The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 268: Is a four-year-old baby really such a vi

  Chapter 268 Is the four-year-old baby really such a villain?

  Lu Buwei's various performances are all related to the growth of Ying Zheng.

  After all, facing the future emperor, even if he is better than Lu Buwei, he must choose to avoid.


Fusu thought for a while, looked up firmly, looked directly at Ying Zheng in front of him, and said with a milky voice: "Father, Fusu wants to learn benevolence and righteousness, and his future ambition is to let Qin's People, An'an"

  Fusu said that it was suddenly stuck here, and his expression showed a trace of anxiety. Just as Yingzheng wanted to speak, he finally remembered what he was going to say.

   "Live and work in peace!"


Ying Zheng nodded slightly, his expression unchanged, even when he heard the answer from his five-year-old eldest son, his face remained unchanged: "Since my son has such ambitions, the widow will help you find a gentleman in this area tomorrow. I hope you don't Live up to what I said."

After the words fell, Ying Zheng turned his gaze to Li, who was beside him. Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning was obvious.

  Mo Li looked innocent and looked at Ying Zheng, who was full of the emperor’s majesty, and slowly said, “I have many ambitions. I don’t know which one the father would like to hear?”

   "A lot of ambitions?"

  Ying Zheng said two sentences silently. He always felt that his second son was very special. Although he was young, he seemed extremely wise.

   "Then tell me, what are your ambitions?"

Li Qiye vaguely glanced at Fusu and the court ladies on the left and right. His expression had a hint of intriguing meaning: "Hey, my ambitions are rather ambitious. I don't want Brother Wang and the people around to hear, Father, can you let... …"

  Speaking of this, Li Li paused deliberately and didn't say all the words, but as a human being, Ying Zheng couldn't stand the meaning of Li Li's words.

   "Since the second brother doesn't want me to wait, haha, I just avoid it."

  Fusu, the little kid, felt that Li Li was a little funny, and suppressed the curiosity in his heart forcibly, took the initiative to stand up, and said loudly.

  In his view, Li is just a child's character, and he doesn't want to let others know the secrets in his heart.

  Fusu also has his own secret, so I naturally understand why Li Li is like this!

  I have to say that in the house of the emperor, four or five-year-old children have such a scheming, which is a bit scary.

   "Go down!"

  Yingzheng waved his hand to let him go left and right. He wanted to see what Mo Li's ambition was, why didn't he let others know?

  Looking at Fusu and the court lady avoiding, Li Xiaoqi smiled slightly, that smile appeared on his face, which looked very cute, and made people feel like a little adult.

   "Tell me, what is your ambition?"

  Seeing Li Qiqiang smirkly, Ying Zheng frowned, her sharp eyes staring at Li Qi, making Li Qi feel the air around him cold.

   Noting the majestic face of Ying Zheng, he whispered inwardly, this Lao Tzu is good everywhere, but the majesty is too heavy to make people dare not look directly.

  He sometimes wonders, why is his Lao Tzu like this in every world?

  Zombie World, Shi Jianyin is vicious, he is the big brother of Maoshan’s many senior brothers, and also the head of Maoshan. No one just rebelled against him;

  Fengyun World, his Lao Tzu is a domineering, this is a big boss full of domineering all the time, playing with the protagonist Fengyun in the palm of his hand;

  In the current world, his Lao Tzu is a politician, strategist, and reformer. He is the first politician to complete the unification of China, and he is also the first monarch in China to be called the emperor.

   247 years ago, he was throne at the age of thirteen.

   In 238 BC, the rebellion of Changxin Hou Lai was put down, and the power minister Lv Buwei was eliminated, and he began to dominate the big government.

After taking power, Li Si, Wang Jian and others were reused. From 230 BC to 221 BC, the six countries of Korea, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi were eliminated successively, completing the great cause of unifying China and establishing a centralized and unified multi-ethnic nation. Country-Qin Dynasty.

After the reunification, Qin Shihuang believed that he had merited the three emperors and five emperors, and adopted the "emperor" of the three emperors and the "emperor" of the five emperors to form the title of "emperor". He was the first monarch to use the title of "emperor" in Chinese history, so he called himself "the first emperor." .

  At the same time, three public officials and nine officials are implemented in the central government to manage national affairs;

  The system of enfeoffment was abolished locally and the system of counties and counties was replaced;

  At the same time, the same text is written, the cars are on the same track, and the weights and measures are unified.

  Strike the Xiongnu from the north and the Baiyue south to build the Great Wall;

  Build a canal to connect the Yangtze River and the Pearl River system.

