The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 211: The two are allied to each other

  Chapter 211 The two form an alliance, compete with each other


After listening, Xiongba laughed and said, "Brother Dugu laughed."

  "In this turbulent meeting, the master of the male gang will lead the master to teach high apprentices. When the time comes, the apprentice will lay down the world for the master, and you will be able to dominate the rivers and lakes. Congratulations!"

   Although the Dugu party was saying good things, he had another idea in his heart, and his opinions were obviously different.

  However, Xiongba obviously doesn't care about this. Although the two want to swallow each other's power, when they are not tearing their faces, they still need to think of snakes.

  "Brother Dugu, I have a suggestion that I don’t know if it is inappropriate to talk?!"

  Xiongba's eyes flashed slightly.

"what idea?"

  Dugu party also wants to hear what Xiongba thinks.

  "Brother Dugu, now the south is respected by your unparalleled city, and the north is the world will dominate. But whether it is the south or the north, there are some uneasy sects and forces.

  My thought is that Wushuang City and Tianxia would not as well form an alliance.

  You Wushuang City is responsible for cleaning up the obedient forces in the South, while I deal with the North.

  At that time, after you and I have dealt with these small hours, we will discuss the affairs of the world at that time, okay? "

Xiongba said in a deep voice.

  Dugu side looked straight at Xiongba, seeing that he did not seem to be false, his ambition was outlined by Xiongba, but there was still a trace of suspicion: "Brother Xiongba is really serious?"

  After all, it is the Northern Hegemony Tianxiahui that is proposing this plan. If you cooperate with such forces, you will be eaten even if you are not careful.


Xiongba nodded.

"it is good!"

  Dugu party laughed and said: "Since Xiongba brother put forward such a wonderful plan, then I agree!"


   Seeing that Dugu side agreed, Xiongba also laughed and said: "Since Dugu brother agreed, how about the follow-up things, how about we eat and talk?"

   "Okay, you can do whatever you want!"

The    plan was proposed by Xiongba, and Duguyi wanted to hear the detailed steps of this plan.


  Then the two walked outside.

  Of course, as the Xiong Ba, the dog-legged Wen Chou Chou, as early as the Xiong Ba proposed to entertain the lonely party, he went out to send someone to prepare.

  If he doesn’t even have this point of observing words and feelings, then he will be in his position today.

  On the other side, the dark hall.

  "Danlang, do you know what I am calling you to do today?"

  Mo Li sat on the main seat, looked at the broken waves standing respectfully below the stage, and said in a low tone.

   "The subordinates don't know!"

Duan Lang shook his head. He didn't know much about this mysterious hall master. He only knew that when he needed it most, he gave him the power he wanted.

   "Everyone who came to Wushuang City yesterday, I think you have seen it better than you!"

   Seeing Duanlang nodded, a smile appeared in Li Li's face through the mask: "I want you to go to Wushuang City as an undercover agent.

  Of course, this matter is completely voluntary.

  If you choose to go, after eradicating the Wushuang City forces, I recommend you to be the lord of Wushuang City.

  If you don’t go, then I will choose to send Qinglong in the past, then the power of Wushuangcheng will have nothing to do with you! "

   After finishing speaking, Wang Yu picked up the tea cup on the table and wanted to drink tea to moisturize his throat, but found that he was wearing a mask, so he put down the tea cup in embarrassment.

   Yu Guang swept towards Duanlang unnaturally, and sent that Duanlang was bowing his head to Cheng Si, and sat aside pretending to be all right, waiting for Duanlang's reply.

  Mo Li does not think that Duanlang will reject this proposal. You must know that Duanlang is a very ambitious person.

  This undercover job in Wushuang City is an opportunity for him.

  For a long time, Duan Lang raised his head slightly, looking at Mo Li who was sitting upright, said in a low tone: "Hall Master, I choose to be an undercover agent."

   "Okay, men should aim in all directions, how can they be fettered by a small dark hall."

  Mo Li stood up from his seat and said with a big smile: “Since you choose to be an undercover agent, you have to endure the eyes and chase of everyone in the world.

  There is always a sense of vigilance, after all, Wushuang City is not a good place.

  However, I believe you can do this job well, I have confidence in you. "

  Mo Li patted the shoulders afraid of breaking waves with his hands, expressing kindness.

   "Please rest assured, the master, Broken Wave promises to complete the task."

  Although Li Li was very kind, but Duan Lang did not dare to be too kind with Li Li, the main reason was that Li Li was too mysterious.

  During his time in the dark hall, he didn't even know who Li's true face was.

