The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 252: Yelling at the nameless, double swords d

  Chapter 252 Swearing Nameless, Double Sword Showdown

   Wuming frowned, his expression changed slightly, his voice a little aggravated, and said, "Young Master Xiong, why are you laughing?"

   "Why are you laughing? I laughed at you hypocritically."

   Mo Li yelled, he was not the least polite, stepped forward, his eyes suddenly became fierce, as if he could penetrate people's hearts.

  "You namelessly claim to be a martial arts myth, and open your mouth and keep your mouth shut is the safety of martial arts. What do you call justice to martial arts, then I will ask you, when Juewu Shrine entered the Central Plains, where is your justice?

  When Bu Jingyun led the martial arts people to invade the World Club, where was your justice?

  When you secretly help them deal with the world meeting, where is the justice? "

  Mo Li sneered, looking at Wuming with contemptuous eyes.


  No name and nothing to say.

   "If I hadn't arrived in time, the World Association might be history now, right?

  Look, look at the disciples of the Tianxiahui who died above this long rank. Their justice can only be repaid with blood!

   When Bu Jingyun and others killed my disciple, you stood on the sidelines, and now I personally come forward to suppress everything, but you stand up and take him away with a few words. Is this what you call justice? "

  Mo Li's words were sharp, and Wuming asked was speechless again.

   He approached step by step, his eyes became sharper, and his tone was even colder: "Don't think I don't know why you want to take Bu Jingyun away, you just want to use them to remove all obstacles.

  Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention your another nameless identity. You, the descendant of Di Shitian’s direct descendants, appeared here. I doubt your motives. "


   Wuming's face changed slightly. He didn't understand why Li Li would know his relationship with Di Shitian, but everything Li Li said was a fact, and he couldn't refute it.

  Back then, he was able to defeat the masters of the Eight Martial Arts sects. Without Di Shitian's guidance, he couldn't do it at all.

   And this time, Di Shitian arranged for him to come here. Although he was unwilling in his heart, he still came.

  I have to say that Wuming is a hypocrite who is not firm.

  I put my packaging high on the surface, but secretly I don’t know how many shameful things I have done.


  In Mo Li said that the nameless is the identity of the descendants of Emperor Shitian, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng looked at each other, and they could see the anger in each other's eyes.

  They realized that Wuming did not help them out of sincerity, but wanted to use them.


   Wuming did not speak, with a trace of killing intent in his eyes, obviously after being broken by Li Qiye's identity, he was moved to kill.

   "Anonymous, if you want to take them away, first ask me if the heroes of the World Association will agree!"

   Mo Li shouted loudly.

  Qinglong and other masters of the World Association heard the words, they all felt very happy. The countless disciples on the square raised their swords and shouted: "No! No!"

The sound of    shocked the sky, and the morale was amazing!

   Wuming's face became extremely ugly, and he couldn't figure out how someone would not sell his face.

   "It seems that you are determined not to let me take them away."

   Wuming's face became gloomy. He didn't expect that Li Qi would know everything and expose it in front of everyone. This was simply destroying the reputation he had accumulated over the years.


   Mo Li sneered, his eyes had a hint of sarcasm, like watching a clown.

   "What if I must take them away today?"

  Anonymous coldly counted.

   "Then it depends on whether you have this ability!"

   Li Li said lightly.

   "If this is the case, let me learn the brilliant tricks of Young Master Xiong!"

  The words fell, and Wuming's whole body suddenly exuded a shocking sword intent, and countless sword auras flew around him, as if there was life.

  Sword marks from the sword aura appear on the ground from time to time, which shows the terrible cultivation of the nameless swordsmanship.


   Mo Li was naturally unwilling to show weakness, a stunned sword aura burst out in an instant, and his body flashed and rushed towards Wuming.

  At the same time, he swayed a fierce sword aura, shooting towards the nameless like a torrential rain.

   "Huh, little tricks!"

   Anonymous coldly snorted, the sword power on his body exploded, and the sharp sword aura surged out, instantly crushing Li Qi's sword aura.

  He stepped on his footsteps, as if stepping on the void, his steps have been maximized by him.

  In an instant, he appeared in front of Mo Li, and a sharp sword aura appeared out of thin air, spurring at Li Li.

  This sword contains the power of heaven and earth, locks Li Li, no matter how he dodges, he can't avoid it, and can only urge the sword to fight.

The   Xie Xie Peach Wood Sword came out of its sheath, and a flying fairy sword aura flew out from the sword body, facing the nameless assault sword aura.

  Two sword auras of different attributes collided.


   There was a loud noise, and there was a shock wave on the square, and every inch of it exploded, showing how terrible the sword qi from the two of them was.


   Mo Li's figure flew down, Wuming deserved to be the former Heavenly Sword. Although this sword did not hurt him, it successfully forced him back.

