The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 222: Good faith deception, millennium magnet

  Chapter 222 Good faith deception, Millennium magnet (3 more, ask for votes)

   "Boom boom boom!"

   A knock on the door sounded.

   Mo Li frowned involuntarily, and said solemnly: "Come in!"

   Qinglong heard the words and opened the door and walked in. Seeing no one was following, he closed the door.

  "Supervisor, Du Guming is dead, but there is no message of breaking waves at the scene."

   Qinglong's face was not very good and said, he remembered that he personally left the piece of cloth, and this shouldn't be the case.


   Mo Li gave a light hum, his expression was abnormally calm, and he couldn't see any unhappiness.

   Qinglong saw this, without a word, standing aside silently, waiting for Li's reprimand.

   "Okay, I know about this, is there anything else?"

  Qinglong did not wait for Li Li's reprimand, instead he exchanged an inquiry.

   "Just now Jin Yiwei came to report that Nie Feng and Du Gu Meng were found in the woods outside the city."

  Recalling the content of Jin Yiwei’s report, Qinglong said solemnly: “Nie Feng was in a coma with Feng Wujian, and was finally taken away by Dugu Dream!”


  Mo Li's face was slightly taken aback, he did not expect that the plot had changed so much, and the two of them could still get together.

  It’s just that the current heroine has changed from Mingyue to Dugu Dream. It seems that Fengyun’s plot is really big.

   "Okay, I know about this, go down!"

  Mo Li directly waved his hand to let Qinglong retreat: "By the way, send someone to stare at Broken Wave, and if there is any abnormality, report it in time."


  Qinglong bowed and retreated.

  Only Li was left in the room.

  At this time, Li Li's eyes shot two gleams, and he said in a light tone: "Danglang, it's interesting!"

  Judging from the fact that Broken Wave took away the piece of cloth left by Qinglong last night, this kid's scheming is definitely not simple.

   is worthy of being the boss in the middle and late stages of the situation. It is really not surprising to have this scheming.

   "Go and stare at the Dugu party's every move, and report any abnormalities at any time!"

   Suddenly, Li Li said to the air, as if talking to himself, no one knew who he was talking to.

  On the other side, Dugu Meng planned to take Nie Feng back to Wushuang City for treatment, but found that Wushuang City had already been under martial law, and strict investigations began on those entering and leaving.

  At the same time, portraits of Nie Feng were posted everywhere in the city gates for wanted.

  Dugu dreamed of this and looked a little helpless.

  Originally, she and Nie Feng were the enemy, she could hand this enemy to Wushuang City.

  But, whenever she had this idea, she couldn't help but think of Nie Feng's way of saving herself regardless of personal safety, so she couldn't cruelly give it to Wushuang City.

  Dugu Meng didn't know that from the moment Nie Feng rescued her, she carved a deep imprint on her heart.

  In the end, there was no way. After Dugu Dream, he found a cave outside the city and placed Nie Feng in it.

  Looking at Nie Feng, whose face became paler, a hint of intolerance appeared in Dugu Meng's heart.

  She didn't know why she felt such emotions toward this enemy, but whenever she saw Nie Feng's face, her unbearableness increased by one point.

  Finally, Du Gu Meng's eyes were a little dazed, and his footsteps were a little sluggish. He didn't know how he returned to the Ming family at all.

  I didn’t even say hello to my grandma and chose to ignore it.

  Grandma feels a little strange, why is Dugu Meng so fascinated after going out once?

   followed Dugu Meng to the room, watching the lonely dream sitting at the table in a daze, grandma frowned and asked: "Meng'er, what's wrong with you?"

  "Grandma, if someone wants to save you, but you shoot him with a Fengwu Arrow, what will you do?"

  Dugu Meng stared at her grandmother blankly. Although she didn't say clearly about the injury of Nie Feng, she also came out a lie that was not bad.


  Grandma frowned, her eyes looking at Dugu Meng couldn't help but look a little weird, her expression pondered a little and asked: "What's the matter?"

  "Grandma, I shot someone who wanted to save me with a phoenix dance arrow in the forest in the morning. It is impossible for the person with the phoenix dance arrow to survive. What should I do, grandma?

  I really didn’t mean it, I really didn’t mean it"

  While speaking, Dugu dreamed of what Nie Feng would look like after an arrow. There was a burst of distress in his heart, and tears remained unconsciously.

   "Where is the middle arrow?"

  Seeing Dugu Meng like this, my grandmother couldn't help but feel distressed, and quickly asked the location of the arrow.


  Dugu Meng said cryingly.

  "How long have you been hitting the arrow?"

  Grandma frowned and asked in a low tone.

   "Half an hour!"

  Dugu Meng said with a little thought.


  Grandma nodded, and then walked outside: "Meng'er, wait for me, I'll give you something like that."

  Looking at grandma's leaving back, a trace of guilt flashed in Dugumeng's eyes, and she whispered in her tone: "Grandma, I'm sorry, Meng'er didn't deliberately lie to you!"

Soon, my grandmother's figure went back, holding a black object in her hand, quickly came to Mingyue, and said: "Go, Meng'er, take me to the person you shot, I There is a way to save him."

   "How to save it?"

  Dugu Meng did not get up immediately, looked at her grandmother suspiciously, with a doubtful tone: "The one among those people is the Phoenix Dance Arrow, there is no way to be saved!"

   "Hey, what do you know, you won't necessarily die if you are hit by Fengwujian. As long as you put a thousand-year magnet on the wound within twenty-four hours, you can **** out the arrow of Fengwujian."

  Grandma said irritably, with some blame in her eyes: "Go, take me quickly, if it's late, it won't be okay."

  "Where is the Millennium Magnet?"

  Dugu Meng stood up in surprise, looked at her grandma blankly, and did not directly lead her with her.

   "Then, this is it!"

  Grandma raised the magnet in her hand and said.

  Dugu dreamed of this, he grabbed the Millennium Magnet in his hand, and ran outside with a look of surprise. He kept saying: "Grandma, I'll go by myself, you don't need to go!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Dugumeng's figure disappeared.

   "This girl isn't waiting for me, it's true"

  Looking at the appearance of Dugumeng running out, grandma couldn't help but cursed with a smile.

  At this moment, grandma thought that Dugu Dream was running so fast because she knew that the Millennium Magnet could save people who were badly injured by the Phoenix Dance Arrow.

  Actually, my grandmother didn’t know that the Dugu Dream she trusted the most had deceived the millennium magnet in her hand for a man of a hostile force.

  Perhaps this is the driving force of love!

  Like Mingyue at the beginning, you can choose to leave with Li Li for the sake of love.

PS: Fengyun plot, please support, ask for reward, ask for subscription, ask for monthly ticket, ask for collection, ask for chapter review, ask for paragraph review, ask for book review, ask for recommendation ticket, anyway, all kinds of requests, Xiaobai thank you book friends again !

  (End of this chapter)