The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 21: The color heart in the rouge shop

  Chapter 21 Rouge shop in the color heart

  The middle-aged man interrupted her and said, "Madam boss, you also know our elders, how do you understand this thing, and help me."

  The fat man also echoed: "Yes, lady boss, help out."

  Aunt Qiusheng based on the principle that the customer is God, looked at the two of them, and said, "Well then!" After speaking, she took the plum pollen and sat by the mirror beside her, and began to paint.

  Looking at the make-up Aunt Qiusheng, a strange color flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man. He cast a look at the fat man, who nodded and walked out of the rouge shop, standing at the door like a door god.

After a while, Aunt Qiusheng put on her makeup and said, "Sir, how do you feel?"

  The middle-aged man’s eyes lit up, and he did not expect that Aunt Qiusheng would be so beautiful after putting on makeup.

A handsome and flawless face, with a sharp and angular Leng Jun; under the drooping long eyelashes, deep eyes gleaming like black crystals, a tall nose, a beautiful lip shape, the temperament exudes from the body is good. complex.

  The black and beautiful long hair is slapped with a meticulously carved plum hairpin, which is lightly leaded, and has a cloud-like aura of Wushan.

   and the plain-faced girl, they are like two people. They are not like a middle-aged woman at all, but look like a young girl who makes the middle-aged man look straight in a daze.

  Qiusheng’s aunt saw this, frowning, feeling the strangeness of the middle-aged man, and reminded him: "Mr. Mr."

  The middle-aged man who had recovered his spirit, looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and asked, "Ah, what did you say?"

  Aunt Qiusheng didn’t think much about it, thinking that the middle-aged man was just thinking about things, and said, “Sir, I’ve used plum blossom points and finished makeup. Can you see how it works?”

   "Good, good!" The middle-aged man said three good times, clapped his hands and laughed: "It's suitable, it's too suitable."

Aunt Qiusheng was overjoyed upon hearing this, and smiled and said, "Since my husband thinks it is good, then I will wrap this plum powder for you. Please wait a moment." With that, Aunt Qiusheng is going to wrap it up. .

  At this time, the middle-aged man said: "No need to pack, madam boss."

  The smiling aunt Qiusheng was taken aback, looked at the middle-aged man in confusion, and asked softly: "Sir, do you think it is inappropriate?"

  Aunt Qiusheng didn’t understand. Didn’t this person just say "OK"? What does it mean to say: "No need to pack," in the end, what does this mean?

   "Very suitable!" The middle-aged man said with a smile.

   "Since it is appropriate, what does the gentleman mean?" Aunt Qiusheng also couldn't understand the meaning of the middle-aged man.

   "I mean, my wife has already used it, so there is no need to wrap the plum powder." The middle-aged man said with a wicked smile.

  Aunt Qiusheng heard this, and she wondered in her heart, feeling that the person in front of her was so strange, and said softly: "Mr. laughed, and your wife hasn't come. How could she have tried it?"

  Looking at Aunt Qiusheng who still didn’t understand, the middle-aged man stepped forward two steps, walked in front of her, and said, “I’m really not kidding, my wife has really tried plum powder, and it’s very beautiful.”

  Aunt Qiusheng seemed to understand something, and took two steps back to write a distance from the middle-aged man. Looking at the door, he found that the fat man was standing at the door, and the guests who were about to come in were stopped.

   Seeing this, his face turned white, knowing that the two of them are absolutely unkind, and their eyes are a little evasive and said: "Sir, don't be kidding anymore, okay?"

"I'm not joking, and what I said is true." The middle-aged man smiled wickedly, stepped forward again, hugged Aunt Qiusheng, and smiled wickedly: "My wife, you turned into a The makeup is so beautiful, it really makes me want to cherish and cherish you."

  Aunt Qiusheng's expression was a little panicked, she broke free, and said in panic: "Sir, please respect yourself!"

  "Self-respect?" A yin light flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, and he laughed: "Madam, do I still use self-respect with your husband? This makes my husband very sad."

  Looking at the malicious middle-aged man, Aunt Qiusheng forced herself to calm down and said loudly, "Please leave, you are not welcome here."

  "Haha" The middle-aged man ignored Aunt Qiusheng, but walked towards her step by step.

Seeing this, Aunt Qiusheng looked a little frightened, and said in a trembling voice: "You are here, I'm about to call someone."

  The middle-aged man laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said, "Then you are called!"

  Looking at the middle-aged man gradually approaching him, Aunt Qiusheng pushed back and said, “I’m really going to call out.”

  The middle-aged man was unmoved, and his expression was a bit arrogant and said: "At this time, even if you have a broken throat, it is useless. No one will come to save you. Let's obediently follow the uncle!"

  The middle-aged man was originally just looking for trouble at the rouge shop, and by the way molested his aunt Qiusheng, completing the task of Awei’s account. However, seeing Aunt Qiusheng after putting on make-up, she suddenly became enamored and wanted to try something wrong with her.

  Not afraid to see the middle-aged man, Aunt Qiusheng looked around and found that the front door had been blocked by herself, and she couldn't escape at all.

  Behind is the counter, and there is no way to go back. Seeing the middle-aged man approaching step by step, Aunt Qiusheng's eyes are desperate.

  The middle-aged man looked at Aunt Qiusheng who had given up resistance, his eyes were bright, and he smiled evilly and said: "Beauty, rest assured, I will"

  At this moment, the fat man suddenly ran in and said to the middle-aged man in a low voice, "Big Brother, I see your enemy, the old nine!"

   "What? Old Jiu." The middle-aged man's face changed, his eyes flashed with killing intent, and he asked, "Where is Old Jiu?"

   "The noodle shop is right in front. I saw him go in to eat noodles." said the fat man.

  The middle-aged man turned his head and glanced at Aunt Qiusheng. He felt a bit pity, but he had to take revenge. Immediately, he said: "Beauty, waiting for me, I will be back soon." Turning to the fat man and said: "Go." After finishing speaking, he took the lead out of the rouge shop.

   glanced at the panicked aunt Qiusheng, a glimmer of surprise flashed in the eyes of the fat man, and he secretly said: "What a beautiful girl." Then, he also walked out of the rouge shop.

  Looking at the two who left, Aunt Qiusheng sat softly on the ground, trembling all over.

  After a long time, she slowly stood up from the ground, closed the shop directly, and quickly left this place of right and wrong. Walked towards the house, to tell Qiusheng the news, let Qiusheng vent her anger.

  But she didn’t know that Qiu Sheng was interrupted by someone, and now she can’t take care of herself, so how could she vent her anger for him?

  (End of this chapter)