The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 244: God will kill, then take off the veil

  Chapter 244 God will kill, then take off the veil

  Xue Yuan Yin was behind a big tree not far away, watching the frolicking of Li and Mingyue, and an inexplicable color appeared in his eyes.

  Remembering the way Li Li lifted her veil and put it in her arms last night, Xue Yuan's face turned red.

  Although she was very angry at the time, and she couldn't help but teach Li this bastard, but in the end she didn't let it go.

  It's not that she can't make a move, but she is reluctant to make a move, just like Li Li is a very important person to her, so that she is reluctant to make a move.

  This is a feeling he has never had before.

  Looking at the bright moon full of smiles and the appearance of being favored by Li Li, Xue Yuan couldn't help but feel a hint of envy in her heart.

  She didn't know what was wrong. As long as she saw Li smile, her heart would not know what was going on.

   Feeling the constant beating of his heart, Xue Yuan couldn't help but a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes.

  Xueyuan has an urge to pass, and wants to be loved by Mo Li like Mingyue.

  In fact, Xueyuan has been there since three years ago.

  Since learning the news of Mo Li's death, she hurried to the place where the accident happened, wanting to find out.

  Unfortunately, she did not see Mo Li, but a solitary grave without a tombstone in Xinli.

  At that moment, Xueyuan felt very painful in her heart, and she felt like crying.

  She didn't know why she felt such emotions about Li Qiye, who had seen both sides so tightly, but she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

  At that time, after Qinglong left, Xueyuan wanted to find Bu Jingyun to take revenge on Mo Li.

  Unfortunately, she had to go back because of the sudden transmission of her information.

  Therefore, this matter will not stop.

  In this way, three years have passed. Xue Yuan thought he had forgotten the man, but Li Li appeared in her sight again.

  At that moment, Xueyuan felt so happy in her heart that she had an urge to immerse herself in Li Li’s embrace.

  At that time, the scenes that appeared in Xueyuan's eyes were all the bits and pieces when the two met in Wushuang City that year.

  If it is not for the sudden appearance of God, something unpleasant happens, Xueyuan must have a good communication with Mo Li, in order to relieve the suffering of "not seeing" (lovesickness) for three years.

  For the character of the god, Xue Yuan knows very well. After she knows that the **** will return, she will definitely inform the **** mother Xiaoqing of the situation of Li Li.

  For the sake of Li Li's safety, Xueyuan had to leave early.

  After all, what kind of strength the **** mother Xiaoqing, Xue Yuan knew better than anyone.

   Mo Li's strength is strong, but compared with a figure like the godmother Xiaoqing, who has existed for hundreds of years, he will not be his opponent after all.

  This is not to say that Li Li's aptitude is not good, but because Li Li's cultivation time is short, and his accumulation is not as vigorous as these old monsters.

   Suddenly, a red figure appeared in front of Xue Yuan, who was the **** who was severely injured by Li Li last night.

  After he left yesterday, he found a place to heal his injuries. Fortunately, the Demon Body he cultivated, which was equivalent to a bug, was quickly repaired.

  Of course, no matter how fast this kind of trauma is repaired, it took him a whole night to repair the trauma.

   Fortunately, the injuries he suffered were not serious, and the sword gas pierced the palm of his hand.

   Otherwise, even if the practice goes against the sky, he will not repair it so quickly.

  After he recovered from his injury, remembering what Xueyuan looked like last night, he hurried over to look for it.

  As a result, after finding Xue Yuan's figure, he saw Xue Yuan's eyes looking towards Li Li, full of confusion.

  He is very familiar with this kind of look, and usually he looks at Xue Yuan like this.

  Looking at his beloved goddess expressing his admiration for other men, God instantly rose up the anger in his heart. He absolutely could not allow such a situation to occur.

  He must defeat Li Qi in front of Xue Yuan, let Xue Yuan see who is the truly outstanding person.

   "Xueyuan, do you like that man?"

  The face of the gods is cold, and the tone is low, and it is not difficult to hear the permeating chill in it.


   Seeing the **** will suddenly appear, Xueyuan Liuye's eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly, and a hint of impatience appeared on her expression.

  But when she heard the question from the **** general, her expression couldn't help but be stunned.

  Fancy Mo Li?

  She doesn’t know if this is a fancy?

  Because she has never loved anyone, and she doesn’t know what love is!

  However, Xueyuan knew that he seemed to have a special feeling for this man, Li Li, a feeling that moved his heart.