  However, in his later years, Qin Shihuang sought immortality and dreamed of longevity, harshly ruled and abused the people, strangled the people's wisdom, and shaken the foundation of Qin Dynasty's rule.

  210 years ago, Qin Shihuang died in the sand dunes of Xingtai during his eastward tour.

  Although his life is short, it is full of magic.

  Although this world is not in official history, and he has not yet pro-government, Yingzheng is after all Yingzheng. The future emperor, no matter in that world, can't hide his brilliance.

   Hearing Ying Zheng’s question, Mo Li thought about it, his eyes narrowed slightly, a gleam of light flashed, and he said: "Father, there are only you and me here, so let me talk about the big ideal first!"

Seeing that Yingzheng has not changed at all, Li Li continued: "The big ideal is to destroy the six countries, unify China, and end this troubled world."


  Hearing this, Ying Zheng finally got a hint of interest. He didn't expect that Li Qi would have such an ideal, and he felt like he coincided with him.

"go on!"

  Ying Zheng motioned to Li to continue. He wanted to hear Li said this, whether someone was pointing from behind, or he thought it out.

  This is very important in Ying Zheng's view!

  "To fight outside, you must first settle inside!"

  Mo Li said lightly.

  As soon as he said this, Li Li felt his whole body cold instantly, as if he was in the twelfth lunar month of winter, and even his cultivation in the innate realm could not withstand this cold.

  He knew that this chill came from Ying Zheng.

  Although Mo Li only said six words, the meaning of it was extraordinary.

  Over the years, Ying Zheng has always wanted to regain the power that should belong to him from Lu Buwei, but has never had a chance.

   Today, Li Li suddenly said this, and he had to make him feel suspicious.

  You must know that no matter how talented you are, you can't make such a statement, but it is obvious that a four-year-old child cannot speak such words.

   Is this sentence a temptation, or something else?

  Ying Zheng never knew.

  But one thing is certain, his plan to be pro-government may already be known to others.

"carry on!"

   Soon, Ying Zheng calmed down. It seemed that he warned himself in his heart every moment, not to have any ups and downs in his expression.

   "Qin, surnamed Ying, not surnamed Lu!"

  Mo Li didn't say anything else, he said six words straight, but the scene became quiet again.

for a long time.

  Ying Zheng broke the calm, he directly changed the subject and asked: "What are the other ambitions?"

  Although he doesn't know why Li Li would say such words, one thing is certain, that is, the people behind Li Li are sending some kind of information to him.

  "The second ambition, in the eyes of the father, may be a little bit correct!"

  Speaking of this, Li Li paused, Yu Guang glanced at Ying Zheng and saw that his expression had not changed at all, so he continued: "I want to study all the beauties in the world!"


   Ying Zheng's expression became cold. He didn't expect that Li Li's final ambition turned out to be this, and his calming expression changed again.

  Perhaps Ying Zheng didn't even know. From the beginning of his dialogue with Li Li, all the so-called Qi cultivation skills failed, which completely left him in a fluctuating expression.

   "Why study women?"

   Ying Zheng asked.

Li Qi glanced around and made sure that there were no other people around, and then lowered his voice slightly: "Because the maid sisters are different, I found that Brother Fusu's maid sisters can't help flying, and there is a small little **** his arm. The spider looks good, but my maid sister doesn’t have one."

As soon as Mo Li's words fell, Ying Zheng's expression suddenly changed, no longer the color of the ice cave, and became quite fierce, like a wolf in the forest, and his hands hidden under the black robe couldn't help being clenched.

   Turning his head and staring outside, looking at the direction Fusu was leaving, Ying Zheng was very angry.

  As the king of the Qin Kingdom, he naturally knew what Li Qi said that the palace lady could fly, and what it means to have spiders on her body!

  Spider tattoos, Qin's weapon!

  It, across the seven countries.

  The killer organization that has turned countless people talked about-the symbol of the net!

  Luo Net, currently controlled by Qin Guoxiangguo Lu Buwei.

  Now, the trapped people appear next to Fusu and Yingxuan, and the meaning inside is self-evident!

  There are people who are trapped in the court, Ying Zhengyan can not be angry!

  Mo Li instantly jumped up with goose bumps, as if being topped by some beast, the whole person was like falling into an ice cave, hands, feet, and upper and lower teeth were shaking quickly.

   "Fuck, this cheap old man is so scary, he bursts out of temper at every turn, no wonder someone will treat him as a tyrant in the future, who can bear such a temper."

  Don't whisper secretly in the middle of centrifugation.

   However, Li Li is no ordinary person after all.

Although the feeling that Ying Zheng gave him was terrible, he had the feeling of facing a sea of ​​corpses, but Li Li had also been the Lord of the World, and naturally he would not really be afraid of him.