   "Go and prepare, if you have any difficulties, just tell me, I will send someone to cooperate with you!"

  Mo Li waved his hand to indicate that Broken Wave could go to prepare, because he knew Wushuang City would choose to leave in the next two days.

   "Subordinates retire!"

  Duanlang saluted respectfully, and then retired.

   staring in the direction that Broken Waves are leaving, Li Li's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he muttered to herself: "Broken Waves, don't let me down, or you will die miserably!"

  At this moment, Li Li finally revealed his original face, but unfortunately he was the only one in the dark hall and no one was here.

  It can be said that since Li Li came to Fengyun World, he has been suppressing his temperament, and he has not exposed it at all.

  Because there are many big bosses in this world.

  On the other side, in the banquet room.

  Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng, Qin Shuang are already waiting here.

  Xiongba and others took their seats.

   "You are welcome, just treat this as your own home."

  The master, who is the master, naturally needs to speak first: "The old man heard that Brother Dugu prefers fine wines, and happened to get some fine wines from Jiu Zhongxian recently.

  Why don’t we two have a drink together? "


  The lonely party smiled wildly, and said loudly: "It's a great wine to pair with heroes!"

"Ha ha!"

  Wen Chou Chou, standing on the side, covered his lower face with a feather fan at this time, and the corners of his mouth cocked: "Come here, tell Bro Lang to bring the wine!"

  Of course, Mo Li arranged for Wen Chou Chou to do this. Although Wen Chou Chou did not know the meaning, he would not ask him.

  Hearing the name Duanlang, Xiongba was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Wen Chouchou with surprise and asked him what he meant.

  Wen Chou Chou faintly opened his mouth, spit out two characters: "Young Master!"

  Of course, Wen Chou Chou did not say the words, only moved his lips.

  Xiongba naturally understood the meaning, and then stopped paying attention.

After a while, Duan Lang, wearing a white exercise suit, walked in with a pot of wine.

  The expression is calm, with a little arrogance on his body, and there is wind in each step.

   Soon he came to Xiongba and Dugu, Duanlang slowly put down the tray, and picked up the jug to pour the wine for Xiongba and Dugu.

   "Hey, isn't this person the one from yesterday? Why did you pick up the wine in person today!"

  Dugu's face looked slightly surprised at Duanlang, and asked the doubts in his heart.

"Ha ha!"

  Xiongba smiled slightly and said in a faint tone: "Don't you think Brother Dugu looks like a person?"


  Dugu party frowned, thinking back to who Duanlang looked like, and then he appeared to be a handsome man, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "Is it related to Nanlin Jianshou's broken commander?"


  Xiongba smiled, and said in a domineering tone: "Brother Dugu is Brother Dugu. This vision is sharp. At a glance, he can see that his appearance is similar to Duanshuai.

  This Duanlang is indeed the son of Nanlin Jianshou Duanshuai, who was previously looked after by the hall master of the dark hall and temporarily served as the deputy hall master.

  But, yesterday, this broken wave blatantly confronted the hall master of the dark hall at the meeting of the dark hall, and has now been demoted to the handyman by the hall owner of the dark hall.

  Now I am a man of tea and water! Haha"

  These words were deeply irritating to Broken Wave, and in a daze, he couldn't help but flicked the drink and splashed it on Xiongba's hand.

  Looking at the drink in his hand, Xiongba's eyes changed a little. At this time, he was in front of Dugu, which made him lose face.

  Wen Chou ugly standing behind saw this, naturally knowing that the male tyrant had gone out of the stage of outbreak, and just about to scold Duanlang, he was interrupted by Duguming.

  "Father, the male overlord, is it not a lot of fun to treat each other with only good wine now. Why don't I ask a few of the male gang leaders for martial arts advice and help the male gang leader and father."


  Dugu party turned his eyes at this time, a smile appeared on his face, and looked at Xiongba: "Ming'er has the heart to help us. For this, you need to ask the Xiaxiong gang leader, after all, we are guests!"

  Wen Chou Chou looked at the broken waves that were still here, and said quickly, “Don’t hurry down.”


  Duanlang has recovered at this time, and hastily turned around and left.

  Dugu Yifang watched the leaving Duanlang's eyes flashed with an inexplicable color in his eyes.

  Xiongba glanced at Dugu Ming, and naturally knew what they were thinking in his heart.

   "Haha, the nephew is interested, wine alone is not enough to cheer up. That being the case, then Feng'er, you come to learn about the martial arts of the lonely nephew, remember to end the points, you know?"

  Looking at Duguming's proud look, Xiongba looked at Nie Feng with blinking eyes, and chose to let him play.

   "Yes, master."

