The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 224: Unknown plot, rescue Nie Feng

  Chapter 224 Unknown plot, rescue Nie Feng

  She admired her mother's words and deeds very much. Back then, her mother could be said to have lived in seclusion after fighting invincible hands all over the world and understood the martial arts to the limit.

   hasn't appeared in the rivers and lakes for forty years, the world has forgotten her existence.

  The nameless afterwards, although it has become a martial arts myth, but in her mind, her mother is the invincible person.

  Anonymous is a vain name. The tiger-less monkey in the mountain is the king.

  I even felt a little bit emotional. If she was born in an unknown era, she would like her mother to come out of the mountain and clean up this arrogant fellow.

   Let him know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

   "Top ten martial arts?"

  The girl was both excited and confused, but she discovered that there was Wu Wudi's peerless techniques and extraordinary skills in Lingyun Grottoes.

  Suddenly hearing this amazing news, the restless heart couldn't calm down, and at the moment it seemed that he wanted to get a full picture, but he seemed to have some estimates, and he didn't take any action.

  That’s why she came down the mountain.

  The first is to make her pay attention to the rising star of Li Li, and the second is the top ten martial arts of Lingyun Cave.

  After all, Wu Wudi, the founder of the top ten martial arts, was a character like Wudi hundreds of years ago.

  For such a character, her mother is not immune to vulgarity, and she respects such a person.

I have heard from my mother that the top ten martial arts contained the essence of martial arts in the world. Wu Wudi created ten powerful martial arts, and after a battle with Emperor Shitian, he disappeared. It fell into decline.

  So far, the martial arts family has become a past tense in the martial arts, and no one cares about it.

   However, after seeing Li Li, the woman was no longer eager to go to Lingyun Cave, but wanted to stay and see how Li Li would plan in the future.

  The woman in black just now, Li Qi always feels weird, this feeling is extremely bad, but she also said that it was bad.

  Moreover, what made him more angry was that the system that had been giving high hopes suddenly became dumb and unreliable.

   was unable to detect the woman's information, which made Li Li's heart very irritable, and the sense of superiority that was familiar with the plot suddenly disappeared, accompanied by a strong sense of crisis.

  Before, Li Li could always rely on prophetic skills to ignore anyone in the situation.

  Even the big boss Di Shi Tian, ​​Xiao San Xiao and others, Li Li was not afraid at all, because he was very familiar with these people.

  As long as these people want to disadvantage him, he can completely avoid them by relying on the prophet.

  However, the woman in black who suddenly appeared just now taught Li the truth, telling him what it means to have cheats is useless.

  He doesn’t know anything about women, and women are really familiar with him, and even his hidden identity is easily seen through.

  All signs indicate that there is a terrible power behind this woman.

  The strength of this force, and it is extremely mysterious, it has never appeared in the original work.

  Moreover, listening to the meaning of the woman's words, this force seems to have been following him for a long time.

  The appearance of the woman in black is extremely strange and unusual. At this moment, Mo Qishen is very restless, always feeling that she has fallen into the trap of the woman in black.

  Although, the confrontation with Yu Zi's words just now seems to be a victory for Li Qi, but it is not.

  No matter how Wang Yu tried with words, he was cleverly transferred by the woman, without revealing a trace of useful information at all.

  The only message left was that Shi Wuzun’s "Tathagata Palm" was given by the strength of the woman's back.

  However, in Li Li's eyes, there is no difference between whether this news is there or not.

  Because, based on Shi Wuzun’s age, it has been at least 20 years since he got the cheat sheet of "Tathagata Palm".

  Twenty years ago, it is impossible to inquire now.

  I don’t know if this piece of news was deliberately leaked by the girl in black. If it is, the woman’s scheming is a bit scary.

  If not, this news is of little use to him.

  Now, Li Li can’t figure out whether the black-clothed woman is an enemy or a friend. What is their purpose for paying attention to themselves?

  What is the purpose of appearing suddenly now?

  The most important point is that the attack on Shi Wuzun last night was his temporary thought and he did not tell others.

  But the woman in black can grasp it so accurately.

  It can be seen that she has been following, but she can’t find it.


   Mo Li couldn't help but let out a sigh. This was the first time he came to Fengyun World and felt a little helpless, a little confused.

  The appearance of the woman in black was sudden and mysterious, as if there was an invisible hand controlling everything.

  But Li Qi didn't notice any clues, which showed the terrible hand of this hand.

  Who has such great power and influence?

  If the Guo is Di Shitian, it is unlikely, after all, is Di Shitian still enjoying the cold in the Tianmen Ice Palace?

