The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 223: Mysterious girl, inexplicable force (see

  Chapter 223 Mysterious girl, inexplicable force (seeking votes)


  Here, when Li Li was thinking about what to do next, he suddenly felt someone peeping at him outside, and shouted, "Come out."


  A clear and beautiful girl voice came from the dark, and then slowly walked towards the room of Li Li.

  Although he didn't feel any malice from the woman, there was still a bit of vigilance in Mo Li for the sudden appearance of the woman.

  Just now, if it wasn't for the woman to show her breath on purpose, he didn't even feel anyone peeping at him.

  It can be seen that the girl who came here is not an ordinary person.

  Can not help but guess the origin of the woman.


  The girl smiled slightly, her starry eyes rippled, Qiong nose was high, her face was beautiful, and she walked in with a smile, her eyes constantly scanning Li Qi, full of curiosity.

   "The origin of this person is still unknown, so let's find out the origin first."

   Thinking of this, Li Qiye's face was calm, and he asked indifferently: "I don't know who the girl is, what's the matter here?"

   After finishing speaking, Li Li looked away from the girl and looked outside the window, as if there was some beautiful scenery outside the window that attracted him.


  The mysterious girl suddenly smiled and stared at Li Li, and said in a flat tone: "This brother is so funny, I'm standing in front of you, why look out the window, don't I look good?"

"good looking!"

Li Qiye slowly retracted his gaze from the window, looking at the beautiful and unusually beautiful girl, and smiled slightly: "Girl, your appearance is really rare in the world, even Diao Chan Xi Shi can't compare with you, but these are the same as me. What does it matter?"

  Although I don't know what the girl's purpose is, Li Qiye is not worried that he will be disadvantaged.

  This is Li Qi's confidence and self-confidence.

  Although, his current realm is not high and deep, and he is incomparable to big bosses such as Moon Emperor Shitian, God, and Xiaosanxiao.

  But don’t forget, Lihui’s work is not simply martial arts, and his celestial master realm's mysterious Taoism, but it is impossible to guard against.

  Even if facing these big bosses, Li Qi could not resist, but it was impossible to kill him.

  "If Big Brother wants to have a relationship with me, I have no opinion."

  The mysterious girl smiled and said, her big talking eyes blinked and blinked, as if she was expecting something like this to happen.

"Ha ha!"

  Mo Li smiled slightly, and drank tea alone, not in the girl.

   Seeing that Li Li was ignoring herself, the girl frowned involuntarily, her expression seemed to be angry, her tone became much colder.

Immediately, the girl seemed to think of something, her mouth raised slightly, her eyes full of smiles: "Yesterday the big brother seemed to have killed Shi Wuzun in Wushuang City, only to take away "Tathagata Palm" again. Tell Dugu, what will happen?"

  After finishing speaking, she looked at Li Li with a proud face, as if waiting for Li Li to panic.

  However, after watching for a while, the girl was a little disappointed. Li Qiye's expression did not change at all, she was still so calm, as if what the girl said had nothing to do with him.

   However, Li Li was a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that what he did yesterday would be known so clearly.


  The beautiful girl saw Li Li like this, she couldn't help but let out a cold snort: "Don't think that I don't know your panic if you don't speak.

  Although Shi Wuzun is relatively wasteful, he has not suddenly been in a peerless state for decades, but he is after all a capable man of Wushuang City Lord Duguyifang.

  Now that you kill him, the lonely party will never let you go.

  Furthermore, you took away Shaolin Temple's unique "Tathagata Palm". I think if Shaolin Temple learns this news, they will not let you go! "


  From the girl's tone, Li Li heard something, and a smile flashed in his eyes, his tone was somewhat regular: "Hey, the girl seems to be very enthusiastic about the Buddhism technique of "Tathagata Palm"!"

   "Who is your sister, so shameless."

  The girl's face suddenly sank, she was quite dissatisfied with Li's provocative/teasing tone, her eyes looked at Li fiercely, like an angry little tiger.

   "Haha, the girl knew that I killed Shi Wuzun, and she even dared to show up in front of me.

  Since you are the children of the rivers and lakes, why do you care about these sections? "

  Li Li suddenly smiled, feeling that this girl is quite interesting.