  Nie Feng respectfully saluted Xiongba, and then walked out slowly.

   And Qin Shuang and Bu Jingyun were looking at Dugu Ming, with some strange eyes in their eyes, wondering what this kid wanted to do?

  Wai Nie Feng and Du Guming stood in the middle of the hall.

   Suddenly a trace of anxiety appeared in the heart of the one that Dugu did not have, as if something happened to happen.


  At this moment, a soft cough came in from the door of the banquet room, successfully attracting everyone's attention.

  After a while, a group of Li Qi, dressed in black and wearing a black mask, walked in, looked at the two people standing in the center, and slowly said: "Nie Feng, is this better than giving it to me?"

  Nie Feng saw that the person coming was the dark hall master Li Li, and he heard Li's words when he was about to say hello. He couldn't help but hesitated, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes.


  Xiongba saw Li's sudden arrival, and his expression was a little surprised. You know, Li has never participated in such a meeting.

  However, now, Li Li took the initiative to stand up, and even though he was surprised, he nodded: "Feng'er, come down!"

   "Yes, master!"

  Nie Feng gave a salute and then retreated from where he was just now.

   "Who is this person?"

  Dugu party saw this black-clothed and black-faced man, his expression was a bit suspicious, and he couldn't help asking Xiong Balai.

"Oh haha!"

  Xiongba smiled slightly, his eyes turned to the lonely side beside him, and his tone was mixed with a little excitement: "This person is the head of the dark hall, Li Li, originally such meetings were attended by the deputy head of the hall, Duan Lang.

  Now that the deputy hall master Duanlang is demoted, he will naturally come over in person. "

   "It turns out that this is the mysterious master of the dark hall!"

  Dugu's eyes flashed strangely, and his eyes kept looking at Li Qi, wanting to see his details.

  You must know that Xiongba's arrogant and domineering existence was unexpectedly because the dark hall master came and took the initiative to let Nie Feng retreat. From this attitude, you can see Xiongba's concession.

   "Don't dare!"

  Mo Li looked at the Dugu side, and said in a flat tone: "Thank you for the praise from Dugu City Lord, I just rarely go out, and it is not as mysterious as Dugu City Lord said!"

  At this time, Du Gu Ming, who was measured by the side, walked out, with a proud expression: "Are you going to challenge me? Then let me give some pointers on your martial arts!

  It’s just a comparison for a while, after all, the hands and feet are ruthless, the sword has no eyes, and it hurts you at that time. Please bear with me. "

   "Easy to talk, easy to talk!"

  Looking at the teenager in front of him, he knew that he had molested Mingyue, and then he was castrated by himself. An inexplicable trace of killing intent flashed in Li Qiye's eyes.

  At this moment, the banquet hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at the two of them.

  Mo Li was dressed in black and black hair. He was not arrogant or sharp. He looked very plain, just like an ordinary person.

   While Du Guming's loose robe was pulled down on her body, her face was proud, her nostrils were almost upturned, and she felt like a dude.

  Looking at the somewhat arrogant Du Gu Ming, Xiongba smiled in his heart, and said to Li Li, "Mo Li, you two are just competing against each other. You have to stop here, you know?"

  Xiongba actually wanted to tell him that it would be enough to teach him a lesson, but don’t make too much effort, after all, the Dugu party is still here.

  Furthermore, Xiongba knew Mo Li very well. He had seen the murderous intent in Li Li's eyes just now.

  He didn't want to, just as soon as he formed an alliance with Wushuang City, he was killed by Mo Li and ended up slaying Dugu.

  Although, the forces of the World Society are not afraid of Wushuang City.

  But sometimes it can save effort, naturally it is better than effort!

   "I know it!"

  Mo Li arched his hands and replied calmly.

   "Since the nephew and Mo Li are ready, let's start the fight!"

  Xiongba smiled, and immediately raised his glass to face the Dugu party: "Brother Dugu, come, let's have a drink first, I respect you!"

  Dugu party felt a little uneasy, but he still pressed his patience. For him, he had never seen any Longtan Tiger’s lair.

  "I’m going to have a good taste of the good wine of the male gang leader, come, finish this glass, let’s move on to the next one."


  The two of them touched their wine glasses lightly, and the two smiling faces smiled at each other and drank it.

   "Good wine!"

  Dugu party put down the wine glass and exclaimed: "It is indeed the wine made by the wine fairy. Although I don't know what the jade dew is like, it should not be bad if I think about it."

  Wen Chou Chou, who was standing behind Xiongba, saw this, and moved lightly to the table, pouring wine for the two of them.

  (End of this chapter)