  The magical skills he cultivated and his own problems have not yet been resolved, how to get out of chaos.

  What's more, what he is plotting is to slay the dragon, not the leader of the martial arts.

   Saying that she is Di Shitian’s proud disciple, the first iron confidant, but it’s not justified.

  Although there are similarities in Luo Xian’s personality and behavior style, it does not have the arrogance of Tianmen and the attitude of ignoring the world.

  Here, the Bai Luo I saw outside the city that day was obviously Luo Xian.

  He could feel this.

   But other than that, who will it be?

  The power of Wushuang City, such a small warrior, can't afford this great **** at all!

  It’s not that Li Qi looked down on the lone party.

  If the lonely party has this ability, it won't let the male tyrant be fooled even by his parents.

  Finally let Xiongba destroy Wushuang City, and even his grandma died under his madness and anger.

  What's more, Shi Wuzun is the guardian of Wushuang City, and his status is extremely respected. If a woman like this is a heavyweight, if she can't save her, I'm afraid that Wushuang City can't do it, and no one dares to shoulder this heavy burden.

  Besides, with the **** he placed in Wushuang City, it is impossible not to notice the existence of this person.

  Even all the secrets of Du Guming can be explored, let alone this mysterious woman?

  No matter how respected the status is, it can’t be compared to a young city lord.

  Thinking of this, Li Qi had gone through all the forces in the world, and could not figure out any clues.

   Immediately, Li Zai was not in the slightest of these useless things, and said firmly: "Whoever she is, if she is the enemy, kill it, why bother to hurt your brain!"

   Immediately, Li Yi flashed away and left the inn.

  After Li Li left, a black figure moved in the direction where Li Li had left.

the other side.

  Dugu Meng got the Millennium Magnet, and hurried to the outside of the city, trying to save Nie Feng.

  But what Mingyue didn't know was that there was a figure behind her unhurriedly.

  The skill of this figure is not shallow, and there is not a trace of breath following Dugu Meng.

   Soon, one after another, the two went out of the city one after another, feeling the cave where Nie Feng was hiding.

  Dugu Meng looked around at the entrance of the cave. After seeing no one, he walked into the cave.

  The black shadow behind her did not follow in, but stood not far from the entrance of the cave and silently observed it.


  Dugu Meng had just entered the cave and heard a coughing sound from inside, obviously Nie Feng was already awake.

  Seeing this, Du Gu Meng couldn't help but speed up.

   Soon, Nie Feng's weak figure appeared in Dugu Meng's eyes, and the darkened face made Dugu Meng's heart hurt involuntarily.

  She doesn’t know why this happens?

  But it's heartbeat.

   "Nie Feng, are you okay?"

  In three or two steps, he came to Nie Feng's side and carefully helped him up, with a trace of heartache and guilt in his eyes, and asked in a worried tone.


  Nie Feng just wanted to speak, he coughed, which directly made his expression even more anxious.

  "Don't talk for now!"

   Seeing Nie Feng like this, he felt very distressed by Dugu Meng, and quickly asked him not to talk, and helped him do it.

  "I first use the thousand-year magnet to take out the arrow of the Phoenix Dance Arrow."

  Dugu Meng comforted Nie Feng, and put the thousand-year magnet in his hand on Nie Feng’s wound, and at the same time, Luck Zhenqi began to absorb arrows.

  Nie Feng had difficulty speaking, but after seeing Dugumeng's movements, the corners of his mouth were curved, and there was a trace of relief in his eyes.

  In this way, as the true energy of Dugu Meng is continuously input into the millennium magnet, the suction force of the millennium magnet is getting bigger and bigger.

  The phoenix dance arrow inserted/on Nie Feng's body is gradually coming out towards the outside under the powerful suction force of the Millennium Magnet.

  As the Phoenix Dance Arrow continued to be sucked out, Nie Feng's complexion gradually changed from cyan-black to pale white, with a noticeable change.


   A crisp sound suddenly sounded, and the phoenix dance arrow on Nie Feng's body flew out of Nie Feng's body with a'swish', and it was attracted to the thousand-year magnet in Dugu Meng's hand.


  As the arrow of the Phoenix Dance Arrow was sucked out, Nie Feng suddenly spouted a blood sword from his body, and Nie Feng himself fell to the ground.

  Dugu dreamed of this, and immediately took out the prepared golden sore medicine and scattered it on the wound to stop the bleeding.

  Not to mention, the golden sore medicine in Dugumeng's hands is easy to use.

  As soon as it spilled on the wound, the blood was stopped.

  If Li Li stood here, he would definitely say: "Fuck, this golden sore medicine is so easy to use, it's even better than sutures!"

