The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 2: nature

  Chapter 2 Nature

  Mo Li saw that the two of Jiu Shu entered the coffee shop, but did not follow up, but did it in a tea shop next to Qiusheng’s rouge shop. At this location, you can observe the situation of Dao Coffee Shop and Rouge Shop!

  After a while, Ren Tingting, the protagonist of the zombie, walked out of the coffee shop and walked towards the rouge shop next to Li Li.

  I have to say that Ren Tingting is really a big beauty, much more beautiful than some modern stars.

  A pair of shining eyes, clear and clear, shining like stars, eyes curved like crescent moons, as if the aura is overflowing. Between a frown and a smile, everyone's demeanor looks naturally revealed, and people can't help but marvel at her elegant and graceful light.

The long and fine black hair, draped over the shoulders, is slightly feminine. Sometimes the long hair is loosely counted, showing a different style. It becomes extremely cute and makes people love compassion and white skin. It's like a freshly peeled egg.

  The small red lips and the white of the skin are more distinct. A pair of small dimples are evenly distributed on both sides of the cheeks, with a small smile, and the dimples are looming on the cheeks, cute as a fairy.

  Looking at the beautiful Ren Tingting, he gave birth to an evil idea out of his centrifugation, which is to turn Ren Tingting into her own woman!

  Ren Tingting is the daughter of the richest man in Renjia Town, Mr. Ren, and the only daughter. As long as Li Qi succeeded in taking down Ren Tingting, he would get all the property of the Ren family. Anyone who has read the original knows that Ren Fa will not live for long.

  This evil idea appeared deeply in Li Li’s mind, and it could not get rid of it. Perhaps Li Li’s nature was like this in his past and present life!

  In other words, even if Ren Tingting is not a beauty, some people who are greedy for the wealth of Ren's house will actively pursue her, let alone a young beauty.

  As for Li who did this, is it too mean and indecent? Anyone who has seen the plot of the original book knows that Shi Shaojian himself is a member of the evil sect, so how could he care about this.

  Although Shi Shaojian was possessed by Li's soul, his essence cannot be changed. Li Li's current father, Shi Jian, has been practicing with his soul to improve his cultivation. How could he be a decent son as his son!

   Seeing Ren Tingting enter the rouge to take you, don’t think back to the plot, presumably Qiu Sheng will take Ren Tingting as a "j girl" to satirize you?

  Isn’t this a god-given opportunity to give hero Li a chance to save the United States? Thinking of this, an evil light flashed in Li Li's eyes, and he secretly said: "Qiu Sheng, you can't blame me for using you as the background wall."

  When Mo Li entered the rouge shop, it happened that Qiu Sheng was taunting Ren Tingting, and Ren Tingting didn't know what Qiu Sheng said! Seeing this, Li Li walked up to the two of them and said to Qiu Sheng: "Sir, you said that a beautiful woman is a jersey, isn't it too rude?"

   "She was the one, so let me say it!" Seeing Li Li directly broke the meaning of the words, Qiu Sheng didn't care, and asked, "Who are you?"

  As for Xiaobai’s Ren Tingting, if Li Qi didn’t say anything wrong, she would never know that Qiu Sheng actually regarded herself as j. Thinking about what Qiusheng said just now, he slapped Qiusheng directly and said angrily: "You are shameless!"

  Qiu Sheng, who was beaten suddenly, was a little stunned. When he heard Ren Tingting's sentence: "You are shameless!", he realized that he felt a little bit uncontrollable, and he was about to slap Ren Tingting with his hand.

  However, Mo Li grabbed his hand and said with a smile: "Sir, this is your fault. You misunderstood a girl from someone else. Now you have been slapped and want to fight back. Isn't it a bit too unreasonable!"

   Seeing that his hand was caught, Qiusheng took it back, but found that Mo Li's hand was like a pair of pliers, and he couldn't take it back anyway, and said angrily: "Boy, let go, or I want you to look good!"