  Of course, this is related to the fact that Li Li did not use the sacred stone, but what should not be underestimated is that Wuming is really strong.

  Plus, he is now practising the supreme swordsmanship of the sword sect, which is the return of ten thousand swords. Apart from those old monsters, no one is his opponent.

  Even if it is Li, it is not easy to defeat Wuming.

  Sure enough, there are no vanities under the prestigious name.

   However, it is obviously impossible for Wuming to take away Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng and others today!

   "I don't want to be your enemy, today I must take away Feng Yun and two people, and I will ask Young Master Xiong to make it easier!"

   Wuming said lightly.

   "I want to take away the situation and beat me, otherwise everything is forbidden!"

  Mo Li sneered, he did not retain the sword power at this moment, and the terrifying aura all over his body poured out, a huge sword shadow rose behind him, and a faint black shadow could be seen faintly.

  He is holding a magic sword, and his whole person seems to be a **** death, tyrannical, solemn, cruel, and fierce!

  The evil peach wood sword slashed out in anger. At this moment, Li Li used the deadly fourteen swords that he had never used-the sword of destruction!

  The pitch-black sword aura is rolling in, and it contains endless killing intent, rushing violently.

   "It's so terrifying. What kind of exercises did he cultivate? It looks like a magic method, but there is no evil aura in it. Instead, it always has the aura of death.

  Could it be that he cultivated the sword of killing? "

   Wuming saw this sword, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

  The realm of kendo is summed up by countless predecessors through practice.

  In the sword power, the power of hundreds of rivers, the power of a thousand mountains, the power of the earth, the power of the sky.

  Being able to master the power of heaven and earth is already the limit.

   Wuming is now in this realm, and has stopped for many years, has not been able to go further and comprehend to a higher level.

  Even after practicing Ten Thousand Swords and returning to the sect, he did not realize the highest level.

But Li Qiye’s sword technique is different at this time. He has crossed the threshold of the sword power of heaven and earth, but he has not broken through to the sword intent. He is born between the two, creating a stronger one. Small realm.

Is    really weird?

   However, this kind of savvy is unfamiliar and hard to beat!

   "It is worthy of being able to scare away the existence of Emperor Shitian, given time, this child's cultivation base is in the kendo, I might be able to call it a god!"

   Wuming was shocked, but the movements on his hands did not hesitate at all.

  The heroic sword swept through the void, and the sword power of heaven and earth merged into the body of the sword, and the gray sword aura lingered out, which seemed simple and simple, but contained infinite mysteries.

  At this moment, the nameless is no longer hidden, and he directly displays his kendo skills—ten thousand swords return to the sect.

  In an instant, countless sword shadows appeared on the void, and quickly gathered on the hero sword, like a sword of the void, stabbing straight away.


  Only hear a ding sound.

  The point of the sword directly points on the Xie Xie Peach Wood Sword, sparks sputtering, and the two bodies pause at the same time, and the sword force impacts.

  Mo Li's terrifyingly deadly fourteen swords were blocked by Wuming's Ten Thousand Swords Return, which made him a little surprised!


"too frightening!"

   "The sword that the governor just now is amazing, and it feels like destroying the world."

  "The nameless sky sword, the martial arts myth, really deserves its reputation!"

   "However, I believe that the governor who will win the final victory!"

  Xuanwu and other disciples of the World Society exclaimed again and again.


  At this moment, Qinglong turned his head inadvertently and found that Nie Fengbu had sneaked into the crowd. He took Bu Jingyun and Qin Shuang with him, planning to retreat by this opportunity.

   "Want to escape? Dreaming! Antang, Jin Yiwei, keep them for me!"

   Qinglong's face became cold, and he immediately ordered.

  All the world will swarm out with the Jinyiwei masters, crushing it aggressively, and the two sides once again fought in one place.

  If it weren't for Nie Feng's protection, Bu Jingyun and Qin Shuang might have been wiped out by these masters a long time ago.

   However, their situation is still worrying, they are simply defeated.

  Colors began to hang on everyone's body, and blood was constantly leaking from the wound.


   Mo Li's eyes flickered, and he sighed inwardly as he looked at the strangely unnamed person on the other side.

  The nameless Ten Thousand Swords Return to Sect is indeed wonderful, simple and simple, but it condenses the essence of kendo, contains the essence of kendo, and has a taste of returning to the original.

  It is said that this technique was created by the founder of Jianzong.

  A person who cultivates ten thousand swords and returns to the sect must be a person who is born with a "sword" in order to successfully practice.

  Furthermore, Returning Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect is a supreme cheat book dreamed of by those without mathematics swords.

  Wan Jian’s return to the clan is divided into outer family and inner family.

  Foreign family solidly refers to swordsmanship, and is divided into the original martial arts, Zong Yuan's skill.