  This woman was so courageous that she dared to enter the living room swaggeringly, and she pointed out that Li Qi was murdering, obviously without fear.

   But judging from the performance of the woman, it looks like a rookie who just came out of the arena, who doesn’t understand anything.

  This involuntarily made Li Qi have a trace of doubt.

  If a girl is a rookie, it is impossible to hide her perception.

   But if she is not a rookie, her behavior is so weird, it's really weird.

   "Huh, what do you know!"

  The girl snorted coldly, with a little anger in her tone, with a cold light on her face: "You can ignore the details, but you can’t ignore your verbal tune/play, if you don’t look at it."

  Just now, the girl suddenly thought of something, and quickly stopped her words.


   Seeing that the girl stopped her words in time, Mo was suddenly disappointed.

  Just now, he used words to run against the girl, just to irritate the girl and make her lose her mind, and then he learned her origin from the girl’s words.

  Unfortunately, the girl said that in the end, it was enough.

  "Since the girl thinks it is impolite to play, then I will give you a match here!"

  Mo Li nodded slightly to express his apology, but at the moment he lowered his head, a strange light flashed in his eyes, as if he was planning something.

   "Girl, let's talk about your purpose!"

  Mo Li's question is straight to the point. The meaning in the words is already obvious. It means that if the girl has something to say, if there is nothing to do, go there and stay there for a while. My uncle doesn't have time to accompany you.

  Mo Li can't detect useful information from the girl in front of her, so it's better to ask directly.

   However, judging from the girl's contempt for Shi Wuzun's words, it seems that she and Shi Wuzun are not in the same camp.

  However, Li Li’s intuition told her that this woman has a very high cultivation base and is now a master of the heavens.

  Just now, she had already found out the girl's cultivation base from the system, but the system did not tell the specific information.

  The system said: "Unable to get detailed information."

  This is the first time that Li Li has encountered such a situation. Whether it is the dominant or lonely party, the system can detect specific information.

  Now it seems that this system of my own is not a panacea.

   However, although the girl's cultivation is one level higher than him, Li Qiye was not afraid, because it was easy to defeat this girl with the means he mastered.

  But what makes Li Li curious is that the master who can train a girl is definitely a top master compared to the girl's master, at least in the late stage of the heavenly realm.

  Who is this person?

  Di Shitian?

   Smile three times?

   or something else

  There is no introduction to the existence of this girl in the original work. Who is it?


  The girl snorted coldly, her expression hung up with a sneer: "Are you guessing my origin, hehe.

  I don’t want to tell you, my origin, what do you think of me? "

  The words were finished, the girl stared triumphantly at Li =, the smile on her cheeks was like a flower, just like a blooming rose.

  蓦Seeing her so beautiful, the whole person was in a dream, and Li Qi could not help but be stunned.

   "Naughty boy, is this lady beautiful? Isn't she even more beautiful than your bright moon? Or if you divorce the bright moon, it's okay to marry me?"

  The young girl looked like a proud peacock, raising her head and staring at Li Li, with an air of arrogance.


   Mo Li heard the words, smiled slightly, his expression was full of playfulness, and said: "The girl is funny talking.

  Although the girl looks more human than Huajiao, but the moon in my family is not too much.

  Furthermore, you can’t throw away your wives, not to mention that Mingyue in my house is indeed no worse than a girl.

  This is really embarrassing for me!

  However, if the girl is a little girl, I can consider marrying you. "

   "Big brother, I am such a beautiful girl, do you have the heart to let me be a kid?"

  The girl is like a witch of ever-changing witches, and her face changes suddenly, which makes people stunned.

   "Although I can't bear it, you do appear later than the moon, and your age is younger than the moon. If I let you be older, people will gossip."

   Mo Li said with a smile, the smile in his eyes was even thicker, but his tone was extremely sincere, as if everything he said was true.


  The girl frowned, she couldn't help but let out a soft snort: "I don't care, I just want to be big."

  "Girl, although you look good and I am eros too, **** does not mean that you love someone when you see one. If you ruthlessly abandon your mother-in-law, will you feel relieved to marry me?"