  Faced with the threat of Qiusheng, Li did not take it seriously. The more he was like this, the more he appeared to be tall and tall, and the heavier the weight in Ren Tingting's heart, the easier it would be to win Ren Tingting next.

  Looking at Qiu Sheng who was a little angry, Li Li smiled and said, "What? Do you still want to hit me?"

  Qiusheng said angrily: "If you don't let go, I'm not welcome!"

   Mo Li's eyes were full of playfulness, and said: "Then you are welcome to take a look."

  At this time, Wencai walked in and looked at Qiusheng and Mo Li who were struggling, feeling that the atmosphere was not very friendly, and was about to ask them what they were doing. I saw Ren Tingting next to him, and immediately said, "Miss Ren, are you there too?"

  Ren Tingting did not have a palindrome, and snorted coldly, obviously still angry.

Seeing this, Mo Li knew that he couldn't teach Qiusheng anymore, so he let go, and said, "Good luck!" Then, looking at Ren Tingting beside him, he smiled and said, "Let's go, girl! I'll take you back. If you meet such a person in the future, you don’t have to be polite to him."

   "Well," Ren Tingting nodded, hum, gave Qiu Sheng a ferocious look, and followed Mo Li out.

   Seeing Mo Li and the other two go out, looking at Qiu Sheng who was a little stunned, Wen Cai asked, "Qiu Sheng, did you conflict with Miss Ren just now?"

   "Ms. Ren?" Qiu Sheng asked, "That Miss Ren?"

  "Ren Tingting, the daughter of the local richest man Ren Fa, the one just now was that I met my master when we were discussing business with Master Ren in a coffee shop," Wen Cai replied.

  Qiusheng heard this, his face was bitter, and his heart was a little bit distressed. It was not a joke to offend the daughter of the richest man.

Wencai looked at Qiusheng with a low expression, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "You, ask for more blessings! It is not a joke to offend the richest man's daughter!" Wencai completely forgot to be in the coffee shop, he offended himself. Ren Tingting's business.

  Here, looking at the righteous, handsome and extraordinary Li Li in front of him, Ren Tingting blushed and said softly, "Sir, thank you just now!"

Looking at Ren Tingting, who was shy in front of him, she smiled gently and said softly: "You're welcome, this is what I should do. When you meet such evil-thinking people, someone should stand up and expose him. He can't tolerate his presumptuousness." Li Qiye's face was not flushed or panting, and his eyes were open to talk nonsense.

  If his father Shi Jian was here, he would know that this kid must have bad intentions at the sight of Li Li. Unfortunately, there are only Mo Li and Ren Tingting here.

  "Sir, to express my gratitude, how about I invite you to dinner?" Ren Tingting's face was reddened, she looked at Li Li a little shyly, with some expectation in her eyes.

  Looking at Ren Tingting, who was in the state of the little woman in front of him, she was secretly delighted in her ecstasy. She wanted to find some excuses to stay with her for a while, but she didn't expect to send it to the door herself.

   Mo Li smiled and said, "Mr. Bie, my sir’s called. My name is Shi Shaojian. I came here to study abroad."

   "My name is Ren Tingting, Brother Shi, you can call me Tingting!" Seeing Mo Li introduced herself, Ren Tingting also introduced herself.

   "En! Tingting." Li Li smiled and said, "A good name, and a beautiful person!"

   Hearing Li Li complimenting herself, Ren Tingting was a little bit happy, she immediately put a smile on her face, and said, “Thanks to the help of Big Brother Shi this time, otherwise I don’t know what will happen!”

  Mo Li smiled and said, "You are welcome, Tingting!"

   "At that time, I will invite you to dinner, Brother Shi must agree!" Ren Tingting's tone was a little coquettish, like a little woman in love.

   Seeing Ren Tingting said so, Li Li nodded and smiled and said, "Well, I'll let you invite this time."

  (End of this chapter)