  It’s because the emperor's prestige is too prosperous, which leads to Li Li.

  After a while.

  Ying Zheng glanced at Mo Li, his eyes were like thunder and wind!

  Mo Li does not have the slightest fear to face Yingzheng. Every time he meets, Mo Li will be moved by the natural majesty of Yingzheng, but it does not mean fear.

  Mo Li believed from beginning to end that he could communicate with Ying Zheng on an equal footing!

  Yingzheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

  In Daqin, even the veterans fighting on the battlefield could not stare at him so much, but Li could not let the wind fall.

   is particularly difficult.

   Seeing Li Li like this, there was an inexplicable color in Ying Zheng's eyes.


   Ying Zheng took a slight breath, and adjusted his expression extremely quickly to the appearance of Gujing Wubo, and immediately let go of his clenched hands, as if the person who had just been furious was not him at all.

  This kind of disposition, Li Qiye secretly admires it when he sees it.

  You must know that Yingzheng is now at a healthy age. Being able to control anger in this way is destined to be a big business.

  In fact, this is why Li Li asked Fusu to leave with the others.

  Ying Zheng looked at the weak figure in front of him, his face was calm, not knowing what he was thinking?

   "What did you say to you just now?"

   Suddenly, Ying Zheng’s voice was also suppressed very low, his expression was very cold, and there was no ups and downs in his words, like a machine, with monstrous majesty, almost pressing on Li Qi’s body.

  Looking at what Ying Zheng showed, Li Qi wanted to laugh a little.

  He was a little weird just now, why does this cheap old man's face change when he says it changes?

  It turned out to be suspected that someone was teaching himself in secret, and deliberately told Ying Zheng such a thing through himself?

  But this is also normal. Almost everyone knows that Ying Zhengsheng is suspicious.

Li Li sat down cross-legged again, sorted out his thoughts, looked at the young Ying Zheng in front of him, and slowly said: "Father, you have been on the throne at the age of thirteen. To rule the people of the world, as your second son, I will naturally pay attention to events in the DPRK."


   Listening to Li Li's explanation, Ying Zheng looked at Li Li directly, he wanted to see why he had a son like a monster?

  A four-year-old child!

Why is    so smart?

  Is it true that as Li Moli said, he inherited his gene from me?

  You should know that the average child learns words at one year old and learns to walk around one and a half years old.

   But what about Li?

   Can actually tell that the four-year-old sees through the disputes in the Qin Court nowadays?

  This makes Yingzheng still unacceptable. Is there really such a child prodigy?

  He himself ascended to the throne at the age of thirteen. This is related to his childhood experience in Zhao State.

  Those unbearable past events have indeed made him a lot earlier than ordinary children, but he has not reached such an outrageous level as Li Li!

  Smart, when he was four years old, he could not break the chaos in the court!

  That’s why Ying Zheng doubted, there is a mysterious person behind Li Li!

  Everything that is said now is what someone is teaching him to achieve what purpose!

   Seeing Yingzheng’s eyes, Mo Li naturally knew what Yingzheng was thinking?

   "Father is not early, and my son thinks that you should go back to the palace, otherwise it won't be good to attract some caring people's attention!

  If you want to talk in detail, then talk again by looking for the name of Mr. Erchen. "

   Realizing that someone outside is already eager to try, Li Qiye kindly reminded him.


  Ying Zheng’s pupils shook, and he naturally understood what Li Qi was talking about!

  But what made him a little relieved was that he seemed to see himself in the country of Zhao in Li Li.

  Mature, composure, calmness, etc., things that shouldn't belong to youth, all appeared in him.

  However, Li Li in front of him is far away from what he thought when he was young, and he had to be considerate.

  It can be said that most things have been considered!

  However, Ying Zheng is still more real, and even if he sees the reappearance of his shadow on the second son, he still can’t let go of doubt.

   "Okay, the widow asks you, at this moment, who is the most threatening among the Qin Palace?"


  Yinxuan hardly thought about it, and blurted out a word.

  In the eyes of Li Li, the biggest enemy of Yingzheng is indeed Lu Buwei, who is in power.

  But what Ying Zheng asked was who was the biggest enemy in the palace, not the court.

  Of course, this will not be Lu Buwei.

  After all, it was late, and Lu Buwei deliberately avoided Ying Zheng, at this time Lu Buwei would naturally not appear in the palace.

  Since Lu Buwei is not here, the biggest enemy is naturally the relatives of the Chu family headed by Mrs. Hua Yang.


   refers to Mrs. Huayang, whose surname is Xiong!

  (End of this chapter)