  Unfortunately, Li is not here at this time.

  After the bleeding stopped, Du Gu Meng began to bandage with cloth strips. After doing all this, Du Gu Meng sat on the ground.

  The sweat bead on his forehead crackled down, obviously tired.

  However, when he saw Nie Feng's face turning red/moisturized, Dugu Meng's face rose with a smile, and a smile of happiness appeared in his eyes.

  When I was treating Nie Feng just now, it was not as simple as I thought. Because of time, the arrow of Feng Wujian has begun to follow the blood and spread all over Nie Feng.

  If it weren't for Nie Feng's powerful internal force barrier, it would have spread all over the body a long time ago.

  Fortunately, fortunately, I came in time, and coupled with the powerful suction power of the Millennium Magnet, just in time, the phoenix dance arrow arrow that was about to spread was sucked out.

  This is a blessing in misfortune.

   "cold cold"

   Just when Dugu Meng thought it was okay, Nie Feng's mouth suddenly issued an unconscious *****, and at the same time his body began to twitch.


  Looking at Nie Feng's appearance, Du Gu Meng put his hand on Nie Feng's forehead and found it scary.


  Dugumeng's face suddenly changed. This situation is not easy to handle. If the temperature cannot be lowered in time, Nie Feng will definitely be in danger.

   glanced at Nie Feng, Dugu Mengdang ran towards the outside, wanting to find a doctor in Wushuang City.

  But as soon as she ran to the entrance of the cave, she looked a little worried about Nie Feng's safety, so she turned around and ran back.

  Looking at Nie Feng who was constantly twitching, Dugu Meng looked serious, gritted his teeth, opened his clothes directly, and warmed Nie Feng with his body.

  This can keep warm and dissipate heat.

  In this way, it wasn't until the afternoon that Nie Feng's body temperature dropped and returned to his normal body temperature.

  Nie Feng, who had regained consciousness, looked at the dream of Dugu lying on his body, and a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes.

  Although he was in a coma just now, Nie Feng could still feel that someone was treating him.

  Now it seems that the dream of loneliness is undoubtedly the one who saved me just now.


   Seeing Nie Feng wake up, Du Gu Meng let out a scream, and immediately stood up from Nie Feng.


   Seeing the beautiful scenery in front of him, the old virgin Nie Feng suddenly had two noses/bloods, and he couldn't help but feel a little silly for a while.


  Feeling that Nie Feng’s gaze was a bit strange, Du Gu Meng looked at him, and suddenly let out a scream: "Ah."

   "Close your eyes for me."

  Dugu Meng's small face turned red, Dang Even turned around, and at the same time told Nie Feng not to peek.

  However, when Dugu Meng turned around, a shyness flashed across his face, and a hint of joy in his eyes, just like a little daughter-in-law who had just entered the bridal chamber.

  Nie Feng heard the scream and reacted from dementia, naturally he would not continue watching.

  Dang even closed her eyes, she kept saying: "Girl, I didn't mean it"

"you shut up!"

  Dugu Meng heard Nie Feng continue to narrate what had just happened, and even shouted, let him stop narrating.

  At this time, Du Gu Meng wanted to have the urge to pinch Nie Feng to death. Can't you see this kind of thing as ignorance?

  Having to say it, it made both people embarrassed.

   However, judging from Nie Feng’s behavior, he was just an emotional novice.

  In this case, if you change it to Li Li, you will definitely not say that.

  Nie Feng's character can attract Dugumeng's favor.

  In fact, it is not just Dugu Meng, Kong Ci in the World Club, is not also fascinated by Nie Feng.

  In addition to the Youruo in the original work, he was finally moved by Nie Feng's behavior, and finally gave up on assassinating Nie Feng.

  If it were not for Li Qiye to take Mingyue away, four women would be fascinated by Nie Feng.

   As expected, the son of the first beauty in the wind and clouds.

   "Open your eyes!"

   Putting on his clothes, Dugu Meng turned around, and saw that Nie Feng still closed his eyes and did not peek, so he spoke.


  Nie Feng slowly opened his eyes, and saw Dugumeng standing in front of him with a flushed face, and said with a little embarrassment: "Just now."

   "You still say it!"

  Dugu Meng couldn't help but feel a little angry.


  Nie Feng was yelled at by Dugu Meng, and even stopped speaking.

  【PS: Fengyun plot, ask for reward, ask for subscription, ask for monthly ticket, ask for collection, ask for chapter review, ask for section review, ask for book review, ask for recommendation ticket, anyway, all kinds of requests, Xiaobai, thank you book friends again! 】

  (End of this chapter)