  She doesn’t know, is this just love?

  Because no one has ever made her feel this way before, and Li Li is currently the only one who makes her feel this way.

  Now, as long as Xueyuan sees Li and sees Li's smile, his mood will be happy.

  Perhaps, this is really love!

  God will look at Xue Yuan's affectionate complexion, and he knows everything.

  Xueyuan really fell in love with that man. Although Xueyuan didn't say it clearly, God would be able to see it easily.

  At this moment, the gaze of the gods looking at Li Li was full of killing intent, and the anger in his heart was about to reach the point where it could not be suppressed.

  I remembered that he was hit hard by Li Li's move last night, which made him appear in front of his beloved woman, and felt a bit of hatred towards Li Li in his heart.

  At this time, he couldn't wait to swallow Mo Li alive, there was an urge to eat meat and drink his blood.

  God grew up with Xueyuan from childhood. He has always regarded Xueyuan as his woman. It can be said that his love for Xueyuan has been deeply rooted.

  He is not allowed to be taken away from him by others. Whoever wants to take it away must make a plan to die.

  It can be said that the **** will have loved Xueyuan to the madness, to the madness.

  Looking at the distance and Mingyue's laughter and laughter, the **** general could no longer control the killing intent in his heart, and a powerful and substantive murderous aura immediately radiated from the **** general's body.

  This murderous aura slowly spread towards the surroundings.

  Of course, ordinary people can't detect the existence of murderous intent, they will only think that the weather is cold.

   However, such murderous aura can be clearly felt in the eyes of martial arts high-powered people.

In front of   , Li Li, who was walking towards the West Lake, suddenly felt the killing intent behind him, and couldn't help but stop, and a penetrating light flashed in his eyes.

  As soon as this breath appeared, Li Qi knew who his master was!

  The murderous master is the **** general who was defeated by him yesterday.

  He didn't expect that God will be the master who remembers eating and not remembering. He just finished teaching him yesterday, and now he is uncomfortable again.

  Does he really think he is a disciple of God, so he dare not kill him?

"what's happenin?"

   Seeing that Li Li stopped suddenly, Mingyue frowned and asked in confusion.

   "It's okay, let's go!"

  Mo Li smiled slightly and said softly, watching Mingyue frown.


  Mingyue nodded, and did not continue to inquire.

   visibly glanced at the location where Shen Jiang was hiding, a sneer appeared at the corner of Li Li's mouth, and then ignored it, and took Mingyue's little hand and walked towards Leifeng Pagoda.

  If the general is really uncomfortable, Li Qiye wouldn't mind squeezing him to death.

  He came this time, on the bright side, he accompanied Mingyue on the West Lake and the Leifeng Pagoda. In fact, he was to explore the mysterious space under the West Lake.

  After all, the entrance to the mysterious space underground of West Lake is just above the top of Leifeng Tower.

  I have to say that the design of this institution is really exquisite, and the entrance is set on the top of Leifeng Tower.

  If Li Qi didn't know the entrance in advance, he really couldn't find the entrance. After all, ordinary people would have thought that the entrance to the space under the lake would be on the top of the tower. This is simply an unreasonable design.

   Soon, Li and Mingyue came to Leifeng Pagoda.

   Looking at the situation inside Leifeng Pagoda, Li Qi could once again admire the ingenuity of the mechanism.

  Mo Li could not see any trace of any mechanism from within the Leifeng Tower.

  However, as for the ambition of the **** stone, he will not organize his footsteps because of this mechanism.

  As for why Mo Li wanted to get this sacred stone, it was mainly due to the powerful effect of the sacred stone.

  Sacred stone, ancient Nuwa Empress's heaven-filling thing.

  Lost and Wind and Cloud World, after many people finally reach the godmother's hands, the **** stone can not only increase the speed of cultivation, but also magnify the user's power by 20 times.

  Simply put, as long as Li Qi obtains the Divine Stone and performs powerful moves such as the top ten martial arts or the Flying Fairy in the sky, even the big bosses in the wind and clouds will not dare to fight him easily.

  After all, Li Li’s own strength is not weak, and with the addition of the **** stone, no one really wants to fight.

  Furthermore, as long as Li Qi obtains this sacred stone, he will not appear so passive in the subsequent dragon slaying process.

   "Smelly Moli, what are you looking at?"

  Looking at Li Li's gaze, she kept looking around, and didn't pay attention to herself. Mingyue couldn't help but read her little mouth, looking extremely cute.


