the restaurant, the two sat down one after another. Butler Li nodded to the next person, and said: "I will prepare it and bring it up!"

   "Yes!" Hearing this, the servant walked towards the kitchen. In a short while, people brought up the breakfast prepared in advance.

  Ren Tingting saw that these breakfasts were different from usual, and asked curiously: "Hey, why is today's breakfast different from usual!"

Li Li heard the words and saw that today’s breakfast was changed to: "Bird's Nest", "Jujube Congee", "Fried Eggs", "Corn Soup", etc. They are all ingredients that replenish vital energy and restore blood. They are indeed different in normal times, too. Looking at Butler Li with doubts, he didn't know how he asked the kitchen to prepare these.

  Seeing both Mo Li and Ren Tingting looking at him, butler Li smiled a little wretchedly. His eyes were a little weird and said: "Uncle, Miss, the weather has turned cold recently. Let's eat more ingredients that replenish qi and blood. It is good."

  Ren Tingting said puzzledly: "Old Li, it's still summer, how can it turn cold?"

   Steward Li heard the words, smiled awkwardly, and said: "It's coming soon."

  Looking at Ren Tingting and wanted to ask again, Li Li, who already understood what was going on, said with a smile: "Okay, Tingting, don't disappoint Lao Li!"

  Ren Tingting heard "Yeah", nodded, and began to eat.

  Mo Li took a bite of the red jujube porridge, feeling that he hadn’t done it yet, and gave a thumbs up to the steward Li, saying, “Old Li, I’m bothering you!”

   "It should be, it should be" Steward Li knew that Li Li had already prepared the meaning of this, and smiled awkwardly.

  After eating breakfast, Li Li said, “Tingting, I’m going to the security team and I have something to deal with.”

   "Hmm!" Ren Tingting nodded and said, "Brother Shi, you go early and return early!"

   "I know Tingting, don't worry." After speaking, Li Li waved at Ren Tingting and walked out of Ren's residence.

  When Li Li walked to the security team, Uncle Jiu and Wencai waited here early.

   Seeing Mo Li coming over, Jiu Shu said: "Shao Jian, you are here!"

  Looking at Uncle Jiu who looked a little haggard, Li Li smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Master, something has been delayed, and I am a little late."

  Uncle Jiu said: "It's not too late, we are here early."

  Wencai whispered to himself naturally, and said: "Huh, I have promised to let Qiusheng go. It's still so late. I think this is intentional."

   Jiu Shu heard the words, first glanced at Li Li, and saw that his expression did not change. He turned to Wen Cai and cursed, "Shut up."

  Looking at the literary talent who couldn't distinguish between good and bad, Jiu Shu said in his heart: "So tired!" None of these two apprentices made him worry.

  Qiusheng is very active and does things regardless of the consequences, and has caused him many troubles over the years. The literary talent is a little better. Although he doesn't go out to cause trouble, he often says something without thinking, as if he lacks a string in his brain.

   Finally, Mo Li promised to let Qiu Sheng go. If Wencai’s words were ruined, then I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, Jiu Shu stood aside thinking.

Although Li Qiu didn’t know what Jiu Shu’s master and apprentice was doing, he was able to guess some of it. It’s nothing more than: "Wen Cai felt that he was late and complained a few words. But Jiu Shu heard what Wen Cai said and was afraid that Wen Cai would let himself hear ,change idea!"

   Regarding this, Li Li smiled and said in his heart: "Although, Li Li is not a good person, but I will not regret what I promised!"

  Looking at the master and apprentice of Uncle Jiu, Mo left his mouth and said: "Master, it's getting late, let's go in first!"

  Uncle Jiu heard the words and said: "Okay, listen to your Shaojian."

  Mo Li did not be polite with Jiu Shu, and walked towards the security team first.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu told Wencai: "No matter what you see for a while, don't interrupt, you know?"

Wencai nodded and said, "I see, Master."

   "Well," Uncle Jiu said, "Let's go!"

  After the three of them entered the security team one after another, Li Li asked the security team beside him: "Your captain, where is Awei?"

  The team members saw that it was Mo Li, and said quickly: "Report to Master Shi, the captain is in the interrogation room."

   Mo Li heard the words, a smile flashed in his eyes, and said: "Take us to find Ah Wei."

   "Yes, Master Shi!" The team member quickly said: "Please here." After saying that, they led the three of Mo Li towards the interrogation room.

  Before reaching the interrogation room, Li Li heard Qiu Sheng's screams from inside, and laughed inwardly, but made no sound.

  Uncle Jiu heard the screams of Qiu Sheng, and directly passed the team members and Mo Li, and ran towards the interrogation room, followed by Wencai.

When Mo Li entered the interrogation room, he saw Jiu Shu and Wencai standing in front of Qiu Sheng, glaring at Ah Wei.

And Ah Wei pointed at the three uncles with pistols, with an angry face, and said loudly: "You dare to attack the police openly. I think you don't want to live anymore, so hurry up and squat on the ground with your head in your hands, otherwise I will pistol. The bullet in it doesn't open eyes."

   Seeing this, Mo Li quickly walked up to Ah Wei and stopped saying: "A Wei, what are you doing? Put down your gun quickly."

   "The surname Shi, please get out of the way. I want to kill these two thugs, and dare to attack the police in the security team. I want them to know that I am powerful." Awei said arrogantly.

  (End of this chapter)