  Mo Li looked straight, and said in a flat tone: "Furthermore, I don't know you yet, and there is no trace of affection, so I really can't accept you.

   But seeing the girl want to marry me so much, I’m not good at rejecting you directly, because that will hurt the girl’s heart.

  However, you will follow me for the time being, and the relationship between us will be cultivated little by little. If we both think that each other is good, then we will be together.

  If you feel that the two parties are inappropriate, separate.

  How about my proposal? "

   "I really have eyes but no gold inlaid with jade, blind your dog eyes."

  The girl heard the words and scolded angrily: "This girl is marrying you. It's really unreasonable that you are still pushing back and forth."

  Thinking about it, the rumors are really good, this domineering son is like his father, thick-skinned and shameless.

   Just talked a few times before, and never saw Li Li's eyes greedy. Instead, he saw that his eyes were clear. When she praised her for being beautiful, he was not flattering.

  "Since the girl is not willing, please leave!"

  Mo Li directly issued an order to evict the guests. To be honest, he has no intention of talking about the mountains with the girl.

  The girl seems to know nothing, she looks like a fledgling, but in fact, on the contrary, she is definitely a lord who pretends to be a pig and a tiger.

  If it’s not the inconvenience in the inn, Li Qiye felt that he would use his invincible power to give a good lesson to this ignorant girl and let him know the strength of his body.

  After all, the more proud a woman is, the stronger she likes a man.

  According to the worldview and values ​​of this era, when the rice is cooked to make mature rice, according to the three obediences and four virtues, she will either wipe her neck by herself or be his concubine obediently, and there is no other way.


  The girl saw that Li Li was like this, stomped angrily, and said coldly: "Smelly boy, wait for me, and I will come to you again!"

   After finishing speaking, the girl lightly clicked, and her figure exited from the room, and a few flashes disappeared in the inn.

   "Go to explore the identity of the girl."

  Mo Li took out a porcelain bottle, muttering a spell silently in his mouth, and then an imaginary shadow bowed in front of Mo Li and went away.

   "It seems that Fengyun World is not as simple as I thought!"

  Mo Li looked out the window, her eyes narrowed, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh.

   Outside the inn, on the street.

  The girl turned around and looked at the inn, her face was a little livid, and she muttered to herself: "I am a powerful character. No wonder my mother told me to be careful about the dangers of the rivers and lakes, and I must not be arrogant.

  Shi Wuzun, Shi Wuzun, you are really rubbish. After decades of practicing martial arts, you haven't practiced successfully, and you ended up in a dead end.

  Huh, it's a waste of mother's layout.

  But again, my mother once said that the person who succeeded in practicing "Tathagata Palm" is not a treacherous person, or a loyal and righteous person.

  Now that the cheats are obtained by Xiongtu, let's see how far you can practice! "

  The mysterious woman thought angrily, and then sighed again. Just now she wanted to shoot against Mo Li, but was worried about Li's martial arts, so she had a verbal confrontation.

  Especially Mo Li's body technique is unique. Even his mother doesn't know where it comes from, it should be created by Mo Li.

  And Li Li's teacher and origin are also quite mysterious. So far, no one knows where all of his studies came from.

  Although Li is the son of a male tyrant, he has not learned any kung fu of a male tyrant, which is really weird.

   Again, Li's swordsmanship is even more weird, so far no one can find out.

   is that after she used the martial arts that Mo Li had performed in front of her, she was still full of doubts and unreasonable, and she could not see the history of his inheritance.

  Although she had only the form and the essence, she could not comprehend the essence of Mo Li's martial arts, in the eyes of the mother of pedantic gods, she was inspired, and the martial arts cultivation base was even more advanced.

  In front of her, Li praised Li for being a swordsman.

  Know that they have been paying attention to Li Li for a long time. It can be said that Li Li’s every move is under their control.

   But even so, they couldn't find out the source of Li Qiong.

  【PS: Fengyun plot, ask for reward, ask for subscription, ask for monthly ticket, ask for collection, ask for chapter review, ask for section review, ask for book review, ask for recommendation ticket, anyway, all kinds of requests, Xiaobai, thank you book friends again! 】

  (End of this chapter)