The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 262: Mo Li Hualong, a conspiracy suddenly app

  Chapter 262 Mo Li Hualong, a conspiracy appears (the plot is about to end, ask for votes)


  Qinglong and others flew in front of Mo Li, shouting in surprise.

  Looking at the sudden appearance of Li Li, the horror in their eyes had not completely faded. Thinking of Li Li appeared out of thin air, everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

   "Everything is done here, take everyone and rush to the world meeting immediately, I am afraid that the next period of time will not stop."

  Mo Li glanced at the Tianmen people in the distance, turned his head and said to Qinglong and the others.


  Qinglong and others responded.

  Instead of escorting people from Tianmen to Beijing with everyone, Li Li chose to set off first and rushed to the headquarters of the Tianxiahui first.


  A few days later, Li Li rushed to the general altar of the World Congress, without disturbing anyone, and went straight into the secret room where he usually closed and practiced, leaving an order outside, unless he went out in person, otherwise no one would be disturbed.

   rushed to the World Meeting in such a hurry, just to do one thing, that is, to take Longyuan.

  Although he and Xiaosanxiao did not face-to-face duel, Li Qiye knew that he was not Xiaosanxiao's opponent.

  Now that you can quickly improve your strength, you can only take Long Yuan.

  He believes that he will come over to seek revenge soon after smiling three times, and he will never leave too much time for himself.

   Therefore, he must improve his skills to the point where others can look up to him in the shortest possible time.

  Originally, after he wanted to get rid of Di Shitian, he took Long Yuan to improve his strength, and finally became the first broken void in this world.

  However, it is of course impossible to take such a large Long Yuan Li, even if he wants to take it all, his body will not be able to stand the powerful energy of Long Yuan.

  There is not much time left for him. If he doesn't have the strength to stun Xiaosanxiao, I am afraid that everyone in the world will die by his hands.

  Only with absolute strength, Mo Li can shock the Emperor Shi Tian.

Immediately, Li Li took out the huge dragon yuan from the space ring, without any hesitation, he directly divided the dragon yuan into four, and directly put a quarter of the dragon yuan in his mouth, swallowing it. under.

  The other Long Yuan returned to the space ring again.

   Immediately, began to meditate and practice.

The skill contained in   Long Yuan is very huge, and fortunately, Li Qiye practiced Neijiaquan, his body was tough to a certain extent, otherwise he would really not dare to take a quarter of the Long Yuan directly.

  Be aware that if you don’t have a strong enough physique, taking a quarter of the Dragon Yuan in a short period of time will have to explode with the huge skill of the Dragon Yuan.

  Mo Li quietly digested Long Yuan's power in the secret room, and layers of brilliance burst from the body, and the breath began to gradually become stronger.


  Among the cultivators of Li Li, slowly passed.

During the period of Li Li's retreat, Qinglong and others escorted the strange men and strangers in the Tianmen back to the Tianxiahui, sealed all the cultivation bases of these people, and fed the ten incense soft tendons, which Li Li provided. Wonder medicine.

  In this way, without the antidote for the people of Tianmen, they cannot escape from the prison.

After learning about Mo Li's retreat, Qinglong once again became the temporary person in charge. First, he arranged for everyone to cultivate and provided the best healing medicine in the world.

  After experiencing this tragedy, everyone recognized their own shortcomings and began to retreat one after another, wanting to get closer to the next level.

  After another period of time, after the tyrant healed from his injury, he returned to the Tianxiahui.

  It’s strange that the tyrant who has always regarded power as life, he actually took over the power of the World Society, and instead went to a small building in the middle of the lake to cultivate.

  This matter made Qinglong and the others very puzzled.

   King Nie, who once had a grudge against the tyrant, also gave up the hatred in his heart and started drinking with him at Xiaozhu in the heart of the lake every day.

  Duanshuai later joined them, and over time, these three previous generations became friends.

  I have to say that sometimes friendship between men is as simple as that.

  A few days later, the bright moon, which had disappeared for a long time, also returned to the Tianxiahui.


After Mingyue came back, she didn't trouble Xueyuan, but wanted to take over the rights of Tianxiahui from Qinglong.

  This incident made everyone both surprised and helpless.

  In the end, Xiongba came forward to suppress the farce.

  Dragon Island.

  Since Li and others left, people have come here one after another.

  After seeing the powerful damage here, everyone immediately knew that this place must be the place where the vision occurred.

   Repeatedly inquired, all the spearheads were directed at Tianxiahui, the current ruler of Shenzhou.

