The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 234: Catch the gods, the hero saves the beaut

  Chapter 234 Catching the gods, heroes save the beauty (3 more)

  Mingjing is worthy of being the local snake in Wushuang City. He has come forward to appease the major forces and civilians in Wushuang City, and the effect is much stronger than that of Broken Waves and others.

  In this way, with the help of Der Spiegel, in only three days, Wushuang City restored its former peace.

  And the death of the city lord Duguyifang did not cause much disturbance in Wushuang City.

  Perhaps because he, the city lord, often has a relationship with the common people, so that he has no popular support in Wushuang City.

  Three days later, early in the morning, Li Qi quietly embarked on the journey.

  Leaving this time, he didn't alarm anyone, but directly used the soil to escape Qiaopin to leave.

  The reason for doing this is mainly to avoid the forces behind the mysterious woman. After all, her every move was under the surveillance of others.

  This time, Li Li intends to appear in the eyes of the world as a **** catcher, so that he can confuse the mysterious force and perform suspended animation under Bu Jingyun. Why not do it!

  In this way, Li Li changed into six-door costumes and began to pick up quests from all over the rivers and lakes to increase his popularity.

  Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

  In these three months, there have been several major incidents in the arena, all of which were about the apprentices of Xiongba.

  First of all, Wushuang City Lord Duguyi was beheaded by the special envoy of the World Society, and Wushuang City was included in the World Society. So far, the World Society has been unified between the North and the South.

  Secondly, Nie Feng, who fell from the cliff in Wushuang City, did not die. Instead, he was a blessing in disguise and obtained the inheritance of the Pig Emperor and others, and his skill increased again.

  Again, Xiongba accepted a maid named Kong Ci as his daughter, and married this daughter to Qin Shuang.

  It was supposed to be a happy day, but when Qin Shuang was getting married, Bu Jingyun suddenly appeared and openly snatched Qin Shuang’s wife.

  It happened that at this time Nie Feng returned and came forward to stop Bu Jingyun.

  In this way, during the battle between the two, Kong Ci stepped forward to stop him but was accidentally killed by Bu Jingyun.

  Qin Shuang, an official of the groom, was naturally angry when he saw his wife was killed, and Dang even joined the battle.

  At this point, the melee of the three began, and it was also the beginning of the three brothers turning against each other.

  Finally, Xiongba came forward to stop the farce.

   However, in the process of stopping, Bu Jingyun's arm was accidentally interrupted.

After   , Bu Jingyun threw a ruthless word and broke openly with Xiongba, and after revealing his true identity, he went out of the world.

  At this moment, it is in the pursuit of the World Club.

   However, on the way to be hunted down, Bu Jingyun openly massacred the entire Palace of Xia, for the ice of the Palace of Xia, and became the most wanted criminal in the world.

  No, this time, Li Qi went out to capture Bu Jingyun, this vicious gangster.

   Li, who is familiar with the whole plot, naturally knows where Bu Jingyun is hiding.

  Riding a horse, Li Li walked towards Yujiacun leisurely.

  Walking and admiring the beauty of the mountains, it looks very at ease.

  The road is calm, the peaks turn thousands of times, the green trees are back, the stream is gurgling, the deer drinks lightly, and the fish splashes.

  After three days, Li Li finally arrived at Yujia Village.

  Looking at Yujia Village not far away, Li Li did not go directly in, but stopped on a mountain not far away.

  At this time, at noon, he had already rushed for a long time, and his body was a little tired.

  Therefore, Li Li planned to stop and take a break, and he could have a bite by the way, before entering Yujia Village.

  Sitting on this hill and eating, Li looked very comfortable watching Yujia Village below.

  Although I knew that Bu Jingyun was in Yue's family, Li Li really didn't know where Yu Yue's family was.

  Going down for a while, I guess I need someone to ask for it.

   Suddenly, a loud noise in the distance attracted Li Qiye's attention. After fixed his eyes, he saw that five big guys were holding a girl and walking towards the distance.


In   , the girl who robbed the people, Li did not expect that he would encounter such an old-fashioned plot.

  Although he doesn't think he is a "good person", he still feels a little late for this kind of robbing people.

  After all, the quality of this is too low, if it is Li Qi, just go directly to the contemplation, and everything will be done!

  However, since you have encountered such a thing, just take care of it. After all, Li Qi is now walking in the name of catching the gods.

   Immediately, Li Li picked up a few stones next to him, got lucky on the stones, and hit the big guys.

   "Boom Boom Boom"

  Only a few big guys suddenly made a painful "Ouch" sound, and one by one quickly let go of the young girl, clutching the downed position, looking around with gloomy eyes.

  I want to go beyond the person who sneaks on him.

  After a week of patrolling, he found Li Li on the hill and immediately shouted: "Boy, did you attack us just now?"

   "Sneak attack?"

  Mo Li felt a little funny after listening to it. These scorpions were too high to look at themselves. If it wasn’t that they didn’t want to kill people, the pebbles would have taken the lives of a few scorpions just now.

   "You look at yourself too highly. If it weren't for my mercy, you would have died long ago."

   Li Li said lightly.

   "Well, you kid, you dare to take care of our "Tianxiahui" nosy, I think you are tired of living!"

  The one who seemed to be the boss hurriedly called.

   "Tianxiahui? Are you actually the people of Tianxiahui?"

  At this moment, after hearing the world, Li Li's voice became colder. No wonder the world has become more and more full of people in the past few months.

  There are so many bully guys, is it strange to have a good impression?

   However, what makes Li Li a little curious is how could the world accept these few rascals?

   "Why? Be afraid! If you are afraid, you will kneel and kowtow to Lao Tzu, maybe Lao Tzu can spare your life!"

  The boss saw Li's appearance and thought he was scared, so he said quickly.

   Mo Li said coldly: "Want to make me kowtow, I'm afraid you can't stand it."

  After finishing speaking, he took luck directly with his fingers, and then a sword aura emerged from between his fingers, and across the throat of the big man, a blood arrow shot out suddenly.

   "Ah, it's murdered!"

  The remaining few big guys saw Mo Li raise their hands and kill, they were so scared that they shouted one after another, and ran towards the distance.

  They are all existential hooligans, and they usually bully the people in the village. Nowhere have they seen such **** methods.

   Seeing this, I naturally knew that these guys weren't really members of the World Club. It was estimated that they were bluffing and deceiving in the name of the World Club.

   However, to Li's surprise, the girl who was caught by the brawny man did not escape.

  Looking at the girl’s complexion without fear at all, she couldn’t help but make Mo Li become interested in her, then walked to her and asked: "Girl, are you not afraid of me?"

   "What are you afraid of?"

  The girl said innocently: "I think you are a good person. These people are the ones to be killed. Why should I be afraid?"


   Hearing this, Li Qi laughed and said, some people said that he was a good person, which really surprised him.

   "Oh, I forgot to cook for my father."

  Suddenly, the girl seemed to remember something, and suddenly thanked Li Li, then turned and left.

  Just a few steps away, the girl suddenly stopped, turned around and said loudly, "Big Brother, my name is Yu Chuchu, thank you for this incident."

  After finishing speaking, he smiled at Li Li and ran away.

   "Yu Chuchu!"

   Li Mo Li couldn't help but froze when she heard the girl self-reported that she called the door, and murmured, "It's really easy to come by!"

   Then, as soon as he moved, he quietly followed.

  (End of this chapter)