   Mo Li smiled slightly when he heard the words, and looked at Mingyue's angry look, and said in a soft tone: "I'm thinking, in such a place, how did you trap Bai Suzhen for eighteen years?"


  Mingyue couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Li Qi would be thinking about this, which really surprised her.

  You need to know that the hobby of gossip shouldn’t be their women’s exclusive. When do men have this hobby?

   "Who knows?"

  Mingyue said lightly, she really didn't have much research on such a legend.

  Seeing that Mingyue wasn't asking, Li Qi smiled slightly and burst out again.

  The legend of the White Snake in this world has a different ending from other worlds.

  In other worlds, Bai Suzhen successfully escaped from Leifeng Pagoda and finally lived happily with Xu Xian.

   And the ending in this world has some source, that is, although Bai Suzhen successfully escaped from Leifeng Pagoda, she finally died in the hands of her favorite man Xu Xian.

  Two different endings, representing two different loves.

  One is full of joy, the other is full of sadness.

   Approaching noon, the two of them got off Leifeng Pagoda and walked towards the inn.

  I have been shopping all morning, so I naturally want to go back to rest and have lunch in an instant.

  Although it is ten tenths of March, don’t forget that Hangzhou lives in the south, and the temperature is naturally like midsummer.

  Also, the sun at noon is the most venomous.

  Mo Li will naturally not let the bright moon be exposed to the harsh sunlight.

  Back to the inn, after a simple lunch, the two went back to the room.

  Standing at the window of the inn, looking towards the West Lake.

  Looking at the rippling water of the West Lake, Li could not help but an inexplicable color appeared in her eyes, obviously thinking about how to enter the space below the West Lake.

  Mingyue saw this, did not step forward to disturb, but sat silently on the side, looking obsessively at Li Qi’s back.

  Can’t help but think: "Such a good man is mine."

   Suddenly, a white figure appeared in Li's eyes, it was Xueyuan who left yesterday.

   "Mingyue, I'll go out for a while!"

   turned around and glanced at Mingyue, Li Li said, the figure flew out of the window and chased in the direction Xueyuan had left.


  Seeing this, Mingyue couldn't help but snorted, but she didn't stop Mo Li from leaving.

  She knew that there must be something for Li Li to go out, and being a sensible woman would not stop a man from doing errands.

  If, let her know that Li Qiye is not going out to do errands, but to meet Xueyuan

  Will the bright moon break out?

  Perhaps, will it?

   Soon, Li Li caught up with Xue Yuan's figure.

  Looking at Xueyuan who put on the veil again, a smile flashed in Li Li's eyes, and said, "Ms. Xueyuan wants to see me, why can't she not be in my room?"


  Xueyuan's gaze looking at Li Li was a bit complicated. She naturally understood the meaning of Li Li’s words, but she was not angry, just snorted slightly.

   "Ms. Xueyuan brought me out this time, is there something going on?"

  Looking at Xueyuan's appearance, Li did not continue to adjust the letter, but asked straightforwardly.

   "Why did you come to West Lake?"

  Xueyuan did not answer, but instead asked nonchalantly.

  After all, with her understanding of Li Li, if Li Li hadn't planned something, he would never show up here.

"this one?"

  Mo Li groaned slightly, looked at Xueyuan for a while, and said: “Actually, I came to Hangzhou for one purpose and that is to wait for my destined person to appear.

  At the beginning, a fortune teller said that my destined person would appear in Hangzhou, so I came to look for it at this time. "

   "The fortune teller?"

   Xueyuan couldn't help but frown when he heard this, and asked as if, "What is the name of that fortune-teller?"

   "He, he seems to be called a mud bodhisattva!"

  Wang Yu simply fabricated a lie.

   "Mud Bodhisattva? It turned out to be him!"

  The name of the mud bodhisattva, although Xueyuan seldom leaves the West Lake, he also knows the reputation of the world's number one god.

  Nud Bodhisattva has never missed a life for mankind.

  Now, when I heard Li Li talking about looking for someone who is destined, Xueyuan could not help but guess in secret: "Will the destined person he said is himself?"

  "Miss Xueyuan, why did you hide your face again?

  Didn’t I tell you, don’t cover your beautiful face with a veil? "

  Mo Li moved his body, took off the veil on Xueyuan’s face again, put the veil on his nose, and gently smelled the fragrance on it.

  (End of this chapter)