  Some strong hermits have absolute confidence in their own strength, almost without the slightest hesitation, directly rushing towards the world.

  In their eyes, Li Li is nothing more than a dozen-year-old child. Even if the world is now unified, under their strong strength, the number of people is the most useless thing.

  For a time,

  The world will become a place where many martial arts people rush to, and they all want to get some benefits from the world.

some of,

  Of course, someone is contributing to the flames, and the purpose is self-evident.

  As time goes by, more and more powerless people come to the world to meet.


  They chose to live at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, instead of heading directly to the General Altar of the World Conference.

  They shouted slogans quite loudly, but in the face of the world’s number one power in the world, they really didn’t have the guts to find trouble directly with the world.

  What they have to do now is to wait for a strong person to lead.


   can force the world society to surrender the benefits.

have to say.

  Under greed, people can think of anything.

  A depressive atmosphere filled the world around the meeting. Everyone knew that this was the eve of the storm.

  Qinglong had long ordered to go down and let everyone in the congregation in the world be on guard to prevent some small chaos at night.

that's all.

   Ten more days have passed.

this day.


  The world will be sky above, and a dragon chant suddenly sounded.

  The powerful dragon roar shattered all the clouds above the world, and under the huge dragon, the beasts were forbidden to sing, and everyone was shocked.


  The world will meet, don’t leave the retreat.

   suddenly exploded, and then a ghost of the dragon flew up from the ruins and swam over the Tianshan Mountains, making waves of dragons.

this moment.

  People around the world have discovered the dragon in the sky.


   has a special meaning in the hearts of the Central Plains, it is a symbol of the ruler;

  Dragon appeared in the world meeting, is it to show that the true emperor will appear in the world meeting?

  All the people's minds have passed this thought.

After swimming in the sky for a while, the dragon flew back to the world again, landed on a palace, turned into a figure, and it was Li Li who had already left the customs.


  Qinglong and the others were full of excitement after seeing Li Li who appeared.


  The gang leader turned into a dragon.

  They are filled with excitement.

   "Okay, let's all go away."

  The world that Mo Li rushed over would help the lord smile and wave his hand, and then flew and fell in front of Qinglong.

  "Helper, are you a dragon?"

  Qinglong asked excitedly.

   "Hehe, I don't have Jackie Chan, I only turned into a dragon after eating its dragon yuan"

  Mo Li explained with a smile.


   Mo Li talked and laughed with everyone for an hour, then wrote a document and let Qinglong promulgate it.

  The content of the official document is very simple, there are only two:

   1. The world will decide to live in the imperial city, it is to become the master of the world, the time will be announced later;

  Second, a letter to the strongest in the world, warriors who have more than 50 years of skill and have doubts about the abnormal world of the day can go to the world to ask.

  But anyone who dares to act recklessly around the world will be killed.

  At the same time, order the warriors in the vicinity of the Tianxiahui to evacuate, or else they will kill them.

Once the official document was promulgated, the world was in an uproar.


  The publication of this official document is too strong!

  There is no room for negotiation at all, it is directly overbearing orders, who dare to violate, kill, kill, kill.

  However, many people are dismissive.

   Although there are many masters in the world, there are too many masters in the world.

  They will not live in the imperial city in any world. If they push everyone back, the world will be overthrown.

  With this kind of thought, everyone is holding a wait-and-see attitude and did not express any personal opinions on it.

  That is, even people who are curious about the world's "treasures" did not come to ask.

  But, this weird phenomenon will soon come to an end!

   Ten days after the official document is issued.

  Tianxiahui will help the people to immediately rush to all parties under the leadership of the major principals.

  This move finally made the world understand that the official document was not just talking.

  Therefore, one after another, people began to withdraw from the Tianxiahui, and admitted that the Tianxiahui is orthodox on earth.

  At the same time, there were also people who were curious about the treasures of the Tianxiahui, and they rushed to the Tianxiahui to ask questions about Dragon Island that day.

  Of course, not everyone is aware of the current affairs, and there are still some people who have a resisting attitude and hesitate to leave.

  Ten days, short or long, or long, passed quickly.

  Those who ignore the orders of the world begin to face **** butcher knives.

first day.

  Tianxia will help the public arrest hundreds of people, and then gather at Caishikou to behead their heads collectively.

  The flowing blood made the stranded people recognize the facts. They have only one choice, which is to obediently obey the World Meeting.

  Otherwise, it's just death.