  The return of ten thousand swords to the sect is the highest state of swordsmanship. Once the ten thousand swords are used, the return to the sect is like a servant seeing the master.

  As if to worship a god, when the sword moves, the unparalleled sword strength is born from the body, the body shape can be turned into a blue smoke, and the strength is diffused.

  Countless sharp swords fly like a storm. Flying all over the sky, the sword power is like a net, fierce and unparalleled, it is a spectacle.

  Neijia is divided into two parts: the self-generation of ten thousand qi and the waste point of Jian Chong.

  The self-generation of Wan Qi is a progressive internal force. Although a practitioner must first abolish his martial arts, he can generate a surge of sword energy in his body to help his sword, spirit, healing, and protect his heart.

   Sword Chong the waste acupuncture point, you must absorb the skills of outsiders to penetrate through your own waste acupuncture point, dedicated to defeat the enemy and protect yourself in a crisis.

  It can be seen that Wuming should be the outsider who should cultivate. After all, his inner strength cultivation base has not been abolished, so it is naturally impossible to cultivate the insider.

  It is difficult for many people to abolish martial arts, such as the Sword Emperor, such a powerful figure, known as the emperor of the sword, holding ten thousand swords in his hand, has not been willing to abolish martial arts for many years.

   is also like nameless, choosing to practice foreign swordsmanship.

  It can be seen that no one can be willing to give up the original inner strength and re-practice a technique that does not know when it will be successful.

  In the original work, Wuming was able to practice the inner swordsmanship. He obviously tried to practice after he was absolutely abolished by his martial arts.

  However, Li Qi knew that the nameless and inexplicable swordsmanship were not used, which was also an extremely powerful move.

  Inexplicable swordsmanship can infer the opponent’s swordsmanship, can easily discern the flaws of other people’s attacks, and easily break them with a single sword

  Furthermore, the inexplicable swordsmanship can also perform stronger moves. After Wuming fought against the Juggernaut, he evolved the Heavenly Sword, which made him famous.

  Thinking of this, Li Qi frowned slightly, and it seemed that he couldn't take the nameless without using some means.

  The nameless sword skills on the opposite side suddenly changed, and the unpretentious sword light suddenly became extremely sharp.

The   Heroic Sword smashed the sky, turned into a crimson sword aura and burst out, like a heavenly sword, cutting the entire sky open.

  "Holy spirit swordsmanship, twenty-two swords!"

   Wuming unexpectedly displayed the sword of the holy spirit of the sword master, and he is indeed a master of swordsmanship.

It’s just that the twenty-two sword he comprehended and deduced was different from the Juggernaut.

  What this contains is his own understanding of swordsmanship. Borrowing the power of the heavenly sword, the power is even greater than that of the Juggernaut!

  Holy Spirit Swordsmanship is such a set of magical swordsmanship. Ordinary swordsmen, even if they get it, they can only take pictures of cats and draw tigers, and cannot understand the essence of it.

  And true masters, after acquiring swordsmanship, will have their own different insights.

  Also, the sword moves that everyone displays are different.

   "It's interesting, it turned out to be the twenty-two sword in the spirit of swordsmanship!"

   Mo Li was not shocked and rejoiced when he saw this, the twenty-two sword that Heavenly Sword comprehended was even stronger than the Sword Master.

  However, the spirit of swordsmanship is naturally also possible. After acquiring Wushuang City, he obtained this set of swordsmanship in the City Lord's Mansion.

  He has different opinions on this set of swordsmanship. Since he casts twenty-two swords anonymously, then he also casts twenty-two swords to see which one is strong or weak?

  Instructions, in the same realm, the same swordsmanship, the final competition is only the will of both parties and the understanding of kendo.

  This kind of competition is very helpful for comprehending sword intent.

   Therefore, Li Li was very excited, and almost without hesitation, swung his sword to greet him, and the peach wood sword of the evil spirit enveloping the flying fairy shook the sky, and the light of the sword appeared, and endless phantoms appeared.

  The nameless power is the power of the heavenly sword integrated into the will of the heavenly sword.

   Therefore, his sword is twenty-two, magnificent and vast, like the sword of the sky, capable of opening the world and the earth, without power!

   And Li Li's momentum is a flying fairy's momentum that merges with flying fairy from the sky.

  Therefore, his twenty-two swords are ethereal, like the long sword in the hands of the immortal, with one sword coming out, the heaven and the earth will make all nothingness.

  Two terrifying swords broke out almost at the same time, shaking the earth!

  Everyone present was stunned when they saw such a world-shaking battle.

  The strength of these two people has reached the level of the best in the world, and the sword in their hands has become magical, just like the might of the gods, it is not something ordinary people can contend!

  Even people with weak strength, even if they just look at it from a distance, will be deeply shocked by the sword power, leaving an indelible shadow in their hearts.

  (End of this chapter)