  In the face of Zheng Liang's butcher knife, most people are behaved and no longer be hard-hearted.

  The rest of the people who want to be heroes, the way the world will deal with them is also very simple, directly use countless people to flatten them.

Half a month after the official document was issued, the strong men around the World Club had basically been evacuated, and the fish that slipped through the net were all wanted by them.

  The huge bounty makes them lead a gopher-like life every day, and they dare not show up during the day.


  Though these people had a very unsatisfactory life, they insisted on each one for the treasure.

  Duanlang and others will lead the elite disciples of the World Society to patrol the surroundings every day, but when they find one, they have only one way to deal with it, kill it.

Of course,

  In the beginning, some of these slip-through fish still did not believe in evil.

  They thought that Duan Lang and others did not cultivate for a long time, and how could their meagre skills be their opponents, so someone stepped forward to provoke them.


   just hit the muzzle.

  After the fight, Duanlang and others told everyone about their strength with cruel facts.

  So, after beheading several seniors who had lived for several decades, finally no one would provoke the world anymore.

  However, just to be on the safe side.

  Qinglong and others brought many disciples of the World Society, began to expand the scope of inspection.


the other side,

  Mo Li once again acted as a hand-handling shopkeeper during this period. He did not think that he would either accompany Xueyuan or admire flowers and chant poems with Mingyue, living a happy life.

Of course,

In the middle of   , Li also gave a small portion of Long Yuan to Xiongba and Youruo, and acted as a protector to help them digest the essence of Long Yuan.

right now,

  The two of them are already one of the world's masters and have gained a long life.

all of these,

  Mo Li was all carried out in secret, without anyone knowing, even Xueyuan and Mingyue, he did not tell.

  As for why this is so, perhaps only Li Qiye knows.

this day.

  Mo Li and Xueyuan were chatting in the Garden of the World Meeting, Mingyue came over with a bowl of ginseng soup.

   "Sanny, sister, come and **** craft"

  Mingyue said with a smile.

   "Yeah, my sister made something delicious, I have to try it"

Xueyuan stood up, looked at Mingyue with the ginseng soup in his hand, walked towards the pavilion in the garden, and said with a smile: "Sister, is it because the weather is not good, so I have to give the ginseng soup to this big bad guy? Make up?

  Aren’t you afraid of him doing bad things to you at night? "

   "Huh, stinky girl, I don’t know if I feel sorry for you."

  Mingyue let out an anger.


  A strange light flashed in her eyes, and her expression was a little unnatural, as if she was really shy.

   "Haha, elder sister, you are actually shy, don't you come here soon, elder sister is shy"

   Xueyuan's silver bell-like voice rang in Mo Li's ears, making him smile involuntarily.

   "Hey Xueyuan, if this is the case, your sister Mingyue will hit you"

  Mo Li came over and knocked Xueyuan's head with her hand lovingly to tell her not to talk nonsense.


  As a result, Mingyue passed the ginseng soup and took a sip with a smile.


   Perceiving a trace of abnormality, Li Qi glanced at Mingyue vaguely. Seeing that there was no abnormality in it, he hesitated slightly.

   Take up the ginseng soup and drink it all.

  Looking at Xueyuan next to him about to drink, Li Qi grabbed it and said loudly, “Xueyuan, ginseng soup is not suitable for girls to drink, it can easily cause irritation, let me drink it!”

  After finishing speaking, he smiled at Xueyuan and drank the ginseng soup directly.

   "Smelly Moli, why are you doing this, it was obviously given to me by my sister, huh, really shameless"

  Looking at the empty bowl, Xue Yuan's expression changed, a trace of displeasure appeared on her face, and her mouth kept muttering.


She seemed to think of something, suddenly turned her head to look at Mingyue next to her, her eyes became a bit sharp, and she said loudly, "Sister Mingyue, do you still have ginseng soup? Give me a bowl, mine was drunk by the big bad guy. "

   "Huh? What did you say?"

  Mingyue seemed to be thinking about things, her expression was a little dazed, and she didn't hear what Xueyuan said.

   "Sister Mingyue, what are you doing? I said, is there any ginseng soup? Mine was robbed by that big villain"

  Xueyuan felt a little strange, but she repeated it.

  After drinking the ginseng soup, Li Mo Li still had no words, his eyes kept staring at the bright moon, as if he wanted to see it through!

   [PS: Why does Li Li want to grab Xueyuan’s ginseng soup, and why keep staring at the moon? Is there anything unknown in it? 】

  (End of this chapter)